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Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 808: Take Gloria Fortress
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One of the nuclear fusion nuclear power plants that supplies the source of electrical energy in the Wall of Titans was invaded by a 60-man army.

The 60-figure epileptic dog unit also leads mechanical dogs, mechanical birds, etc. to cooperate in combat.

Some mechanical birds can also paralyze the camera, and some mechanical birds can also paralyze some of the enemy's ground drones, and then seize control and turn against them.

The mechanical dog can knock down the target and tear the target into pieces, including ground drones.

After the 60-person epileptic dog unit seized the control panel of the nuclear power plant, it began to shut down the nuclear power plant.

After Lieutenant General Gustavo received that one of the nuclear power plants was seized and shut down by the enemy, he immediately ordered his subordinates to activate the underground backup nuclear power plant.

"General, the basement cannot be contacted. The Tianyi mercenary group has already hacked into our communication line."

"General, it's not good. Some of the troops in the basement have mutinied and opened fire on our colleagues."

Lieutenant General Gustavo knocked on the table angrily, and cursed: "Damn it, these subjugated slaves seem to submit to us and serve our Dion Empire, but they are actually waiting for the opportunity to bite us back."

"General, troops in the basement have been mutinied one after another, and the Tianyi mercenary regiment that has invaded the basement has successively captured our basement's facility consoles."

"General, all the spare nuclear power plants in the basement are under the control of the Tianyi mercenaries."

"General, the troops that are going to be on the outskirts have been suppressed by the Tianyi mercenary group, and they have already fired signal flares requesting support to our side."

Lieutenant General Gustavo's pressure gradually increased due to the successive bad news, which made his brain really unable to turn around, and he did not know how to deal with the situation he was facing at the moment.

"General, the nuclear power plant supplied by the second Titan Wall has been invaded."

Lieutenant General Gustavo understood that it was only a matter of time before the second nuclear power plant was occupied.

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Moreover, after losing the power supply from the first nuclear power plant, the defense of the Wall of Titans has been reduced by about 30%.

Lieutenant General Gustavo issued an order to hide in the basement immediately, and the enemy's outer space fleet bombing was ready to go.

And before executing the order to hide in the basement, Lieutenant General Gustavo issued two more orders, the first one firing signal flares to the troops fighting on the front line.

The second way is to instruct our army who still controls the part of the Fortress of Gloria, once the Titan Wall is destroyed, they can choose to surrender to the Tianyi mercenary group or continue to fight to the end.

The air-raid basement and the basement of the command building are separated by a thick layer of reinforced concrete, and the basic basement is distinguished from the air-raid basement.

Gloria Fortress fired dozens of huge signal flares, informing the front-line troops to retreat to the original Yinke country for repairs and prepare for the next battle.

The Dion army fighting on the front line couldn't believe that the Gloria Fortress with the Titan Wall would be taken down.

But the facts are in front of our eyes, the Dion army fighting on the front line can only obey the last order issued by the Goroja Fortress, and go to the original territory of the Yinke country.

The dark blue shield of the Titan Wall has faded since the second nuclear power plant that powered the Titan Wall was shut down.

The missiles of the extermination force in outer space have already begun to prepare for bombing and bombing.New chapters are published on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

After the third nuclear power plant was occupied and closed, the wall of Titan lost all power supply, and the blue protective cover disappeared.

In some areas of the Goroja Fortress controlled by the Dion Army, the commander of the Dion Army immediately issued a surrender signal or hung a white flag.

The extermination forces from outer space saw part of the area where the Goroja Fortress was still under the enemy's control and surrendered.

"Sir, what about the surrendered areas?"

"Don't attack those who surrender, target the areas that don't surrender."


Numerous mobile drill missiles and ground-penetrating bombs broke into the atmosphere and bombarded parts of the target Goroya Fortress.

The half-hour bombing was a very long half-hour for those Dion troops who were unwilling to surrender or hid under the air defense.

Many warships in areas that did not surrender were bombed by missiles one after another, and all warships in the area were wiped out.

The ground-penetrating dog troops and Payadi guerrillas in the underground layer can sense the vibration of the underground layer, and everyone knows that this is a bombing from outer space.

