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Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 528 The Undercurrent (1)
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Planet Kara, in a Dragon's Nest filled with gold and silver.

It had been more than a month since they had attacked the court of the imaska Second Empire and brought back the other Imperial secret weapons. At this time, it was almost time for the coronation ceremony of the Dragon Court.

After they returned.

Garen had contacted rockvader.

According to the Golden Dragon, the coronation ceremony was being prepared in an orderly manner. At this time, all the legendary dragons on planet Kara, whether they had decided to join the Royal Court or had a wait-and-see attitude, had received the news that the master of the Royal Court was about to be crowned. They were just waiting for the time to come and go to the half-plane where the Royal Court was located to see if the legendary Dragon of Time really existed.

As there was not much time left, garen did not leave Kara planet or go to other timelines.

He was quietly waiting for the coronation ceremony in the Dragon's Nest.

At this moment, there were two bronze short staffs between the silver dragon's claws.

One of them was the second secret weapon obtained from the imaska Second Empire, while the other was the same secret weapon obtained from another timeline.

The two staffs of imaska looked almost identical.

Besides their appearance, they also exuded the same power, as if they were carved from the same mold.

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so, things from other timelines can be brought out.

Yuna leaned over and stared at the two secret weapons without blinking.

She had already heard about garen's experience in the ancient imaska Empire, and was very surprised.

After pondering for a few seconds, Yuna asked garen a question, " "Then, can you bring me from other timelines here?"

"It's very interesting just thinking about it when the two of us face each other."

Garen shook his head. I might be able to in the future. However, I can't do it with my current abilities.

After chatting with Yuna for a while, garen carefully looked at the two imaska secret weapons again.

In his perception of mental strength, there seemed to be some connection between these two imaska secret weapons from different timelines. They emitted an obvious attraction to each other and had a tendency to get closer to each other. If garen was not holding them, the two bronze scepters would have already flown together.

In between garen's claws, the two short staffs trembled slightly.

The front of the short staff tilted slightly, trying to touch each other.

why would an item from a different timeline appear in the same time and space? "

Garen's gaze fell on the two secret weapons as he observed them quietly.

The illusionary river of time flowed quietly, appearing in garen's vision.

He saw that the secret weapon from the ancient imaska Empire was surrounded by a faint river of time. Tiny ripples spread out continuously and touched the secret weapon of the main timeline. Then, as if in response to the secret weapon of the ancient imaska Empire, the secret weapon of the main timeline also emitted strange fluctuations.

The strangeness they displayed seemed to be caused by the long river of time.

Garen tried to pull the distance between the two secret weapons further.

However, the distance in the spatial dimension did not seem to have any effect on their connection. There was no change in the trend of them getting closer to each other. They were both in the river of time, and their strange state seemed to be only related to the river of time.

As he thought about it, garen let out a breath and decided to let them go with the flow.

Since they were attracted to each other, he decided to let go and see what would happen when the secret weapons from two different timelines touched.

With that thought ...

Garen had set up many protective spells with the two secret weapons as the center to prevent any accidents from happening.

"Let me see what you want to do."

The dragon's claws moved and released the grip on imaska's Secret weapon.


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Under garen's gaze, the two imaska secret weapons that were no longer bound emitted the power of time that was invisible to the naked eye. They were suspended in the air under the effect of the river of time, and they approached each other with a whoosh.

Time seemed to slow down.

The two secret weapons drew a straight line in the air and slowly collided with each other.

Garen's gaze was serious. His dragon claws were surrounded by the power of time, ready to take down the two secret weapons at any time.

However, there was no danger after that.

The two bronze short staffs touched each other and fused with each other inch by inch. The secret weapon, which was originally made of metal, seemed to have turned into a stream of water, blending with milk and water. In the time of a breath, they had fused together and become a secret weapon.

"This ..." It really did fuse."

Garen reached out his dragon claws and picked up the newly born imaska secret weapon, carefully examining it.

In terms of appearance, there was no change in the appearance of the two secret weapons after the fusion.

Garen released a trace of magic power and used a simple evocation spell.


Clusters of Chain Lightning bolts extended out in the air like cobwebs, almost covering the entire Dragon Lair, filling the surrounding space with a high temperature and a burning atmosphere.

As the second secret weapon, the staff of imaska itself was branded with many spells. Most of them were spells that would put the enemy in a negative state, such as a hold spell or a stun spell. However, as the secret weapon of the Empire, the biggest function of the staff of imaska was to increase the casting speed and the power of spells.