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Complete Martial Arts Attributes-Novel

Chapter 2174 Spirit Torture! (3)
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Chapter 2174  Spirit Torture! (3)

At spoint, the flames disappeared, giving way to a biting cold.

Wang Teng: …

Gusts of cold wind blew in, and a freezing chill penetrated deep into his soul, almost freezing him solid.

Frost appeared on the surface of Wang Teng's body, making him shiver uncontrollably.

"So cold!"

If he hadn't just used the power of his will to solidify his spiritual form, he might have disintegrated on the spot.

This mountain was relentless!

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It seemed to get more ruthless with every challenge, leaving no room for survival!

Wang Teng dared not speculate anymore. His mouth was jinxed. Every the spoke, the next challenge seemed even more daunting. He feared that if he continued, it might not end well.

Bearing the piercing cold, he continued climbing step by step.

Although he had employed the power of his will, it was still challenging to persist. His spiritual form continued to weaken.

As tdrifted on, Wang Teng continued his relentless ascent. The biting cold dissipated, replaced by a razor-sharp golden gale. This wind, more menacing than the previous icy gusts, added an extra edge to the challenge.

Subsequently, the golden tempest transformed into numerous green vines, entwining around him, attempting to drag him into the abyss.

Following this, giant stones tumbled down, torrents of water surged, and venomous winds ran rampant. Every ordeal landed on him with tangible force.

As if that weren't enough, the torment persisted in relentless cycles. Each round concluded only to give way to a new set of trials. As long as Wang Teng had not reached the ultimate peak, he remained subjected to this inhuman torture.

Under such torture, Wang Teng's spiritual form becthinner and thinner, resembling a candle flickering in the wind, on the verge of extinguishing at any moment.

"Can't we stop this madness!" Wang Teng felt the thinness of his spiritual form, nearly as delicate as a piece of paper, and was on the verge of tears.

When did apprenticeship becsuch an arduous ordeal?

Was this teacher serious or not? This was literally a matter of life and death.

At least with the Spiritual Hollow Mountain, there were sloopholes to exploit, but this mountain doesn't allow for any chances. It doesn't give him any opportunities.

In this critical moment, as waves of green poisonous winds swept in from all directions and Wang Teng found himself unable to hold on any longer. An enchanting black lotus mark unconsciously appeared on the center of his forehead.

This black lotus mark resisted the final onslaught of the green poison wind, keeping his true spirit intact.

Unaware of it himself, Wang Teng only had one thought in his mind as he climbed. He wanted to reach the summit and question the old guy who tricked him into becoming his disciple—Are you playing me?

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After an indeterminate period, when he climbed onto the final resting place, there were no more obstacles before him.

As he gazed around, atop the summit, a figure weathered by tsat cross-legged, facing away from him.

"I…" Wang Teng's vision darkened, and he fell into unconsciousness.

His spiritual form had reached its limits. It was the sudden activation of the Demon Lotus Poison Body that played a role, unexpectedly manifesting in his spiritual form. That was a surprise.

The figure that had been seated in meditation for countless years now moved slightly. Slowly, he stood up and turned around.

Before Wang Teng stood a middle-aged man with graying hair, sharp eyebrows, and eyes as profound as the void. He exuded an aura of ancient wisdom and weariness. Despite wearing simple attire, he possessed a unique charm that left an indelible impression.

Approaching Wang Teng, the middle-aged man scrutinized him with a strange gleam in his eyes.

"Fascinating! Truly fascinating!"


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