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Dimensional Descent-Novel

Chapter 650 - Sonorous
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Leonel slowly woke up to the feeling of something soft in his palms. His hand subconsciously squeezed at Aina's bottom, the elasticity bringing a smile to his face.

'How comfortable…'

His Aina was quite petite, but whether it be her breasts or her bottom, they existed on a plane of their own. He hadn't been bold enough to touch her so freely in the past, but as their relationship grew deeper, he found an odd peace doing exactly this.

"… Pervert."

Aina mumbled under her breath, but she didn't open her eyes. It seemed that she still wanted to nap.

At the moment, she was feeling very comfortable. In the past, she wouldn't have dared sleep by Leonel in the nude either. But, it seemed a bit silly for her to be so reserved after what happened in the past day.

Leonel smiled. "How's Hero Peak been?"

Aina's brow furrowed when she heard this question. Her cheek continued to rest on Leonel's arm, but it was clear that she didn't like this question very much. Or, rather, she didn't seem to like Hero Peak very much.

"The Peak is fine, but it's not right. It doesn't make sense for you to still be in the freshman quarters."

Aina had obviously known that this would happen, or else she would have never come here to find Leonel in the first place. But, that didn't mean that she would be satisfied with such a thing.

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Leonel chuckled. "Am I missing a lot by not joining a Peak?"

Aina bit her lip slightly, but even without saying anything, it was clear that the answer was yes.

After a bit, she began to explain and Leonel too realized that he was indeed missing out on a lot.

If one thought back to Brave City, it would be easy to recall the number of resources that city had. Whether it was the special Force Abodes, to the Style monuments, and even to the secret formations within the tower at the center that neither Leonel nor Aina got to experience… They were all top tier places to train.

If there were such things for a mere city reserved for recruitment… Just what did the main organization have? Those things were just the tip of the iceberg but many things Leonel learned in the place were still a part of his main fighting prowess.

To this very day, Leonel still used the Dream Force he gained from Brave City and it was responsible for the greatest leap in his strength. Even if he ignored that, he used the angelic swordman's movement Style almost as often.

If Leonel were to have never stepped foot into Brave City, he wouldn't even be half as powerful as he was now.

When he put these matters into perspective… It seemed that he was indeed missing out on a lot. Maybe he should be more infuriated about being blue balled in this way…

Well, maybe. But, he couldn't bring himself to be mad with a naked beauty by his side. Who cared about those things?

Leonel smiled stupidly, gazing down on Aina's face. At that moment, she happened to be itching her cheek, causing a small pang to ripple through his chest.

He didn't care about Aina's scars. Even if they never disappeared, he would still choose her over everyone else. But, watching her suffer through such discomfort left him feeling more rage than any mere Vice Leader of Hero Peak could cause…

Noticing how stuffy the room was, Leonel felt a bit guilty. The dorm rooms left for the freshman were indeed terrible.

The room only had a small window nearing the ceiling, the room itself being barely five meters long and three meters wide. As expected, there was hardly any ventilation in here.

To Leonel, though he hadn't realized before, but humidity and heat had little to no affect on him. So, he hadn't even realized that the room was getting so uncomfortable.

Leonel had never even thought of resources before, but at that moment, the thought of never allowing Aina to suffer bloomed in his heart again.

She was his girlfriend, his future wife, the woman he wanted nothing more than to spend his life with.

Leonel's gaze flashed with a cold light. Anyone who wanted to make her experience such discomfort deserved to pay a severe price.

It seemed he would have to move out of this place.

Leonel reached out a hand. With a thought, the concentration of Fire Elemental Force in the room dispersed.

It was just a simple principle. There was no such thing as cold. Fundamentally, cold was just the absence of heat. If he wanted to help Aina feel more comfortable, it was just as easy as if he had some sort of ice ability.

The itchiness Aina felt plummeted instantly, a sweet smile spreading across her lips.

"Don't worry about the Peaks. Even if I don't join one, I'd like to see if they'd really stop me from using their facilities." Leonel's lip curled.

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"You're going to cause trouble again?"

"Me? Trouble? Does this look like the face of someone who causes trouble?" Leonel grinned.

Aina opened her eyes just to give Leonel an unimpressed look. But, unfortunately for her, while Leonel only had to look down to see her, she had to prop herself up on an elbow to see him. The result was Leonel's vision being drawn to two delicate pink protrusions.

When Aina realized where Leonel was looking, she blushed profusely, however she didn't get a chance to run away before Leonel's lips found their way to her own.

Leonel pulled Aina on top of him, his hands firmly grasping onto her plump ass. His fingers sunk into their softness, a certain member of his standing at attention almost immediately.

Aina pulled back from their kiss, her gaze already having become somewhat glossy.

"… I almost forgot, I brought you something to eat. Don't you want to…"

"We can eat later…" Leonel said quickly, greedily tasting Aina's lips again.

Just as the couple seemed intent on entering a round two, a blaring siren rang over the organization. No, not a blaring siren, but rather the sonorous ring of a large bronze bell.

Leonel was shocked into sitting up, a single arm of his wrapped all the way around Aina's waist. It shouldn't have been possible for such a sound to reach them through all his protections.

It was then he realized that the sound hadn't reached the room. Rather, it was touching upon his senses that hovered outside of it, this was his first line of defense. He had decided to put it up after what happened last time with Thetris. As for what reached the room itself, it was a strong vibration that shook the whole building.

The direction of the sound... Leonel was sure that it was Valiant Hall.

But why?

For some reason, Leonel got a sinking feeling.. Sparks sputtered in his Dreamscape, unable to connect.