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Child of Destiny

Chapter 505 Arthur And Leonard In Action
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Arthur and Leonard walked side by side while looking at their opponents aggressively.

"What should I use for a cool opening move?" muttered Arthur while flipping his spear along his wrist.

"Don't try to mimic Shin Bro, just do your usual routine," said Leonard while making some cracking sounds with his neck.

"Tsk! Why are you always refuting everything I say?" complained Arthur before holding his spear in a reverse manner while assuming a throwing position. "Then let's see who is going to defeat their opponents first."

After saying that, Arthur suddenly threw his spear powerfully and sent it towards Amu.

On the other hand, Trynd quickly positioned himself right in front of the Amu, planning to swing his huge sword at the incoming spear.


But before he could even pull out his sword from his back, a loud sound suddenly exploded from the direction of the opponents which sent a shiver on Trynd's spine.

Then he suddenly saw Leonard appear right in front of him while powerfully swinging his battle axe downwards.

"Hup!" out of instinct, Trynd took a deep breath before slightly leaning his right shoulder forward and borrowing its momentum to turn his body around, facing his back towards Leonard and used the surface of his sword to block the incoming strike.


But at the very last moment, Leonard quickly stomped his foot on the ground to forcefully step to the side and moved away from the path of the flying spear.


Due to that sudden move, the spear hit the surface of Trynd's sword. And since the berserker was currently leaning forward in order to block Leonard's attack that was supposedly about to land, Trynd was currently on a wrong footing to withstand the force accompanying the incoming spear.

Because of that, Trynd was unable to maintain his balance and stumble forward before colliding with Amu who was about to prepare his spell.

Meanwhile, Leonard quickly positioned himself at the back of the two while preparing for a powerful swing.


Both Amu and Trynd could hear the sound of the wind being torn as Leonard's battle axe cut through it.


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But before he could hit his target, a wall made of sand suddenly shot up from the ground and prevented his axe from moving forward.

On the other hand, Arthur was currently up in the air as he caught his spear that was deflected up in there. And the moment he reached the peak of his leap, he suddenly readjusted his center of gravity to hover in the air just a little longer before launching himself towards his opponent like a falling meteor.


But just like what happened to Leonard, a wall of sand suddenly came out from the ground and stopped Arthur's advance.

"Tsk! This is why I don't like this mummy – he always prepared a defensive skill beforehand," muttered Arthur before doing a quick flip in the air as he fell back on the ground.

At the same time, Leonard also took a quick step backward, getting away from the wall of sand since he also knew how cunning their opponent was.

"Hey~! That was close. Will you guys mind if you take it a little easy?" said Amu while putting the coffin he was carrying on the ground beside him.

After that, he looked at Trynd before saying. "You go play with that wild beast, I don't want to deal with that crazy guy," while pointing his chin at Leonard.

He then turned his head towards Arthur before muttering with a soft voice. "Let me deal with this chatterbox since you don't have the patience to deal with his provocation."

"Whatever!" responding Trynd before starting to sprint towards Leonard.

"Hey, Simba! Let me experience the strength of the famous War God!" said Trynd while pulling out the huge sword on his back and resting it on his shoulders during his charge.


"As you wish!" said Leonard as he instantly appeared right in front of Trynd once again. And just like earlier, he was currently brandishing one of his battle axes forward.


​ Then a powerful shockwave was sent out in every direction as Trynd swung his greatsword to greet the incoming axe.

"This is what I am talking about!" said Trynd grinningly before putting more strength on both of his arms to force Leonard's battle axe backward.historical

"Heh! Then let's see how you can dance," sneered Leonard before swinging his battle axes once again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then shockwaves after shockwaves were being created every time Trynd and Leonard's weapons clashed against each other.

From the sideline, the two looked like a pair of mad beasts who were currently fighting in the middle of a storm due to the explosions being created by each of their exchanges. Especially when the ground below them was starting to sink little by little due to the collusion of their weapons.

Meanwhile, the battle on the other side still hadn't started yet.

Arthur and Amu were just standing on their respective spots and were not showing any signs of making their moves.

