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Chapter 40
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Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Kill steal


The man was fast enough to raise the spear to block the attack, sliding backward uncontrollably for a while before stopping. His eyes squinted as he noticed the mutant dog trying to flee and he quickly chased after it!

The dog had its shoulder injured limiting its mobility but even then it was still fast enough to keep a reasonable distance away from the hunter! Just by watching how the man moved, Silver could tell this man may be strong and still have some hidden techniques but he was lacking in speed!

The man tightened his grip on his black spear as he prepared to throw it at the enemy but a figure shot past him slightly stunning him!

Alex’s body took the same color as the earth but his legs were almost as light as feathers making it look too unrealistic considering the way he moved. Using gravity manipulation to reduce the gravity around his body, he could increase his movement speed.

Before he got hurt because he overestimated his abilities and looked down on mutated beasts but now he felt confident he can win!

“You are not getting away!” Alex screamed as he jumped off the ground, shooting towards a building.

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Seeing him jump so high even the hunter felt stunned by this and stopped running.

‘Is he flying?’

That was the question in everyone’s mind as the watched Alex step on the wall and propel himself forward!


Suddenly the gravity around him increased, tripling the speed at which he fell as he slammed into the limping dog and both of them rolled a bit before separating!



Alex spat out a mouthful of blood as he staggered to get on his feet. His eyes were as cold as ever as he gazed at the massive dog, looking down on him with its fangs revealed.

“Come at me boy!” Alex growled before charging forward without hesitation! He was already feeling light-headed so he knew he won’t be able to maintain his abilities for long since he has used a lot of Mutant cells already!


Using his demon-kin secret technique, Alex stimulated the bronze statue energy around his body, turning his skin bronze.


Alex rammed into the mutant beast, forcing it to retreat by a few steps but that was just it! The massive dog revealed its fangs as it attempted to sink its fangs into Alex’s shoulder!


Surprisingly, the earth absorbed with the matter absorption ability was shattered but when the fangs reached his bronze-colored skin, it couldn’t penetrate deep!

“Die!” Alex wouldn’t let go of an opportunity like this as threw his fist into the bloody wound on the shoulder of the mutant dog, causing it to howl in pain!


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The dog tried to retreat but Alex had no intentions of letting it go, neither did he intend to let this opportunity slide. He took bold steps forward as he plunged his hand even deeper into the wound of the mutated Bess causing it to cry out in pain. Blood splattered everywhere, pouring on him uncontrollably but even then Alex did not back away.

Instead, he wrapped his legs around the leg of the dog, and with one arm gripping onto its thick fur, the other one, was driven even deeper than before. The massive mutant dog shook violently but even then Alex didn’t fall off. Taking into consideration of Alex’s position the dog couldn’t knock him off either!

It dashed about madly while ramming Alex into any structure it can find but even then, Alex didn’t let go. Each time he struck a structure, his hand pierced deeper into its shoulder, making the beast cry out in pain.

No matter how much it tried, it couldn’t knock Alex off but even Alex had his problems. While he was doing a good job right now but his body kept incurring damages too. Right now blood mixed with saliva rolled down his lips uncontrollably. His eyes were bloodshot as he noticed the movement of the mutated dog was getting less effective. than before. It staggered as it moved and it looked extremely tired.

Even for a mutant beast, after losing so much blood it would be strange if it still had so much energy. Alex held on to the beast and kept pushing his hand into its exposed kind until it finally fell to the ground. His eyes revealed kill lights as he considered how he may end up killing the beast but he was too scared to give up his advantageous position right now.

If he wishes to deal enough damage to the beast he would need to use the third form of the first stage of the demon-kin secret technique, Kill! To do that will leave him weakened and right now they have an unexpected guest who’s allegiance they are unsure of.


While Alex entertained these thoughts a black spear smashed into the skull of the beast, killing it instantly, leaving him stunned. He let go of the beast’s arm, falling to the ground and by the time he got on his feet, the man was already standing in front of the corpse, pulling out his spear. He even bother to look Alex in the eyes as he walked past the youth, grabbed the dead mutant beast by the tail, and slowly dragged it along with him as he walked away.

Seeing this, Alex frowned. To be able to drag the corpse of a mutant beast of this size with him so casually this hunter must have a fitness grade of ‘D’ at the very least. This is a level he can only achieve when using his strongest attack which will still leave him in a weakened state.

He wished to stop the man but Alex knew the chances of him winning against such a man are extremely low but he couldn’t let this man steal their beast!

They have worked hard for it!

“Hey, you can’t leave with that... It’s ours!” Silver’s voice got Alex’s attention and that of the hunter?