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Don't Mess with the Rock Chicks by F BOY’s DOLL

Chapter 287
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Chapter 287

At this moment, Jolene was a little moved.

But it’s just a momentary thing.

Immediately disintegrated by what Chris said next.

He said, “Are you a little touched?”

“It’s not that I’m moved, it’s that I suddenly feel that there is a soul under your exquisite skin.”

“Co–author, I used to be a walking dead in your eyes?”

Jolene got up with a smile: “I’m hungry, I ordered takeaway, do you want to eat?”

“Eating at night will make you fat.”

“If you don’t eat, you will die. Which do you choose, fat or dead?” Jolene asked him with the phone in

her hand.

“Then which one are you afraid of?” Chris has learned to ask rhetorically recently.

“No.” Jolene shrugged. “I have nothing to fear.”

“What about death?”

Jolene was going to say I was dead, or rather, I’m dead now.

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At least half of them died.

Now it’s her other half.


Chapter 787

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Jolene ordered crayfish, and Chris, who was afraid of getting fat, ate more than she did.

Later, they all fell asleep and fell asleep on the sofa.

The next morning, she was awakened by the ringing of the phone, and she was connected in a daze,

but Viona’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Agent Jane?”

Jolene woke up immediately, straightened her back, squeezed her throat and said, “Well, it’s me, who

is it?”

“Viona is Sophie’s sister and the deputy general manager of Oriental Group. I would like to ask, is there


misunderstanding between us?”

Jolene checked the news quickly, and the article about Sophie’s unspoken rules had already been sent

out, and it was the headline of the entertainment section.

There is no photo of Chris in the news, and the news is very cryptic, just talking about a newcomer who

has become popular recently.

But in the video that was released, there was the voice of Chris speaking, and Sophie called Chris‘


Viona was in a hurry, and asked them early in the morning to question her.

“Boss Gellar.” Jolene got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. The phone was turned on and the

speakerphone was placed on the sink, and the faucet was turned on. There was a splashing sound of

water: “I don’t understand what you

no nie.

Chapter 287


“It’s been released in the media. If you have any

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dissatisfaction with the contract, we can sit down and talk

about it. You do this…”

“Oh, you mean that Miss Gellar unspoken rules about our artists? These are not our intentions, they

were followed by Yuji. I can only say that Miss Gellar is too bold and too careless. I don’t know which

media has offended. It’s okay. Our artists are upright and just refused, otherwise, our bright future will

be ruined. Boss Gellar, if this incident affects the reputation of our artists, can we claim compensation?”

Viona choked.

After being stunned for a moment, she was very annoyed.

“Don’t beat me up, we are Party A, you are ruining your future by doing this, our contract ends here,

and you will never receive any endorsements in J City in the future…”

“I recorded Boss Gellar.” Jolene said slowly while brushing her teeth: “We have a contract, you are

breaking the contract, and your last sentence has completely constituted a threat, Boss. Gellar, Miss

Gellar unspoken rules, harassment We artists, we can definitely call the police, if we call the police, it

will be of another nature, Boss Gellar, think about it.”

Jolene rinsed her mouth with a snort, spit it out, a drop of water dripped onto the phone, she wiped it off

carefully, and hung up the phone by the way.

Jolene could imagine Viona’s face distorted with anger.

It’s twisted and ugly.