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Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 321.2: The Fight For Principal (Part 2)
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Both of the professors were eagerly waiting. A chance for both of them to become principal, but what would the judging criteria be?

Both of them understood their strengths; they knew each other well and had worked with each other for a long time since they had joined around the same time. Both of them had a love for magic and studied it in their own way, but not many were as dedicated to books and research as Raze was.

Ibarin's strong points were actually his connections outside of the Mage Academy. Due to his friends in various fields and companies, as well as getting on with the students' parents, he was able to get the academy deals on a number of things, such as cheaper supplies, building materials, and even setting up certain contracts for the students' futures. He was more of a connection man.

Seeing these two at the helm of the academy, they could imagine it being a great landmark case in the advancement for the future of mages. It was just too difficult to decide who should be the principal, which was why the former principal had decided to make an interesting suggestion.

"There is an ongoing problem at our academy, that has only been growing larger, and I have heard it's starting to spread to the other academies as well."

Nearly both of Raze's and Ibarin's heads sank down because they knew what the professor was talking about.

He then went to his drawer and pulled out a small device that almost looked like a pen. It was flatter with a circle at the top and a tip that was shaped like a whistle.

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"Do you care to tell me what this is?" the professor asked.

"It's a device used to inhale Recimal air," Raze answered immediately. "It gives a boost in a mage's mana while making him more sensitive to the mana around him. It allows a heightened state for a short time, around 5 to ten minutes depending on the individual. However, after the effects wear off, there is a slight depressive state that one gets in. Recimal air is a highly addictive substance, and with each use, its effects lessen, leading to those needing a bigger dose for the same effect, but the bigger the dose, the bigger the side effect, which is why it, as well as the devices, are banned."

All areas of research were open to Raze, and that included banned substances.

"You're right, and this device here was confiscated by one of our students. There is a major problem as someone in the academy is selling it to the students. The worst case seems to be here at Central Academy itself. Of course, I don't want you to punish the students that are found with these; they are simply victims. But I want you to find out who is selling these to the students, whether it's outside or inside the school. Both of you are talented mages, both of you are at the 8-star level, close to reaching the 9-star level. I doubt anyone that you find you will have trouble with. So it's not so dangerous of a task. The one who finds the one responsible will become principal. I think this will be a nice start, killing two birds with one spell, and will make a good impression."

The task was given, and both of them understood. When exiting from the room, Ibarin turned to Raze.

"I wish you luck on this, my friend," he stated. "I hope that there are no hard feelings on which of us will win."

"Of course not," Raze replied. "Besides, regardless of the result, the two of us will still be working closely together. There are no hard feelings at all."

The two of them continued to walk down the hallway, and Ibarin seemed to be fishing for clues. He was trying to see what techniques Raze would use to try and catch this criminal.

"Well, it wouldn't be very fair if I told you this, but I will tell you something. If I do catch this person, I won't be able to forgive them," Raze replied. "To go so low, to sell such things to the kids. They probably didn't know any better and are already under the pressure of performing well. I can imagine many students giving in and using such devices just before their tests to get a better score. I have to put a stop to this."

Raze continued to walk forward while Ibarin stopped since he was right outside his classroom.

"Be careful," Ibarin shouted out. "Remember, you have a beautiful wife to look after."

Back inside the classroom, Raze only had one more thing to open the vault, to activate it with magic, but not just any magic, Dark magic would need to be used to reveal what was hidden behind the large board for the class.

A secret key that only he possessed.

"I'm remembering too much about the past," Raze said to himself. "At the time, I never did find the criminal, but instead, they found in this very class several Recimal Air devices. I was set up. Someone was trying to pin the blame on me. At the time, I was so naive; I thought it could have been anyone, I didn't have a clue who it was."

"Why didn't I think it was him? Why did I trust Ibarin so much? Was it because of our history together, because he had never done something like this before?"

"I should have known he had an obsession with climbing to the top and wanting to become one of the Grand Magus."

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More memories had flooded into Raze, a recurring dream that he would have often. After finding out that the devices were in his room, he had been taken to trial.

Here, there were several of those who were asked to take the stand. Students had come to Raze's defense, stating that he was a good teacher and they could never believe he would do such a thing.

However, his fellow colleagues were a mixed bag. That day he had seen some of the fellow teachers turn on him, saying things that they had only said behind his back, making it out as if he was capable of doing such things. Then finally, it was Ibarin's turn to take the stand.

"Now that I think about it, I think that Raze Cromwell might be capable of such things," Ibarin claimed. "When the principal asked us about the devices, he knew so much about them already. Which is a bit strange for a teacher, and I don't want to share details, but do you know where he's originally from? He's from the Underus, one of the Under cities."

The look on everyone's faces had almost changed at that moment when they had found out where Raze was from, and almost in an instant, it was like they had forgotten everything Raze had done for them.

At the time, Raze didn't understand why Ibarin would do all of those things, why he had done so much.

"But I did learn the reason, after it was too late," Raze placed both his hands together, and the Dark magic started to seep out to the circle.

"After that, my whole life changed, my own family, my friends that I knew, and that was when I started to have the run-in with the Grand Magus and suffered from their cruel hands again and again. But those memories are for another time!"

"I remembered my reasons for revenge, and this will help me!"

The magic circle lit up, and the board started to shift, sliding apart. The Dark Magus' secret vault was open.