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Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 500 Consider (Happy 500 s!)
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What Zhao Fei wanted was not Feng Huai's gratitude. True, she was showing off her great kindness as if she was a saint helping out unfortunate others. But a saint shouldn't possess any evil intentions, right?

Now thinking about it, Zhao Fei's detailed care towards Feng Huai was suspicious. Is that how a senior agent should act towards their assistants?

Zhao Fei probably is a special case.

Elder Wu Qi didn't know what Ran Xueyi was thinking about as he continued to discuss the outcome of this matter: "Through their combined actions of selling their assets, they accumulated almost 200 million yuan. It was enough to pay for the lawyers and Dauntless' settlement money. After we filed our case, the court opened a trial again. We were told to either settle the matter privately or legally. We chose legally."

He glanced at Ran Xueyi, who nodded at him to let him continue, and added, "In the end, the court made the decision to let them settle 200 million yuan for the psychological and mental health of the artists whose private information were leaked. The company will also receive another 100 million. As for stealing Zhao Yiqing's file drive containing his songs, it will only give them attempted since the USB didn't really contain his songs. But since they had attempted to steal and sell it to a third party, the court wanted them to settle with Zhao Yiqing."

"After asking Zhao Yiqing's opinion about this, he told us to settle it with another 50 million." Elder Wu Qi recounted the situation that happened thes previous month. "Yao Chen will follow through legally, saying a settlement is impossible."

Naturally, the person who was greatly affected by Feng Huai's actions was none other than Yao Chen, who was harassed by his maternal relatives. After finding out about his apartment address, they continuously visited and protested to see him again. They questioned his morality online and also accused him of having no filial piety.

These accusations were heavy and strongly frowned upon. Filial piety was something that everyone in the country held great importance to. Being accused like this, Yao Chen's career was affected. His contracts with brands and films were being held for now until they cleared it up.

Thus, Yao Chen's decision to settle things legally was just right.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

However, Zhao Fei and Feng Huai didn't think it was right for him to not settle with them. They wanted him to just say his price and be over it so everyone can be on their way.

After hearing about this, Ran Xueyi was disgusted by their attitudes. They were the ones in the wrong but the way they acted and thought was as if they were the victims.

"Proceed with Yao Chen's legal matters. Make sure to refuse the settlement discussion. The court may want to settle it privately in the face of Yao Chen's public image. But if we agree to settle, Yao Chen will lose trust in me and Chestnut." Ran Xueyi finally spoke her thoughts as she looked at Elder Wu Qi in his eyes.

Elder Wu Qi nodded: "I'll tell the legal team to refuse the option to settle. Don't worry about this anymore. I will make certain that we will drain their money and still send them locked behind bars."

That's exactly what Ran Xueyi wanted.

Since Zhao Fei and Feng Huai didn't show their remorse for what they did and didn't ask for their forgiveness with sincerity, she naturally won't let them off so easily.

Let them drain their money and realize that the sky fell down above their heads.

After Elder Wu Qi left, Little Zhanzhan also finished touring his mother's office: "Mommy, your office is smaller than A'Yu."

Ran Xueyi had been to Song Yu Han's office a few times and raised her eyebrows, "That's true. Daddy's office is bigger but mommy shouldn't be inferior, right?"

Little Zhanzhan nodded his head: "En! Mommy's office is more beautiful and awesome than A'Yu's."

Ran Xueyi liked it a lot when her son praised her. There seems to be some kind of great achievement from just hearing his praises.

"Do you want to have a place like mommy's?" Ran Xueyi asked him.

Little Zhanzhan thought about it before nodding his head like a chicken pecking rice. His eyes were shining brightly like stars as he jumped up excitedly: "I want one! It doesn't have to be big like mommy's or A'Yu's, just enough for me! Like this!"

He began to gesture how big he wanted his 'office' to be. Little Zhanzhan imagined himself working on his 'office' next to his parents and a cheeky smile bloomed on his adorable face.

Song Yu Han grabbed the little boy on the ground and brought him into his arms before taking a bite on his son's cheek.

Little Zhanzhan didn't think he would one day be bitten by his father and quickly rebelled by crying out loud, "Awoo! Stinky A'Yu bit me, Mommy! He'll leave marks on me, too!"

Ran Xueyi ignored the last sentence, keeping her mind out of that time when Little Zhanzhan asked her about the marks on her body. She then glanced at her husband in warning.

Song Yu Han gently smiled back at her, but he no longer took another bite from their son's cheek. It was unfortunate since he was too cute to resist another bite, but since his wife had already warned him, he could only retreat.

He'll attack his son later…

After giving him a tour in her office and staying there for an hour, Ran Xueyi and Song Yu Han with their son left the company building to go back to the hotel.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When they arrived, Guo Yun was standing outside their hotel room with a frown on his face, looking grim.

Ran Xueyi looked at him and nodded. Then, she walked into the room, leaving the two guys outside to talk.

Once the door was closed, Song Yu Han approached his special assistant and said, "One minute. Be brief about what you have to say."

Guo Yun was used to his stern personality when working so he didn't dally and said, "Cao family sent an invitation letter for the Old Patriarch Cao's 70th birthday. Old Patriarch Song also called earlier to tell you that you are suggested to attend."

Song Yu Han furrowed his brows altogether. He couldn't stop the irritation that had risen up to his head.

Guo Yun did not say anything, waiting for his boss to speak.

Finally, a minute after Song Yu Han's suffocating and strong aura leaked out, the atmosphere turned clearer and Guo Yun heard him say, "Tell them I don't have time to celebrate the Old Patriarch Cao's birthday. Send them a gift."

"Won't you consider coming in person?"

"What for?" Song Yu Han's eyes flashed coldly, "I'm no longer a child. They can't just tell me to go at their beck and call, don't you think so?"

If it were before, Song Yu Han might go to the party. But slowly, things were being unraveled. Song Yu Han knew what they were planning, or perhaps, their intentions in having him attend the party. However, would he actually let them do as they wanted?

Besides, he was no longer the young Song Yu Han who could only anchor himself to something to survive. He was now a man who could stand head to head with them. Do they still think he was a harmless puppet they can twist and control in their hands?


Poisonlily has something to say: So, happy for the 500 chapters! We're actually getting closer to the ending. Although, there's still tons of chapters left, but gradually, we're getting there. At least two more arcs until the end. So, hold on tight!

Ps. Sorry for the lack of updates this month. Things were not getting well on my side so I had to take some breaks in between updates. Next month, will start updating daily again! >.<!!