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Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 132 Cat Dad in Pangu Church’s Headquarters Dungeon (7)
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Chapter 132 – Cat Dad in Pangu Church’s Headquarters Dungeon (7)


Xiaomao was excited. As long as he could publish the dungeon’s location, players would constantly raid this place and weaken the Pangu Church in the process, buying more time for Cernun and the Mermaid Kingdom to amass their army.

He checked how Bush Cox and Meng Xin were doing. Fortunately, no mob could hurt Meng Xin at the moment, and he seemed skillful enough to handle Zhao Fei for a while.

As Xiaomao had nothing else to lose, he conjured the quick spell.


Some cultists heard Xiaomao’s voice. They glanced at the stairs, but they didn’t take up stances or prepare for battles.




Twenty cultists were caught on fire, and their robes were burnt. They screamed in pain as they suffered from the [Burn] abnormal status, causing their HP to decrease over time.

However, the level-200 priests and cultists had high HP. Their HP bars only decreased by 15% even though the firepower output could have easily one-shotted most players in Xiaomao’s level range.

As Xiaomao started attacking, some cultists turned around and drew their weapons. Although they had the same names, each cultist carried a different weapon – Swords, wands, and bows.

Unperturbed, Xiaomao hopped on his flying sword and brought out the super rare staff. Like the wind, the flying sword charged directly at the crowd.

The cultists and priests were taken aback. The archers and mages ran away from Xiaomao while swordsmen and spearmen took a defensive stance.

Seeing how these NPCs reacted, Xiaomao thought of the Hegemony Patch A.I.’s behavior. He pushed the tip of the sword hilt, forcing the flying sword to fly upward.

Xiaomao avoided the direct confrontation with the NPCs. His free tentacle arms brought out a common level-100 crossbow that he got from Marcus’s friends and pointed down..

One Man Thousand Arrow!

A thousand crossbow bolts rained upon the praying cultists and priests. Some of them suffered 4,000ish critical damage, which was not enough to kill them. Although it was not enough to kill them, the pentagram array dimmed because of the interruption and distraction.


As Xiaomao ran out of AOE spells and skills to attack every cultist here, he decided to conjure Lightning Storm even though they were in the underground dungeon.

He had never used this spell in the underground terrain before. Moreover, no player revealed the traits of this spell in his previous life as not many players had this spell.

Fortunately, black clouds gathered on the ceiling of the B5 ritual room. A thunderstorm brewed and caused strong wind, extinguishing most candles at once.

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Again, the Pentagram Array and the light dimmed. Even cultists and priests could no longer sit still.

Because of the repeated distractions, all thousand cultists and priests stopped praying and brought out their weapons, preparing to kill Xiaomao.

Meanwhile, Xiaomao sensed a chill running down his spine. His sixth sense cried that summoning a lightning storm was a bad idea.

‘What was my karma again? Isn’t it still in the minus?!’

As lightning storms always struck players with negative karma and evil NPCs first, Xiaomao was at risk of being hit and killed by his own spell. Thus, he flew toward Meng Xin.

Zhao Fei glanced at the incoming catopus on a flying sword. Upon noticing that Xiaomao was only a level-111 player, he scoffed and resumed crossing swords with Meng Xin.

On the other hand, Meng Xin sensed the unusual mana and Qi in Xiaomao’s body. Believing that Xiaomao might be his only hope, he shouted.

“Get those prisoners out of here! I’ll handle this guy and that trash!”

Xiaomao grinned, “I beg to differ, munya! Kill that guy for me! DID YOU SWEAR!?”

Pointing the staff at Zhao Fei, Xiaomao cursed the cultist leader. The spell only dealt one damage even though it was a critical hit. However, a new debuff icon appeared behind Zhao Fei’s name.

You Swore Right?

Xiaomao tilted the hilt of his flying sword and flew away from Zhao Fei.



Multiple numbers appeared on top of Zhao Fei’s head. Two hundred lightning bolts hit him at once and inflicted 15, 962 true damage 200 times.

Zhao Fei was caught off guard. His ugly face was charred, and his robes were burnt.

After inflicting damage on Zhao Fei, his level appeared.

Zhao Fei, Apostle of Pangu, Level (????)

Four digits!

Xiaomao bit his lower lips, wondering if he made the right decision by messing with the boss instead of letting the lightning storm attack everybody here randomly.

“Nice work, kitty!”

Seizing the opportunity, Meng Xin sliced off Zhao Fei’s right hand with his sword in one swing, dealing over three million damage!

