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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1274: Mui Getting Caught! End of the Blacksmithing Elders Despair?
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Following Bai Ning beginning to teach the different disciples and elders about Blacksmithing, while his master was secretly planning on having him take on another task, Mui arrived at the edge of the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces with a large number of spiritual metal ores in hand.

"Stop! You can't take that!"

"Great Mui, please, it tooktwo weeks to gather…!"

Behind her, two elders with tear-stricken faces appeared as they called out to her while trying to reach her.

"Hmph! You two stoppedat the spiritual metal storage yesterday, I'm just taking a few random rocks I found on the road. No need for you to chaselike this!" Frowning as she said this while looking back towards the two elders with a not so innocent expression, Mui turned around and ran away from the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces before the two elders could catch up to her.

Although all three of them were in the Nascent Soul Realm and the two tear-stricken elders cultivation realm exceeded that of Mui, in terms of speed alone, Mui was far superior to them. Leaving them no chance to catch her as she disappeared into the crowd of excited disciples who were gathering towards the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces to listen to Bai Ning's lecture.

"Found it on side of the road…? That red spirit crystal metal was clearly stored away inside my forge and even locked up in a box that was sealed by a formation…"

"Random rocks… The Water Stream Spiritual Metal that tooktwo entire weeks of hard work to find roaming outside, is just a bunch of random rocks…"

Seeing Mui disappearing, the two elders broke down with devasted expressions on their faces as neither of them had any tto pay attention to the lecture that Bai Ning was holding, both of them feeling hateful towards the elder who had assigned them to guard the Blacksmithing Hall's spiritual metal storage.

Originally, both of them had thought this was an easy job considering that the Star Shattering Sect was under the constant protection of the chaotic qi formation that enveloped the Shattered Star Peaks. Preventing any outsiders from entering the sect, but… Things turned out different with the appearance of Mui…

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Although she hadn't managed to enter the spiritual metal storage, she had held quite a grudge against the two blocking her path and decided to pay their forge a visit while they were busy guarding the spiritual metal storage.

If not for the fact that one of the protective formations that was placed on their forges had alerted them to someone breaking in, they would have never discovered a certain someone blatantly taking away sof their spiritual metal.

Picking up on the road? They clearly witnessed a daylight robbery when they saw her walking out of one of their forges with their spiritual metal in hand!

It was only at this moment that the two of them realized the reason why no one else had taken up such a well-paying and simple job.

As for going after Mui through the law enforcement of the sect? both of them understood very well that this was an unrealistic endeavor.

Not just because Mui was the disciple of Grand Elder Xuan, the strongest existence in the sect, but also because Elder Song specifically protected her due to the fact that the things she ended up creating with her often stolen goods turned out to be extremely useful to the sect. Far exceeding the value of the stolen things she took for her creations.

"Ah! Now that I think about it, I think one of the elders working as the guards for the spiritual metal storage before us mentioned something about possible compensation for damages during our tas guards and that we should seek out Elder Song…" Just as the two of them were wallowing in their own despair over the precious spiritual, one of the two seemed to suddenly remember something as he said this.

"Compensation? I guess they experienced something similar… Haaa… I guess we should try and go pay a visit Elder Song."

"Yeah... Even if it will take stime, we should at least get a few contribution points for free this way…"

As the two elders conversed among each other, it didn't take long before the two of them swallowed their sadness and got up before deciding to follow the advice of the past guards of the spiritual metal storage…

Not too far away, seeing that she wasn't being followed any longer, Mui happily smiled to herself as she looked at the two kinds of spiritual metal, she had sto- borrowed from her kind seniors.

"With this shiny blue one shiny red rock, I should be able to create a masterpiece! Hehe~ I wonder how master will react… I hope he will like it!" Smiling from ear to ear as she said this, Mui had already begun to imagine the artifact the artifact she was going to create. Looking forward to presenting her master with yet another splendid divine artifact created by her.


"Huh!? Who!? Grandpa Song!?"

However, before she could set off to start creating the artifact she had started imagining, a somewhat exhausted old voice echoed out behind her, as she soon cface to face with Elder Song.

"Did you steal from the blacksmiths again?"

"Ah- N-n-n-no, o-o-of course I didn't!" Hearing the baseless accusation being launched towards her, Mui looked to the side to show her innocence while her voice began stuttering in confidence.

"Mui… You can just request what you want through me, you don't need to break into people's forges to steal them all the time, you know, it gets quite difficult for this old man to deal with the constant stream of elders coming to complain about their spiritual metal mysteriously going missing…" Not showing any belief in her flawless response, Elder Song just rolled his eyes as he said this.

Today, he had cto seek out Mui to deal with this situation once and for all and happened to chance upon her after a successful heist of yet another pair of unfortunate elders who would soon cknocking at his door for compensation.

"But last tI cto you for a request, you didn't givewhat I asked for…" Hearing what Elder Song said, Mui could not help showing a somewhat unwilling expression as she said this.

"You requested three tons of Amber Crystal Spiritual Metal, throughout the entire sect, there is only a little over a hundred kilograms of Amber Crystal Spiritual Metal and most of it is in use by the blacksmiths of the sect. Not to mention, what would you even do with that much spiritual metal?"


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Not knowing how to answer the question posed by Elder Song, Mui could only remain silent.

She couldn't possibly tell him that she intended to use the Soul Grade Spiritual Metal to decorate her room back at her master's palace because she really liked the amber glow given off by the Amber Crystal Spiritual Metal.

The large amount of three tons was what she had calculated it would take for her to cover her room in the Amber Crystal Spiritual Metal and change her furniture to also use it…

"Wait… You were planning on using it on something other than an artifact…?"

"Th-that doesn't matter! What's important is that you didn't agree to my request back then!"


Feeling like he was about to get a headache thinking about what she could possibly use such a large amount of spiritual metal for, Elder Song slowly took out a communication talisman from his interspatial ring.

"Mui, I really didn't want to do this, but we can't have you harassing the elders of the blacksmithing hall all the time… So… From today onwards, I will inform your master to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't cause any more trouble for those elders of the blacksmithing hall.

"Huh? Noooo!"

Hearing what Elder Song said and seeing him take out the communication talisman from his interspatial ring, Mui finally realized that the situation was far more serious than she had imagined as she understood that Elder Song was serious in punishing for her constant harassment of the elders from the Blacksmithing Hall.

Well… It wasn't really a punishment, but more so Elder Song informing her master to keep an eye on her and stop her from causing problems for the elders of the Blacksmithing Hall.

Although it wouldn't seriously affect her so to speak, it would definitely make her lose one of her precious resources gathering spots, as she didn't dare to do the sthing as before knowing that her master might be watching her.

Not just because she essentially stole from the elders of the sect, but because it was embarrassing to know her master seeing her do something like that to the elders of the sect.

The only person in the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces she could continue stea- borrowing from with her master watching was her senior brother, Bai Ning!