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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 50 - 48: Four Against One Part 1
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When the crowd heard Diaz finally accepting the bet they gasped while Alex smiled.

Gracier's eyes narrowed before she smiled in turn, she had a feeling that her Big brother was going to rob Diaz and his men clean.

"Diaz are you out of your mind?"

Bolt and the remaining two men looked at Diaz with criticizing eyes when he accepted Alex's proposition.

Diaz calmly explained himself,

"You must prepare yourselves. We would make a fool of ourselves if we run now, we would become laughingstock from tomorrow on! Nobody gonna respects us anymore, people will point their fingers at us saying that we are coward. Something I will not allows. We only have to win. If we win, then the Ten Gold coins and the Space ring will be ours. Just think about it."

Whether Diaz's words stimulated their greed, or maybe they understood that they couldn't retreat from the current situation, the three men stared daggers at Alex.

Unbothered Alex said "If you have decided then take out your entire fortune. Be quick, we don't have all day, I've things to do after this, so better be quick.''

At Alex's words, the Four men each took a bag of money from their chests and tossed to where Alex's pouch and Space ring were.

Seeing that situation, Alex opened his mouth as a grin floated onto his face.

"Be aware that in the case you lose I'll be taking your weapons as well,'' Alex added.

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Immediately another commotion started. Diaz's and his men expressions turned ugly, glaring at Alex with murderous eyes Diaz says,

"Alex don't go too far. We are not easy to bully. Add our weapons you say? Better kill us then, weapons are Adventurer's life. How could you say that, you devil.''

"Whether I'm a devil or not, it's not up to you to decide. The things you four took out are no way near my items. Yet generous as am I, I said to add your weapons in the case you'll lose. Why are you afraid? You just need not lose or else hehehe! I'll be taking your money and your weapons. You accept or you get lost. Do not forget what I said previously. I said all your entire fortune, weapons can also count as your fortune, you're lucky that I'm extremely generous, so generous that I didn't ask you to add your clothes and armors. Hah! I'm indeed generous.'' Alex sighed while acting as though he had taken a serious decision not to ask them to add their clothes and armors.

The crowd brows twitched, they didn't know whether they should call Alex shameless or they should praise him for being ruthless, ruthless because if he were to win, the four will be done for literally. How could they accomplish quests without their weapons and with all their fortunes gone? They won't, maybe after losing they will stop being Adventurer because nobody was going to lend them some money considering their reputations. Hell, they may consider themselves lucky if the other Adventurers didn't mock them while still refusing to lend them some money.

Alex's move can be considered ruthless if he were to win that is. Leena looked at Alex with praise, one must be ruthless toward one's enemy. Eleonora also shared the same thought while Gracier was just smiling waiting to see Diaz and his men ugly faces after they would have lost.

Diaz and his men complexions sank, blue veins could be seen popping out on their foreheads, they were glaring at Alex with eyes filled with an intention to murder.

Unfazed Alex smiled and said ''What are you planning? Accept or get lost. Come on we don't have all day you know?"

Hearing Alex's words Diaz gritted his teeth till it almost bleeds, calming down his raging emotions, Diaz closed his eyes before finally answering ''We accept.''

"Wow! Wise choice. Shall we start then?" Alex said while glancing at Leena.

Sighing Leena advanced and looked at the five before announcing, ''This is a friendly exchange, please do note that you can not kill your opponent. You must stop when your opponent surrenders. Lastly, the winner takes everything while the loser, well he/the losers will accept the outcome without raising a fuse or else I won't be nice. I hope I was clear enough. Do you still accept continue?"

Naturally, the Five accepted. Looking at them one more time Leena announced, ''Then start!"

Following Leena's signal nobody move, the five observed each other. Alex smiled when he saw how tense the four were. Compared to them, he was too calm, so calm that it was disturbing. It was because of how calm Alex was that Diaz didn't immediately attack, he decided to observe Alex before making a move.

