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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 517 517- Necklace Of Queen Silaska
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"Where did you get all of these?" Berigard couldn't help but ask.

"There are plenty more from where that came from" Simon gave a mysterious smile. Even if they were going to be his subordinate soon, he did not reveal the existence of the forest spring spirits living inside his dungeon to them.

It took some time for Berigard to digest the information, he kept the space ring and bowed his head in respect even deeply. If earlier he was feeling a little apprehensive about going to a new place, now he couldn't help but get excited over it.

"Thank you, my lord…" Berigard thanked Simon once again, his actions was imitated by the thousands of orcs down below who were listening to their conversation intently.

"No need for that, it's not a gift… think of it as an advance reward for the work that you are going to put in soon. Now then, as per the agreement, you are going to establish a blood contract with me. As long as this blood contract is in work, you cannot ever betray me".

"Furthermore, if in the future the tribe of orcs suddenly tries to revolt, you would be my sword that would cull them first" Simon declared. Of course, what he spoke was utter bullshit and could only dupe those that did not know what blood contracts are.

The blood contract was the weakest of all the contracts that a demon noble could initiate. It might compel the other party to be loyal to the master of this contract in this case, the demon. Nevertheless, it did not have as much compelling power as to make them absolutely loyal nor could it force the orc general into doing something it did not want to.

So basically, what Simon was trying to do was deceive them into thinking such.

"Bea contact Irene and tell her to open the gate" While Bea sent the spatial axis back to Irene, Simon initiated a blood contract with Berigard.

The latter accepted the shackles without any complaint. After a while, a huge spatial gate formed behind Simon shocking the orcs silent.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Alright, start moving in".


50th floor of the dungeon Laplace. Due to the proximity of the floor to the dungeon core, the density of mana here was very strong. Coupled with the fact that dozens of mana trees were also planted here amidst the normal trees, made that concentration go up even higher.

As soon as the orc army arrived on the floor, they were gobsmacked to see the sight that lay in front of them. The 50th floor was more than fifty kilometres big land, had plenty of flora and an ecosystem designed with the living habitat of the orcs in mind.

The territory of the orcs could be said to be one of the badlands of the western region of the ghastly winding forest. It was a barren land with the only redeeming factor that it was rich in minerals.

Even amongst all the territories inside the western region, it was one of the worst. So when Berigard and the others who saw the vast wildlands and felt the dense mana around the place, they couldn't help but freeze in shock.

"Ah right, you might think that it might be a little cramped for 90,000 orcs. But don't worry, the floor above this one is also yours and is more or less this big. I would suggest that you assign a portion of orcs, high orcs and diluvian High orcs to live up there. Well, I'll leave that decision to you".

"The floor below this is the territory of the Deep Sea Alligator King and the elder Lizardmen. Unless ordered I would like you to stay on your own floors. In any case, there are many treasures of the nature and monsters spawned here to help you all to establish your own ecosystem".

"And the last thing I want to tell you before I leave you to yourself is that I hate internal fightings. During your course of staying here, you would see many kinds of races living here and that number would only go up higher in the future. Nonetheless, remember that once you have become my subordinate, you all belong to the same side".

After Simon finished saying all he needed to, he teleported back to the main floor along with Bea and the warhorse.

Main Floor, on top of one of the Mineral mountains located at the southern side of the floor. Since the Main floor was expanded quite a bit, there were many such mountains around here. The one they were on, was one of the highest mineral mountains.

From here they could see the white palace and the eternally shrouded pond of serenity and the trees of mana crystals around it. On the western side of the floor, was the beautiful garden that Irene and Cecilia had cultivated. The east and the north side were an orchard of mana trees.

In the future, as the dungeon progresses, the main floor would have more and more features added to it. Looking at the sight in front of him, Simon sighed. At first, the main floor was just an empty floor not even two kilometres big.

He reminisced how he used to sleep and eat in the open before he installed the white palace and the pond of serenity. Then came Irene and not long after her, Cecilia who had completely transformed his dungeon into something that even Simon had sometimes difficulty believing.

The growth of his dungeon was astronomical, it had far left all the other dungeons around it into the dust and was swiftly approaching the [C] rank. Simon who was its dungeon master could feel it. Perhaps, a little more push and it will advance.

"So what do you two think?" the reason why Simon brought them here besides wanting to look at the progress of his main floor from a high vantage point was to hear their opinion.

"Well they are not bad, at least they know how to properly address Master" Bea was the first one to let her opinion know. Since she could tell that the orcs were very fearful and respectful of her master, she didn't any qualms with the newest additions to the dungeon.

As for the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse, it pondered for a moment before telling its thoughts.

"That orc named Berigard… I could tell that he does not harbour any intentions of going against my lord… that is for the time being. It is too soon to rule out the possibility of their betrayal so I would like to hold onto giving any opinion now".

The Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse was much more steadfast when it came to Simon and the dungeon. Its warrior-like personality made it extremely cautious of who he should trust and the tribe of orcs who were just brought to the dungeon was yet to get his stamp of approval.

On that note, probably only Irene, Cecilia, the forest spring spirits and the valkyries were the only ones who might have gotten its approval.

Simon did not feel like it was a bad quality, thus he did not try to persuade them otherwise and left them with their own opinions.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

In the next few days, Simon would get busy in the preparations for the upcoming birthday, fulfil his roles as the dungeon master, monitor the situation at the tower town and check over the orcs on the 49th and 50th floor all at the same time keeping it a secret from Cecilia.

The little girl was kept busy by Alice and her friends from the village. Since it was just for a few days, Simon allowed the forest spirit children to enter his white palace just this once.

The dungeon core was located in the basement of the white palace and was protected by multiple layers of formations. Even then, Simon stationed the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse at the entrance of the basement to be extra careful.

The preparation for the party was going in a full swing, the entire village was pitching in to celebrate her birthday and to make it a grand event. One wouldn't be able to find a single person that was free in the forest spring village.

Thanks to Simon ordering Fennel to make it a grand event, the gravity of importance he had put into it, even surpassed the Spirit Fortuna Festival, making it one of its kind.

Irene and the Valkyries spent most of their time in the village helping with the preparations. But since it would be too suspicious for Irene to be gone from the main floor for too long, she showed up every now and then and checked over Cecilia.

The latter was never given the liberty to go somewhere on her own much less to the forest spirit village. Everyone was busy doing something or the other. Simon was not an exception…

"Finally I got something" Simon mumbled wiping the sweat from his face. Currently, he sat atop a rock near the serenity pond looking at the object that was in his hand. If one asked what he was up to, then it would be drawing Gacha or as the options say [Ga??????].

Yes, Simon was using the option as a part of his daily draw; nonetheless, today was different than usual since he was spending a little more than what he usually spent.

Normally, Simon would have stopped after using the [100,000] draw twice or thrice and getting some junks. However, today Simon was hellbent on drawing something good, something that was truly worth all the money he had put into it.

He had already used the [100,000] option four times; nonetheless, all he got was items which had no value in his eyes.

<strong>5th draw-</strong> nothing other than a [c] rank halberd, <strong>10th draw-</strong> still the usual junk, <strong>15th draw-</strong> items that was allocated for the treasure chest or to be recycled in his [Armoury].