After a couple of minutes, Amu finally was unable to hold it any longer and asked. "Are you sure that you are going to just stand there and do nothing?" while wearing a deep frown with his eyebrows.

Hearing that, Arthur just stretched his arms up before asking back with a nonchalant tone. "Why? Are you done setting up your traps?"

Amu couldn't help but frown his eyebrows when he heard those words, unable to fully understand them.

Understanding what his opponent was currently feeling, Arthur immediately 'explained' his side. "Don't get me wrong. I just want to make sure that you are in your full power so that you can't have any excuse when I defeat you later."

The corner of Amu's mouth suddenly twitched quite stiffly after hearing those words.

And before Amu could even recover from his agitation, Arthur quickly threw his shield like a boomerang right after saying. "Since you are already done with your preparations, then let me have the pleasure of taking the initiative."


'Knight Skill: (Modified) Shield Throw'

"Cheap tricks!" sneered Amu as he waved his right hand upwards, summoning a small pillar of sand that shot up from the ground.

The shield was about to get knocked up in the air by the sudden appearance of the sand pillar when Arthur suddenly enfolded his entire body with golden-colored mana before transforming into a streak of light that charged forward.


His current speed was fast enough to catch up with his shield and catch it midair while also destroying the pillar of light as he swept past it.

After that, he arrived in front of Amu while thrusting his spear forward.


But his spear was suddenly blocked by the shield of a sand solder that suddenly appeared between him and Amu.

A moment later, a few more sand soldiers appeared from the ground and stood side by side with the first sand soldier.

Then Amu moved his palm forward, ordering his sand soldiers to advance, and forced Arthur to move backward.

'Desert Ruler Skill (Tier 2): Emperor's Divide'

Arthur failed to withstand the force of advancing sand soldiers, so he was forced to take a couple of steps backward, trying to regain his footing.

And when the sand soldiers stopped moving, Arthur suddenly raised his spear behind him before throwing a powerful swing with it in a horizontal manner.

'Dragon Knight Skill: (Modified) Dragon's Swipe'


Arthur was able to cut every sand soldier in front of him with a single swing of his spear, turning them back at being ordinary sand that fell on the ground.

But at the very same moment, Amu suddenly waved his hand upwards while saying. "Arise!"

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Then that sand flowing on the ground in front of Arthur suddenly formed a summoning circle on the ground surrounding Arthur before summoning another group of sand soldiers who were wielding a long spear in their hands.

'Desert Ruler Skill (Tier 2): King's Calling'

But Arthur was not idle either as he immediately spun his body around the moment, he saw the strange summoning circle surrounding him.

At the same time, he was also swinging his spear alongside his spin while also releasing some golden-colored elemental mana from the tip of his sword.

A moment later, the Elemental Mana that he released suddenly transformed into a group of golden dragons revolving around him.

'Class Fighting Style: Dance of the Nine Great Dragons'



Then the newly summoned sand soldiers were immediately destroyed when the golden dragons shredded them into pieces.

During that time, Amu was already moving away from his previous location to create some space between him and Arthur. And when he saw that his sand soldiers were being destroyed once again, he suddenly pointed his index finger in front of him while using an offensive spell.

'Desert Ruler Skill (Tier 2): Pharaoh's Justice'


Then a sandstorm seemed to appear out of nowhere before assaulting Arthur from all sides.

But in the midst of the raging wind and dust, a golden light was shining brightly before breaking out from the sandstorm and charging after Amu.


'Class Fighting Style: Breaking through of the Divine Dragon'


Arthur was chasing after his fleeing opponent while being enfolded by a golden aura with a form of a dragon.

With the wave of his hand, Amu gathered all of the sand in the surroundings and positioned them in front of him before turning the accumulated clast of dust into a huge sand monster that blocked Arthur's path.



A sudden explosion was created due to the collision of the opposing powers which sent a powerful shockwave in all directions alongside the specks of dust that were scattered in the air.

"Hey, hey! Don't go running yet, I'm still not warmed up," said Arthur as he caught up with his opponent and while also walking out from the curtain of dust created by the previous explosion.

And with all of that, the new round of worldshaking battle was immediately initiated between these monsters of the game.