The right hand of Zhao Fei still held a skull cane, but his left hand carried a long sword. He counterattacked, activating a sword skill at Meng Xin.

The left arm of Zhao Fei vanished, but a thousand numbers appeared over Meng Xin’s head. A thousand sword slash after images moved through the beggar boy’s body as if Meng Xing were being cut into a thousand pieces.

Meng Xin’s body dissipated into dust!

Seeing how the NPC died, Xiaomao’s black fur turned white. He shivered in fear and almost shrieked.


Something grabbed on the hilt of Xiaomao’s flying sword, causing Xiaomao’s flight path to stray. He looked down and gulped.

The beggar boy was hanging on the flying sword with one hand. His clothes were cut to pieces, leaving only his underwear.

Meng Xin snickered and poked Xiaomao’s back, teasing him.

“I’m not dead yet, kitty. Don’t be scared so much.”


“Everybody can use this little trick when they’ve reached the nascent soul level. Hell, your father couldn’t even kill me in my previous life. Do you think I’ll succumb to that scum?”

This again?

Mao Miaomiao was so famous to the point that Xiaomao worried about his future. He knew that Mao Miaomiao was the boss of Chaos Demons, but he seemed to be too influential.

Who was Mao Miaomiao exactly?!

And what the hell?! Previous life?!

‘He’s a reincarnator?!’

Meng Xin let go of Xiaomao’s flying sword and stomped one of the cultists, dealing 999,999 damage and killing him on the spot. He grabbed a spear from the cultist’s corpse and stabbed at the nearest cultist swordsman.


Zhao Fei screamed and sprinted toward the beggar boy.

Meng Xin sneered at Zhao Fei and kicked the long sword of the dead cultist. He grabbed the sword with his left hand and dashed toward Zhao Fei with a spear and a sword.


The two monsters crossed swords again, causing a massive shockwave that pushed nearby cultists and priests away.

At the same moment, Bush Cox got off the crucifix and began freeing the other victims. He glanced at Xiaomao and shouted, “I NEED HEALING POTIONS AND A WEAPON!”

Hearing the plea, Xiaomao came back to his senses. He tossed a rare-grade long sword that he got from Marcus’s friend and a hundred bottles of potions. However, he accidentally threw the backup sacred water at Bush Cox.

By the time Xiaomao realized his mistake, Bush Cox already collected the potion bottles and drank the sacred water.

“Whoops, munya!”

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Bush Cox sensed the changes in his body, and his level rose by one.

The old man laughed and picked up the rare sword. He kicked the ground and charged at the nearest priest.

Despite being alone and under-leveled, Bush Cox cut through the crowd as if he was a hero on a battlefield.

As Bush set an example for Xiaomao, he recovered his bearing.

Before Xiaomao could cast another spell to back Bush and rescue the victims, the corner of his eyes caught the glimpse of something flashing.

It was the cane that Zhao Fei had used earlier.


Without batting an eye, Xiaomao dropped the shaman fireball to the area near the altar, where priests and cultists were gathering. A fiery explosion caught the group of 50 priests on fire and ran around like chickens on crack.

As soon as nobody was in his way, Xiaomao controlled the flying sword toward the altar. He snatched the severed hand of Zhao Fei and the cane.

Xiaomao peeled off the hand and tossed it toward the center of the pentagram array. Then, he threw a lightning bolt at a cultist, who was charging toward him.

The catopus on the flying sword flew up again. Now, he was holding a cane and a staff.

Curious about what he had stolen, Xiaomao checked the cane if it was usable.


Suddenly, the cane zapped Xiaomao’s tentacle and flew off from his tentacles on its own. The cane transformed into a spirit orb, resembling the sprites and elemental spirits that Xiaomao had seen in Bit Tupeer’s mansion.

The cane’s spirit showed its name.

Spirit of Brainwashing Cane, Level (???)

It was another hidden monster inside the weapon, a weapon spirit!


The spirit bellowed and created a barrier domain, which trapped everyone on the B5 floor inside.

Because of its emergence, Meng Xin, Zhao Fei, Bush Cox, and the cultists stopped moving and looked up. Upon seeing the spirit, Zhao Fei burst into laughter.

“You messed up, stupid cat! That is my soul-bound weapon! You can’t steal it from me. Now, Brainwashing Cane, kill everyone!”

The spirit transformed into a large human face. It sneered at Xiaomao and opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow him whole.

Xiaomao narrowed his eyes as he remembered something. He brought out a wireless microphone from his inventory and sang.