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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 453 453:- Dynamic
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Once everyone had their fill of the sumptuous breakfast, it was time for them to start their respective days. Aditya, with a light pat on Leo and Clara's heads, signaled his departure. Spencer too rose from his chair, smoothing his clothes as he prepared to leave. Both of them had responsibilities waiting for them. Governing an empire was a job that demanded their utmost attention and time.

Meanwhile, Leo and Clara, with the innocence of youth still twinkling in their eyes, packed up their school bags. Despite their royal status, they attended school like any other children of their age, keen to learn and explore the world around them. They said their farewells and set off for school, a day of learning and adventures waiting for them.

Suddenly, Julia's voice echoed through the dining hall, grabbing everyone's attention. Julia, who was known for her extraordinary expertise in the alchemy and her position as Aditya's first fiancee, had called for everyone's attention. "Everyone, gather in the lab," she announced in a voice that carried an intriguing mix of seriousness and excitement, "We are going to have a meeting." The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and those who were left in the dining room, promptly made their way towards the lab, eager to find out what the upcoming meeting held in store for them.



Scene change_____

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Amber, the formidable 5th General and Captain of the 5th Division, was among those called to the meeting. A slight frown creased her forehead as she looked around the room, her sharp eyes meeting those of her fellow attendees. "Why have I been summoned here?" she asked, the question hanging in the air, her normally unflappable demeanor slightly disturbed by the unusual summons.

The women in the room shared puzzled glances, a ripple of confusion passing among them. Julia, who seemed to have taken the reins of the meeting, finally broke the silence. "Well, Amber, it's because you are not just a fellow general and Captain, but also one of my closest friends," she explained gently, her voice firm yet soothing. "As women, we believe your perspective would be invaluable in our planning."

This, however, only prompted a further question from another attendee. Riya, the third fiancee of Aditya, looked at Julia with curiosity glinting in her eyes. "What exactly are we planning here?" she queried, her fingers idly playing with a strand of her hair, her attention fully focused on the matter at hand.

The room fell silent for a moment before Watson, Aditya's dependable butler, cleared his throat and decided to provide the answer. "Actually, ladies, we are here to discuss His Majesty's birthday," he stated, his voice carrying an air of formal authority. The revelation was met with wide-eyed surprise from the women, their expressions reflecting a mix of shock and intrigue.

Riya, along with the others, suddenly realized they were treading uncharted territory. 'Now that I think about it, I don't know when Aditya's birthday is...' she mused internally, her brows furrowing in thought. The rest of the women in the room also looked rather intrigued, their curious gazes shifting between each other as they pondered over the unknown details of their beloved's special day.

The revelation of Aditya's birthday coming from Julia brought about a wave of surprise amongst the gathered ladies. She stated matter-of-factly, "Aditya's birthday is on the first day of the new year." The announcement hung in the air like a tantalizing secret just revealed, causing a moment of startled silence as they digested the information.

Shortly after this revelation, Watson, ever the professional, took his cue to depart. He offered a respectful bow to the assembly, saying, "If you ladies will excuse me, I shall take my leave." His tone was measured, courteous and carried a note of finality. He knew that these were waters best navigated by those who intimately knew Aditya on a personal level, and thus he retreated, leaving the ladies to their discussion.

Once the butler had exited, leaving the women alone in the room, Alicia, Aditya's second fiancee, turned her gaze towards the group. There was a certain determination in her eyes as she addressed them, her voice carrying an underlying current of urgency. "We now have a deadline to work with. Roughly eight days. That's the time we have to plan something truly special for Aditya," she proclaimed. Her words brought into sharp focus the task that lay before them – creating a memorable birthday celebration for the man they all held dear.

Over the past couple of months, a significant shift had occurred in the ranks of Aditya's fiancees, particularly in terms of their cultivation progression. Julia, the alchemy genius, stood out in particular. In a short span of two months, she had managed to climb the steep and rigorous path of cultivation, finally settling at the peak of the 3rd-order. Her accomplishment was indeed remarkable.

