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Down the Rabbit Hole (Stuck On You)

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20: Just You The next morning, I woke up to find Hayden's arms aroundloosely. Our legs were tangles together and I could feel his warm, steady breath on my neck. I rolled over to lay on him and smiled. His eyes fluttered open sleepily. When he saw me, he closed his eyes and smiled.

"I love you," he said sleepily. I chuckled and kissed him gently. His hands went to hold my waist as he deepened the kiss. I felt him get excited as he pulledcloser to him. I chuckled and pulled away from him. He looked atbriefly before he flippedover and kissedagain. My legs went around his waist automatically. "Hayden, no," I muttered. I might have been saying no, but both of our bodies were saying yes. Hayden hesitated before he stopped kissing me. His head lolled in the crook of my neck as he tried to catch his breath.

"I don't think I'll be able to hold out on this bet any longer," he muttered into my skin. I laughed and slipped from under him to stand. I stretched and smiled at him.

"You'll be fine," I said. He practically groaned before he sat up.

"I guess I'll go take another cold shower... again," he said grumpily. I belly laughed as he walked to his bathroom. After we showered, we drove to the warehouse for practice. We ran the routine in the costumes a few times before we changed and just relaxed. "Hey, we're still going to your dad's charity ball thing in three weeks, right?" Quinn asked. I nodded.

"Hayden is going with us too," I informed her.

"Charity ball? Is your dad rich or something?" Luca asked.

"He's rolling in it," Hayden answered for me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is not," I countered. Quinn laughed and rolled her eyes.

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"Yes he is Jojo," she said, backing up Hayden. I looked at their faces. They seemed so smug about it. Luca's face was different. He looked like he just cup with the best plan in the world.

"Do you think that your dad might need sentertainment for this event?" Luca asked. I saw immediately what he was getting at and it worried me. I automatically started shaking my head. I wanted that week away to just be Hayden and me, but I could see now how that wasn't going to happen anymore. "Maybe the crew could perform," Luca suggested. I wanted to slap Quinn for even bringing it up.

"No, uh uh, no way," I started. The others were starting to get excited about the idea now. Their eyes brightened at the thought. "No way, it's in a few weeks. It's too short of a notice," I tried. The only one who didn't seem all that excited about it was Hayden. I looked to him and he shrugged.

"We could just do the tango number we just did. We already have the costumes and the dance ready," Luca tried explaining. I tried to picture us doing that dance at the ball. People would be mortified. My eyes widened and I shook my head. "There's not a chance in hell of us doing that one. Half of the people there would have a heart attack," I said.

"We could water it down to the basics and the girls could wear the outfits your dad gave us for the lyrical," Jason offered up. I sighed and closed my eyes. There were really determined to do this. I sighed. There was no way I was winning this one. "Fine, I'll ask," I agreed. "But there are no guarantees," I added quickly. Luca smiled satisfied. Hayden kissed my head.

"Ready when you are," he said. I thanked him quietly and stood.

"Well I'm out of here," I said, glad for the interruption. I turned to find Lana smiling mischievously at me. I rolled my eyes as she smirked at me. She looked like she knew something that I didn't. It, surprising, didn't botherthat much. "Hey, Hayden!" Sophia called after him. Hayden turned and looked at her. "Calllater," she said. She was starting to botherwith her persistence. I walked forward without him. He grabbedaround the waist and I squealed.

"Not interested," he yelled back. He threwover his shoulder and smacked my butt. I laughed and hit his back. He carriedall the way to the truck before he setdown. I pushed my hair back behind my ear and smiled at him. I interlaced my fingers with his and just smiled at him. He chuckled and kissed my head. "What?" he asked. I reached up and kissed him gently.

"Nothing," I smiled. "Con, you're going to talk to my dad with me." I said. His eyes widened as I got in the car. He started the car before he looked at me.

"I'm good with parents and all, but... I don't think I should meet your dad," Hayden said nervously. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"You'll be fine," I assured him.

Back at the apartment, we ate and watched a few shows before it ctto call my dad. I set up my laptop and hit FaceTime. My dad's face appeared moments later. Hayden sat watching, but out of view of the camera. My dad smiled at me. "Hi, princess. How's it going?" he asked. My dad was a bit more on the accepting side than my mom was. It was part of the reason that they got a divorce. He was open to new ideas and untraditional ways of living. My mom, however, believed in living by the Bible. "Hi daddy," I smiled. "It's going good." "You're still thinking about bringing Hayden, aren't you?" he asked. I glanced at Hayden before I nodded.

"I actually needed to talk to you about that," I started. "The crew was wondering if we could perform at the ball; just as a little entertainment in between the other songs or something. It's okay if you say no," I explained. My father only chuckled.

"Of course, sweetie. You're dance crew can perform. I'll pay them for their tand get them rooms in the shotel as you. Maybe even rent out the hotel ballroom as a practice space for you guys beforehand. I'm just glad that you found something over here that you enjoy. I'll support whatever it is 100%. You know that," he agreed. I groaned inwardly before I remembered Hayden sitting beside me.

"Oh, dad, this is Hayden, my roommate, dance partner, and boy... friend," I said, hesitating on the last one. Hayden gave a tight smile before he stuck his head in the picture. Hayden gave a little wave.

"Hi, Mr. Campbell. I'm Hayden McCormick," he introduced himself. My dad waved back.

"Nice to meet you son, but you can callPeter," my dad said. "Jobear, I've got to run, but callagain tomorrow, okay pumpkin?" he said. I was a little disappointed that he had to go so soon but I was used to it by now.

"Okay, daddy. I love you, bye," I said, before signing off. I closed my laptop and set it aside.

"Your dad seems pretty cool," Hayden said. I sighed and moved to lay down in my bed.

"Yup, he's the best," I said dryly. I loved my dad but it seemed like he was trying to buy my love sometimes. I wasn't complaining about it, I'd just wished that he actually spent twith me. It only got worse after Thomas died. I wanted him to care that I was rooming with a guy. He wasn't the protective type, but I wished that he was. Hayden kissed my head before he stood.

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"I'll call Luca and let him know," Hayden offered. I sat up and my eyes widened.

"No!" I said quickly. I sighed and slumped my shoulders forward. "I don't think I want them to go," I admitted. Hayden sighed and sat on my bed in front of me.

"Why?" he asked curiously. I shrugged and looked away from him for a moment. Bringing my eyes back to him, I sighed.

"I don't think I want everyone meeting my dad. I'm afraid that they'll treatdifferently; that's why I didn't tell you at first. And what if something goes wrong? It's a really fancy, high-end charity ball. Plus, the tango piece would be way too sexual for that setting," I explained in a rush. Hayden pulledon to his lap and kissed my head.

"Nothing is going to go wrong, Jo. And we can just push up the date for the lyrical and perform that instead. Your dad picked out the costumes so I'm sure he'll be okay with them. We can change up the dance if you want to make sure that you're comfortable with the dance. Everything will work out; unless you don't want it to," he said. I sighed and shrugged. "I don't know," I said unsurely.

"If you don't want us to go, just say so," he said softly. I looked at him.

"I want you to go. I wanted us to go," I said. He smirked at me.

"You wantedall to yourself," he noted. I shrugged. He chuckled. "You will haveto yourself... and then we'll perform with everyone and I'll meet e your dad, and it'll be fun," he assured me. I gave a soft smile before I gave in. "Okay," I said quietly.

Hayden pulled out his phone and called Luca to tell him the good news and the conditions. We watched movies all night until I fell asleep. Like RICH X WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming* these rich women will persue you.