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Don’t Fall for the Billionaire Lover by Rosa Winters

Chapter 410
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She always appeared so delicate and elegant, the epitof grace and nobility. This was how Pax had always seen his mother. At all times, she exuded an air of dignity and elegance, serene as the moon in the sky. But that was before tonight. Claire held a delicate little porcelain bowl in her hand. "You didn't seem to eat much tonight, so I had someone prepare your favorite soup." She placed the bowl on the small table in the room.

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Pax didn't move. He just stared at her intently.

Claire smiled at him. "What are you looking at, son?" Pax suddenly asked, "Mom, why did you have to kill Uncle Connor?" Claire, who had just sat down on the sofa and was about to lift the bowl, froze. Her hand jerked back as if it had been burned. She looked up, still maintaining a gentle smile. "Pax, what are you talking about?" Pax's voice was calm and steady, almost mechanical. "I heard everything. You want to kill Uncle Connor. You called him the devil, the spawn of Satan. You want him dead. You want him to go to hell." Claire's expression turned icy cold.

"You not only want to kill him, but you also used Chloe and Diana as threats, forcing him to decide their fate, driving him mad. Why? Why are you doing this? He's your full brother, the one who looks most like you among all your siblings. Why are you so cruel?" Pax's voice grew more intense. "You not only wanted to kill Uncle Connor, but you also drove Chloe and Diana to jump into the sea. Chloe's fate is unknown, and yet you feel no guilt. Grandma was right. You regard human life as worthless. You are a devil who kills without blinking." "Shut up, Pax!" Claire's face was a mask of fury. Then her eyes fell on Pax's hand, dripping with blood. Drop by drop, the bright red blood seeped into the carpet, silent and stealthy. Claire frowned and moved closer, reaching for his hand. "What happened to your hand?" Pax snatched his hand away. "You don't need to care about me. I can't tell when you're being real or fake anymore. You're like a ghoul hiding behind a human mask." "Pax! How can you talk tolike that?" Claire's demeanor was forceful and commanding. "Yes, I did want to kill your uncle. Everyone might have the right to callheartless and ruthless, but you don't. Everything I've done was to pave the way for you." Pax's anger erupted. "Enough! Don't useas a shield. I don't need you to pave the way for me. I don't care about inkeriting the Sartori family's wealth, if it means losing our humanity and killing our own family for scold, lifeless assets, then What's the point of having them?"

His voice was filled with resolve.

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"Mom, I will never compete with m Uncle Connor for the Sartori

fortune, will tell Grandpa that I renounce all claims to theinheritance, I don't want a single penny, and the sgoes for the Gilbert family. I want nothing!" Slap! A loud slap landed on Pax's cheek.

"Pax, you are my son, Claire's son. How can you say such things?" Claire was truly furious, her chest heaving tically, her eyes filled with a cold, fierce light. Pax covered half of his face, sneering bitterly. X