However, it should be noted that Julia could have ascended even further if she had dedicated more time solely to her cultivation practice. Being the Goddess of Alchemy that she was, her heart and soul were deeply embedded in her research. Her lab, filled with test tubes and brewing concoctions, was her sanctuary, the place where she spent the majority of her time. Her primary focus these days was to uncover a cure for her sister Lara, who was Aditya's fourth fiancee. This noble endeavor consumed much of her energy and time.I think you should take a look at

On the other hand, there was Riya, Aditya's third fiancee. Her progress was no less impressive. Over the same period, she had ascended to the Mid 5th-order, a testament to her relentless dedication and determination. Both Julia and Alicia, along with Riya, had made astounding leaps in their cultivation journeys over the past two months.

"Alright, ladies," Alicia began, her voice brimming with playful mischief as she surveyed the women seated around her. A twinkle of amusement lit her eyes as she turned her attention towards Riya, who was perched across from her, looking every bit the picture of poise. "Given how much Aditya loves simplicity, I'm certain he'd appreciate a small, intimate celebration, don't you think? However, since our dear Riya here is part of the planning committee, I do hope it doesn't end up as a grand spectacle that could rival the coronation of an emperor, knowing her propensity for all things ostentatious."

Riya's eyebrow arched slightly at Alicia's subtly loaded words. Her right eye twitched ever so slightly, a telltale sign of her barely concealed annoyance. But before she could formulate a fitting retort to Alicia's barb, Julia smoothly intercepted the brewing altercation.

"This isn't the right time or place for both of you to ignite another one of your infamous cat-fights. Can we, for once, focus on the matter at hand? We are here to discuss Aditya's birthday, not engage in a verbal sparring match." Julia's voice was firm, her gaze steely as she admonished the two women.

Alicia, meanwhile, simply responded with a victorious smirk, visibly relishing the moment. Seeing that smug expression on Alicia's face was like a dash of salt on Riya's wounded ego, causing her eye to twitch once more. The dynamic of their relationship was quite evident - a mix of playful rivalry and mutual respect, making their interactions all the more entertaining.

Watching the interaction between Aditya's fiances unfold, the other girls in the room processed the scene with varying thoughts swirling in their minds. Aria, in particular, was left somewhat dumbstruck by the unique dynamic among the women. There wasn't a trace of animosity or resentment that one might expect in such a complex relationship; quite the contrary, in fact. If anything, Aditya's four fiances displayed an exceptional level of kindness and mutual respect towards one another. They cared for each other and treated one another as if they were real sisters, bound by ties of love and friendship.

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However, there were times when the harmony gave way to a more playful banter. On such occasions, Alicia would tease Riya, provocatively throwing out subtle jibes. At times, Riya would return the favor, but more often than not, she found herself on the losing end of their verbal jousts.

Each of Aditya's fiances was truly one of a kind, with a distinct personality that added to the dynamic of the group. Julia was the epitome of the nurturing big sister and was, for all intents and purposes, the leader of the group. Everyone respected and admired her. Lara, on the other hand, was the quiet one. She was undeniably the shyest among them, but her honesty and transparent expression of feelings added an innocent charm to her persona.

Then there was Alicia, undoubtedly the most astute one in the group. She was always at the ready to taunt Riya, seemingly always winning their playful exchanges. And finally, there was Riya. Always calm, kind, and caring, yet Alicia somehow had a knack for provoking her. She would seize any opportunity to retaliate, but her attempts to taunt Alicia back often fell short. This unique dynamic among them brought a colorful and lively atmosphere to their interactions.

Sylvie was Alicia's best friend. But in spite of that close relationship, she never seemed to take sides whenever Alicia and Riya locked horns. Instead, she seemed to derive a certain level of amusement from these friendly tussles.


Aria turned to look at Sylvie, and her eyes widened in surprise. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Sylvie sat there munching on popcorn, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she watched Alicia and Riya's exchange with unabashed delight. Aria couldn't help but wonder, 'When on earth did she manage to bring popcorn into this meeting?'

Amidst all the drama, there was Amber. She stood there, equally taken aback by the unfolding spectacle. Normally she had a stern, serious demeanor, but her best friend, Julia, had once encouraged her to let loose a bit more. Observing the light-hearted banter, she could see what Julia meant. It was intriguing how everyone seemed to derive joy from the playful interactions. Perhaps, she mused, there was something to be learned from this unique dynamic after all.


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