Li Xiucheng and his colleagues watched the missile bombing from outer space, and they could feel the fierce explosion and shocking deterrence.

Those Dion troops who surrendered early in the morning secretly rejoiced that they did not fight to the end.

Although the Dion Army has always flaunted the attitude of preferring death to surrender, those Dion Army who support the new humanism have this kind of behavior that is not afraid of death.

In fact, most of the Dion army is willing to surrender if they can survive as long as they surrender after they are defeated, even the new humans are no exception.

This is, back then, many commanders were supporters of His Majesty's new humanism, which caused many commanders to not be afraid of death, and issued orders to fight to the end, which made many Dion troops seem not to be afraid of death.

After a round of bombing in outer space, part of the Sky Dog, Ground Dog and Shadow Dog troops made the final cleanup of the site just bombed.

Half an hour after the bombing ended, the Mad Dog troops arrived at the Fortress of Gloria and began to deal with a series of tasks.

Lieutenant General Gustavo's group, who were mostly in the air-raid basement, was finally responsible for cleaning the troops, and found the air-raid basement of the command building that had been turned into ruins.

Lieutenant General Gustavo and his subordinates walked out of the air defense basement under the supervision of the enemy.

As Lieutenant General Gustavo, the supreme commander of the Gloria Fortress, he was subjected to a series of interrogations when he was a prisoner.

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No matter how much Lieutenant General Gustavo interrogated him, he kept silent and beat him severely without letting him speak a word.

Even with the confession agent, Lieutenant General Gustavo could take the confession agent with his own strong consciousness.

Afterwards, the Tianyi mercenaries injected Gustavo's carotid artery with some medicine for interrogation, whether it was as if his whole body was bitten by ants, as if his whole body was scorching hot, or as if his whole body was bitingly cold as if he had fallen into a freezer.

Lieutenant General Gustavo just refused to speak, and finally said only one sentence: "If you want to kill, kill, don't even try to ask me for any information."

Li Xiucheng looked at Lieutenant General Gustavo's tough look through the one-way glass.

"The bones are very tough, but I don't know what weakness this guy has?"

At this time, a subordinate entered the monitoring room and reported something in Li Xiucheng's ear, and then took out several photos and handed them to Li Xiucheng.

After Li Xiucheng saw the photo, he ordered his subordinates to switch the one-way glass to two-way mode.

Lieutenant General Gustavo looked at Li Xiucheng, Li Xiucheng directly pasted the photo on the glass, Lieutenant General Gustavo saw the photo, his eyes shrank.

Li Xiucheng laughed secretly: "It seems that these are your weaknesses. No matter how hard your bones are, you will always have the softest part in your heart."

"There is your wife and your daughter in the photo. I learned from your subordinates that you and your wife have been married for 40 years. You are very loving, but you have never had children. Later, I learned that It is your wife who has infertility, so she did not give birth to your love crystal. Until your country, the medicine of Dion Empire can make infertile people have a little chance of conceiving. After several years of treatment, A few years ago, your wife finally managed to conceive a child. This daughter is the heart and soul of you and your wife. In order to get along with you and your daughter as much as possible, you let your wife and daughter move to the original Yinke country. field."

"What do you want?" Lieutenant General Gustavo was a little emotional.

"Don't be nervous, I just hope that you can cooperate well. I learned the whereabouts of your wife and daughter from some of your subordinates. I am considering whether to send someone to visit your wife and daughter."

"Don't hurt them, come to me if you have anything to do."

"Then please cooperate well, and don't lie. If our lie detector finds that you are lying, then don't blame us for bringing your wife and daughter to you. What will happen to your daughter then? Don't blame me for not notifying you."

"You..." Lieutenant General Gustavo stood up excitedly, but the two interrogators beside him directly pushed him down.

"How about it, do you want to cooperate?"

Lieutenant General Gustavo was very angry and glared at Li Xiucheng. If his eyes could kill, Li Xiucheng would have died by his hands countless times.

But considering the safety of his wife and daughter, Lieutenant General Gustavo could only choose to cooperate obediently.

"Very well, if your cooperation satisfies us, we will bring your wife and daughter with you so that you can enjoy the happiness of a family of three."