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Dimensional Descent-Novel

Chapter 370 - Evolution Stage
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Leonel was suddenly bombarded by a surge of Force.

It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. The Force he was used to was hard to sense, but it was still tangible. Even someone with weak Internal Sight could feel it as long as the concentration was high enough.

But, this Force, despite being maybe in the highest concentration Leonel had ever seen, still felt… unreal.

The harder Leonel tried to reach out to it, the more fluidly it slipped through his fingers. It was as though Leonel was on a different plane, observing it from afar.

However, despite there being such a surge, Leonel didn't feel like his life was in danger at all. In fact, he continued to walk forward without suffering any setback at all. If it wasn't for the fact he was taking his time to sense the mysteriousness of this Dream Force, he would have already long since crossed this trial.

Before Leonel even realized it, he had made it to the door of the Dream Force abode.

His palm reached out, touching the dark oak of the door.


A light clicking sound reached Leonel's ears as the door slowly swung open.

At that moment, a shield of protection suddenly vibrated.

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The lamppost that manned the outside flickered before erupting into a blinding light that shot into the skies.

The eyes of numerous elites swung in a single direction. They were all used to the signs of an abode being conquered by now. However, the signs had never been this exaggerated before. In the whole of Terrain's Brave City, not a single one had ever claimed one of these special abodes.

Leonel, however, had no idea that he had suddenly become the center of attention. He was entirely immersed in an all new feeling. His body, despite standing on the ground, felt as though it was soaring into the clouds…

When Leonel finally snapped out of his odd state, he was uncertain of how much time had passed. But, he was no longer worried about a time limit. Compared to the Star Force abode, this Dream Force abode was even more secure. Whereas someone bold might try to force their way through the Star Force trial, Leonel didn't believe anyone would have the guts to do so with the Dream Force abode.

Facing something tangible was always easier than facing the illusory. In this abode, it was possible to fall into an illusion without even realizing what happened. If it wasn't for Leonel's high affinity with Dream Force, he would have likely fallen into an endless cycle as well.

'So that's how it is…'

Leonel exhaled a long breath, looking around his new home for the next while. He couldn't help but smile, he hadn't had a place he could call home in more than a year now. He didn't know how long he would be in this Brave City, but he definitely felt at home here…

The whole abode was decorated in white and black. The two shades complemented and danced with one another across the home. It was warm and pleasing to the eye, leaving Leonel feeling content.

For the first time, Leonel didn't feel the need to ask the dictionary what was happening with him. He understood that compared to his affinity for Fire, Light, Star, or Earth, his affinity for Dream Force existed on a completely different plane of its own. It was so high, in fact, that even without being consciously aware, he had still made use of it before…

Whenever Leonel entered his Dream World, whenever he used Dream Sculpt, whenever he formed a Dream Clone… Every time, without fail, without Dream Force as a core, he would have failed.

To use something so unconsciously, as though he was breathing… just what level of affinity was that?

But, now that Leonel knew what it was and could consciously put it into motion…


A violent torrent of Force surged toward Leonel.

He completely expelled all of his normal Soul Force. It was nothing but a hindrance to him, limiting his abilities and causing him to use more stamina to perform tasks that should have been as easy as breathing.

To Leonel, Soul Force and Dream Force were like the lubricants and fuel to a well running engine. Not only was Soul Force far lower in quality, when it combusted, it gave off countless impurities, making its efficiency horrid.

Not everyone could do as Leonel was currently doing. Dream Force represented consciousness. Those with low affinity could easily lose themselves, forgetting what was real and what was not. Their memories would become so real that it would feel as though they were reliving them in real time. Their phobias would manifest and hold control of them. Even their loves would become larger than life, enveloping their very beings.

The number of pitfalls there were to using Dream Force were endless. Only those innately born with a comprehension of this Force could make use of it without losing themselves. And, thanks to his ability, Leonel just so happened to be one of these people.

The moment all of his Soul Force was purged, Leonel felt as though a shackle on his mind had been lifted. Dream Force began to compress within his Ethereal Glabella, wildly surging about.

Leonel wasn't worried in the slightest. The Dream Force he was accepting now, no matter how high level of an energy it was, was still considered to be within the Fourth Dimension. With the strength of his mind, it was child's play to accept for him.


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The Force around Leonel kicked up a tempest. Leonel's hair fluttered wildly, his heavy robes billowing.

What sounded like shattering glass resounded in Leonel's ears.

Leonel's eyes shot open, a bright light making his pale irises seem no dimmer than his mother's bright emerald gaze for a moment.

Leonel felt that his mind had never been clearer. He saw the things in the world down to their most basic building blocks, seeing through the foundation even the most complex things with just a single glance.

With a flip of his palm, the dictionary appeared once again.

The last time Leonel checked the level of his ability, it had just barely crossed into the Bronze grade. Though this was still a Fifth Dimensional ability, with the other limiters on Leonel's body, it hadn't been able to truly shine.

But now…

[ *Ping* ]

[ Subject: Leonel Morales ]

[ Calculative Mind: An ability capable of simplifying the complex. ]

[ Evaluating power… *Ping* ]

[Evolution Stage: Quasi Silver]