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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 Jealousy ed away, still smiling, and after I looked at my drink curiously, I drank it. It tasted nice moved looked at him.

Malibu and pineapple?" se looked atwith a bit of surprise.

Yes. Who'd think you can recognize it?" looked at him never said that I'm clueless about everything that a normal teenager does." Tellabout it." 'WIL there was a guy called Lucas. He was my friend, and we started skating together, then we competed together. I went out with him twice, and he forgot about his training after having a drink or two, so I had to cover for him at the sports club by saying he was sick." I chuckled. "After partying, I helped him to get hthese times. He liked Malibu. But we so went out after a successful competition with the coach" I sighed. "Or if we Eailed. That didn't happen often, though." He crossed his uems and looked atlike he was trying to read trie.

"A friend only!" He asked seriously. That madesmile.

"Are you jealous?" *ies, if you want to know. I saw that guy skating with you, and I can't believe that he was only a friend of yours." I smiled and looked away, I thought it was better to be honest with him.

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you need to demonstrate harmony with your partner, even if you're not romantically involved." "In this sport you I took a deep breath: "And you are right. I knew he wanted more, but I was the one who could pay offer him my friendship. I liked him really much, but not like a woman likes a man. He was like my brother or a close relative. We grew up together, eventually" "Can I believe you, Alice?" "I have no reason to be." He looked into my eyes for a few seconds. I stood his gaze.

"Are you in contact with him?" That question surpriseda bit "Gideon, didn't you givea list of rules? Why do you think I dared to call him?" "You never scared of me." frowned.

"Now you are wrong, Gideon. I just accepted my fate, as I could do nothing against it. But I hoped that one day I would be lucky enough to find a way out." He still looked into my eyes, but I saw skind of regret in them.

themoved closer toand held my face in his palms.

"Ed never hurt you He sighed.

"Hut you have to know, I'm fucking jealous, and if I find out someone does to touch you I'll kill that bustard, even if that person is your our so-called buend" Have he was serious. I saw that in his eyes. For a moment the thought of who I'm in love with scaredagain, but on the contrary. I had to adnut it just made thin Chapter 55 Jealousy situation more exciting. When I chere, I was sure this family had skind of mental problem, now I becone of them. I was mad too. I loved it just as much as I hated it. He pulledcloser and kissed me, but this kiss was different. It was dominant. It showedhe tookas his.

And it also showedLeuldn't change it. This time, his hand stayed on my face, and he kepttight, showingit was up to him when the kiss would be over Finally, when he ceased, he keptclose.

"Do you want to party?" If the effect of the alcohol, and I had the mood. I nodded. He stood up and held my hand. I found myself in his embrace instantly, after I stood up as well. He ledout of the room and droveto a table. He sat down and he seatedon his lap. One of his palms rested on my butt, and be kept the other on my tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He told Dave something, and he disappeared. Even if they weren't close, I noticed that there were about six security guys around As I looked around, I saw a few whorish women at another table, who kept staring at me. Actually, their gaze could kill me. I thought if I had to be honest with him, he could repay the favour. I moved my lips to his ear, and after I gave him a light kiss, I asked hies.

"Are they your fans?" He looked them at first, which made all of them look in another direction He moved closer to my ear. And I could feel his smile while his lips slightly touched my skin.

"Ignore them" That madefurious What? He just toldto be honest, he acted like I was his property, and when I asked him something this was the only answer that he gave As I looked at them, they didn't look different from Gemma at all. They had a dress on which only covered a little, so they weren't naked, and visibly they were the queens of plastic surgery. One of them probably had serious pain from carrying those huge fake tits, ready to show up after a wrong movement. I was jealous. I was certain he just tried to keep his affairs with them hidden.

I was about to ask Gideon further when Dave cback. He brought a tray. He brought two glasses, slides of lemon, salt, and a bottle of tequila.

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I moved to sit next to Gideon. He poured sinto the glasses, and he looked atwith a smile, "Do you know how to drink it I made a face.

"Everyone knows how to drink it." He looked at me, surprised, but 1 ignored him. Before I wanted to drink it, he stopped me.

"For the two of us." I only glanced at him, and I drank the contents of the glass. He did the s

I didn't finish the commersation earlier, but I thought I would ask him later. I felt the effects of alcoholm quickly and just wanted to unwind, Probably he was the sas after a few shots, he pulledup, and we went to the dancefloor, I didn't mind at all. I felt like I wanted to dance. He keptclose all the time, and I forgot my anger soon, even though I tried to b danced, but after a while I had to go to the bathroom.

bum that into into my mind to remember it the next day, I don't know how long we "I have to go out to the lady's." I shouted into his ear after (held him closer He nodded, and he held my hand to lendout. He keptin his embrace while we aimed at the toilets.

"I'm guessing in gunna go alone I told him while I fored myself from his hug.

"You have five minutes. If you don't cut out. I I'm going in

This tI knew he meant about my safety, and it wasn't an order. I nodded, and I wentin. When Centered the light place, I felt drunk mory. I found the toilet and after I did my business, I went to the sinks to wash my Ads by Pubfuture