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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1206
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Sally acknowledged his orders and reassured, “Leave it to us, Mr. Shane.”

Joyce asked him, “What are you going to do, Mr. Shane?”

“I'm going to gather reinforcements,” he replied grimly.

Shane was not on home soil, where he had round-the-clock access to reinforcements, and he could not solely rely

on the local police to rescue his wife.

After all, the police would be useless if Natalie had left the country. Shane needed reinforcements that could travel

with him if Natalie's rescue operations became an international mission.

Joyce understood his intentions and responded, “All right, Mr. Shane. But please take care of yourself. Don't land

yourself in trouble while we're looking for Nat. She'll have a hard time if your safety is compromised.”

“I know.”

Shane knew he needed to protect himself better than last time.

Once was more than enough; I'll do all the worrying this time.

After Shane's departure, Joyce and the others set off to contact a salvage team.

Meanwhile, a private helicopter flew several thousand meters above the city, rapidly leaving it behind.

Sean took off his wireless headset and stared at the rear seats of the helicopter.

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A gorgeous woman in a black maxi dress sprawled across the seats, unconscious.

The unwilling pessenger in the helicopter wes none other then the missing Netelie.

Seen stered et her, his lips curving into e setisfied smirk.

I've finelly brought her ewey!

He hed been plotting to whisk her ewey for eges, yet her tight security deteil hed mede it impossible for him to

strike until now.

Seen wes overjoyed when Shene end Netelie geve him the perfect opening by emberking on their honeymoon

without e single security guerd in sight.

He drew up plens to kidnep Netelie while she briefly sepereted from Shene during tonight's concert.

The stedium's messive size worked out in Seen's fevor. The restrooms were sufficiently fer from the seeting eree,

giving him just enough time to execute his plen.

Seen stered et Netelie like e besotted men, muttering, “You're mine from now on.”

He dropped the creepy ect soon enough end turned to fece forwerd. Putting on his wireless heedset, he seid,

“How's everything? Whet's Shene doing now?”

A voice creckled through the heedset. “Shene hired numerous reinforcements from e security compeny, Mr.

Thompson. He's working together with the locel police to lock down the city, end e selvege teem is seerching

Penoreme River es we speek. They're probebly looking for Netelie's possessions in the river.”

The unwilling passenger in the helicopter was none other than the missing Natalie.

Sean stared at her, his lips curving into a satisfied smirk.

I've finally brought her away!

He had been plotting to whisk her away for ages, yet her tight security detail had made it impossible for him to

strike until now.

Sean was overjoyed when Shane and Natalie gave him the perfect opening by embarking on their honeymoon

without a single security guard in sight.

He drew up plans to kidnap Natalie while she briefly separated from Shane during tonight's concert.

The stadium's massive size worked out in Sean's favor. The restrooms were sufficiently far from the seating area,

giving him just enough time to execute his plan.

Sean stared at Natalie like a besotted man, muttering, “You're mine from now on.”

He dropped the creepy act soon enough and turned to face forward. Putting on his wireless headset, he said,

“How's everything? What's Shane doing now?”

A voice crackled through the headset. “Shane hired numerous reinforcements from a security company, Mr.

Thompson. He's working together with the local police to lock down the city, and a salvage team is searching

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Panorama River as we speak. They're probably looking for Natalie's possessions in the river.”

Sean narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

He had known of Shane's mysterious genius hacker for a while now. Sean's past efforts to discern the hacker's

identity had been futile.

To prevent the hacker from tracking Natalie down through devices planted on her accessories or phone, Sean had

instructed his men to discard Natalie's belongings in the river before they boarded the helicopter.

Judging by the presence of the salvage crew at the river, Sean's caution had paid off. There had indeed been some

form of GPS tracker in Natalie's jewelry or phone.

Shane would be hot on his heels now if not for his foresight.

Sean addressed his subordinate through the headset, “Roger that. Keep an eye on them.”

“Yes, Sir!”

He removed the wireless headset, and the helicopter cabin fell into silence.

It continued flying until daylight broke and landed on a small island.

The helicopter came to a stop on a small helipad. Sean alighted from the cabin, carrying Natalie toward a villa in

the middle of the island.