Alex seemed so calm even facing the Four was simply because he knew he would win.

Previously when they came out, he secretly appraised them, having seen their statuses he became confident, hence he proposed Four against one.

Diaz's Level was the highest (L11, his stats were slightly above his when he was level 9, he can also the Wind element) after Diaz was Bolt (a Level 10, a pure swordsman) while the Bowman was Level 9 he was also Magic bowman like Gracier had predicted, the daggers man was also a Level 9. Overall, Alex's stats were above them, he didn't fear them, this fight can also be used as training against future human opponents.

'Let start' Alex mumbled.

〖Have fun. This fight will be over if you use me you know?〗Silveria said fully knowing why Alex choose not to use her in this fight.

'I know but I just want to fight them without using you.'

Alex's mouth curved into a grin as he said 'I won't be using my Gift because some people were expecting me to do it. I'm not going to make their wish come true.'

〖You are so bad Master. Well, you should focus on the Magic bowman in the middle, he's the most dangerous. He will snipe you from afar while the other will attack you.〗Silveria warned him to take care of the Magic bowman first.

'I know. It was what I had planned to do since the start anyway. Time to test that newest skill you gifted me.' Alex responded while cracking his neck.

Diaz and the other three tensed when they saw Alex, they were ready to attack, the Magic bowman moved a little back, he started gathering magic to fire his arrows while Diaz was ready to move.

Grinning Alex murmured [Blink], instantly his figure disappeared and reappears in front of the startled Magic bowman, Alex's right arm was planted deep in the pit of the Magic bowman's stomach.

''Ho... ugha!"

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Groaning loudly as his eyes lost all focus, he magic bowman fell onto the ground unconscious, he was KOed with just one punch. It was normal, Alex struck with all he got. His 200 Attack Points are no joke after all. Even Diaz the Level 11 Attack points were not high as him (Diaz Attack's stat: 190)

Not wasting this opportunity, Alex spun and slashed at the nearby man who held two daggers, still surprised by Alex sudden appearance the daggers man was almost caught off guard however he quickly brought his two daggers in front of him blocking Alex's knife,


A metallic sound was produced when the three weapons clashed, sparks flew in the air.

Alex followed by another attack, his early attack was a feint by the time the daggers man noticed that it was already too late. Alex's kick connected to his left knee,


''Aahhh!" the daggers man screamed feeling his knee breaking, he dropped his daggers and started rolling on the ground.

Finally, Diaz and Bolt reacted and they attacked Alex, the latter vanished from their striking zone and reappears where he previously stood while slightly painting. These exchanges that dured a few seconds at best had taken all his concentration, he needed to be quick, or else only the Magic bowman would be out of the game. Fortunately, his plan had worked.

Smiling Alex said ''Two down, two more to go.''

Diaz complexion sank, he glared at Alex, Bolt crouched down and checked the still rolling in pain daggers man. His knee was really broken. Two guild staff came out and took the unconscious and the injured daggers man away.

Finally, the crowd reacted, they were too shock previously to say anything, everything happened so fast that by the time they were aware of happened, two of Diaz's men were down.

Even Leena was surprised, she had never heard of that strange movement skill, it was the first time she saw something like this. Don't misunderstand, she had seen numerous strange movement skills which were extremely fast but Alex's movement skill was strange, he just disappeared and reappears at will. What a wonderful movement skill, Leena praised.

On the other side Eleonora's eyes widened, she was surprised by Alex's skill, but more importantly, she was surprised by his decision to take the two at rear down at the start of the fight. It was a well-thought-out plan.

Gracier was smiling, her fists tightly clenched due to nervous, she was confident that her Big brother would win however Alex's sudden move surprised her even more. He moved and Bam! two of Diaz's men were down, as expected of her Big brother.

The crowd was silent, waiting for more, until now they still didn't understood what happened. They decided to wait and see. Most of them by now was sure that Alex would win.