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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 Worry "Nice to meet you, Sasha" "Nice to meet you. Alion" We lined our collees up to greet each other.

"You said that this is your first day" *Wes, actually I was looking for ssport that I could do for a long time. I always start something, but I usually lose interest in no time. I think skating is a hard but amazing sport. After I gave birth to my son, I put on sweight, and it would be so nice to get rid of it by a sport that I like." It was odd because she didn't look overweight, but her clothes and ice skates madethink she was a rich stay-at-hmom looking for excitement, "Well, that depends on you. Figure skating is a quite complex sport, You'll need a season ticket in the gym, in a ballet room, and so on, but most of all, you'll need a lot of money." She smiled.

"That isn't a problem with me. I mean the money." Here we go, I thought. I smiled back.

"And what about you, Aller?" she asked.

"What do you want to know?" "You look so young, I'm guessing your parents are helping you "No. I have competed since I was fifteen. I stopped for a little while, but I wanted to continue. My husband helpsout." "Your husband? Aren't you too young to be married 1 smiled apain.

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"Well, I thinkdoesn't depend on age.

She smiled "I absolutely agree with that "How often do you come?" I asked.

"I try to cas as many times as possible. But you know, next to a husband and a little one, my tschedule is quite busy." I just had a sip of my coffee when my phone started vibrating. I apologised to her, then I picked it up. That was Gidron "Are you still in the sports centre?" "Yes, but I'm about to love" "Everything okay? I hope you didn't fall, Tlaughed Fres, and I did, but I'm fine." He sighed, clearly like what I said, then he continuedwhen you are at home." allm "Aren't you busy!" "Tam, but that'd putat ease.

Спарте по Ману "Don't worry, I'll call you" "Love you." "Love you too." Then he hung up. Sasha heard the conversation, and she smiled.

"He is really taking care of you." "Yes, he does. But if you don't mind, I should leave no.

"It's tforto go home, too. My little one is probably missing me." She smiled and stood up. 1 followed her. "Well, see you next time, then.

"See you next time, Alice." I smiled at her and left. Actually, I didn't mind meeting her. Even if I thought she was just a bored-stay-at-hparent, I told myself, I can't judge her before knowing her. Who knows? Maybe she'll be my best friend I thought, I walked out to Sam. He greetedwith a smile and he helpedget into the car. This tI had no fear.

ΠΟ When we arrived, Sas helpedto get out, and he walked to the door with"Mrs. Sullivan, I'll be around till Mr. Sullivan gets home. Callif you need"Thank you" I nodded, then entered the house. It was quiet. I just remembered I missed lunch, but I wasn't hungry. Just when I sat down on the sofa, I felt the first sign of tiredness, Lexhaled slowly.

"Get over it, Alice." I told myself. What I really wanted to do was just lay down and sleep a bit, but I knew the tI spent training still needed to be increased if 1 wanted to end up as an olympian.

I sighed, and I stood up. I went to the kitchen, then I looked at the fridge, tried to think about what I could cook. Not knowing what to make, I took my phone, and I texted Gidman.

"What tare you coming home?" I just put my phone on the desk when it vibrated, "About an hour." "Fuck." I thought. I took schicken breast and vegetables out of the fridge. I thought there was no chance to be ready in an hour, but I tried. It tookforty-five minutes to cook, and I even had tto tidy up. I watched the cooked meal proudly, then I set up the table, and I went to the living room. I turned on the TV as I felt bored. It seemed like a long tpassed, and he was still nowhere.

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He said about an hour, so I told myself it could be more. I thought about calling him, but I didn't want to be a "nightmare" wife, so I just took a few deep breaths and I waited wife, Sol just took patiently. A long tpassed, and I still haven't heard about him, so I rang Sam. He sounded surprised that madeworried more, but he only said he would check on him. I hung up, closed my eyes, and I prayed to God. He was the only one I got. How could I leave without him? I waited a bit more, but Sam didn't contacteither. I tested him, asking if he was okay. There was no answer. Finally, I called him and he didn't pick it up. I felt like crying.

I thought about the times when I heard how much fun he had with Gemma. He drank a lot, and he often stayed out all night. I sat down the sols in the living room, and I thought about the first night that I spent here. I slept on the ssola, and I was ready to sleep on it that night too. Finally, about an hour passed when my phone was ringing. That was him, but I decided I wasn't in the mood to listen to his lies. So I just let my phone ring. Gideon

I didn't like to leave her, but I wanted to surprise her first. In the morning, I thought about what she said. She needed a coach. I knew who was the best person to ask for help. I was sure she'd find the best ones, and she'd make them accept Alice. Doesn't matter what was the price of that. I rang my num. I asked her to keep it secret, as I wanted Alice to announce that to everyone she would compete again. Just like I thought, she calledback soon, and also, she organised a meeting with them. My mum knew I had to go to the club as well, as my dad calledto meet him and Seth, so I hoped it was just a quick meeting. I smiled at myself. I still couldn't believe that I could be into a woman that much, but I didn't mind.

My mum organised the meeting in a restaurant. She was there in the car park already, waving at 1 hugged her.

Chapter 70 Worry "Thank you, mum." "Oh, I'm so excited. I can't wait to work with the best designers. She'll be beautiful, I tell you.' 1 smiled at her.

"Tim sure about that, She smiled at me, too. She always wanted to beat her friends by having or doing something that they didn't have or couldn't do. But this time, this side of her was beneficial for Alice, and for me, that was the matter.

1 led her into the restaurant. They were there already. We went to their table and greeted each other. One of them was a man in his fifties. He had dark hair and brown eyes. His nwas Gareth. He cwith a woman about the sage as him. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. Her nwas Elisabeth.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, thank you for contacting us, but I'm afraid the coach just can't take any new people at the moment." X