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Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 278 - 277 - Chaos In The Rustlands II(Part 8)
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Chapter 278 - 277 - Chaos In The Rustlands II(Part 8)

"You bastard, don't underestimate us," Growled the black haired twin.

"It's funny, usually when people tell me not to underestimate them, I end up overestimating them...talk is cheap, you weak little bitch," I replied tauntingly.

"Hmph, don't think you can provoke me that easily!" She snapped, zipping towards me and swinging her blades at me in a rapid barrage, which I swiftly evaded, getting grazed a couple of times.

She then sprang away as the white haired twin dropped straight down from above me and swung her hammer down, which was crackling with lightning. It slammed onto the ground with a devastating impact as I leapt out of the way and narrowly avoided getting struck by it, right as the black haired twin sprang up behind me and drove her blades towards my back.

I swiftly whipped my tail up at her wrists, forcing her to halt and spring back, narrowly avoiding getting her hands sliced off. As the white haired one shot towards me with her hammer low, the other one then flung one of her blades straight at me, which I dodged, before drawing out my short-sword to deflect the upward swing of the hammer from the other twin as she closed in on me, which struck the side of my blade as I began to try to deflect it...but my blade shattered upon contact.

Before the hammer could strike my head, I used Teleport to slip behind her and fired out Repulsion from my hand, sending her flying forward with a gasp of pain and crashing onto a building with immense force. The black haired twin then shot towards me with a furious yell and swung one of her blades at my head, which I ducked under, before grabbing her other blade between my teeth as she drove it towards my neck.

I sent her flying away with a blast of Repulsion, and as I tried to grab her blade as she lost her grip on it...my hand immediately got repelled off. As she held out her hand towards the blade, it got pulled towards her, right as the white haired twin sprang up behind and swung her hammer across at my right.

I narrowly dodged it using Teleport, blasting out flames from my mouth at her as I reappeared up in the air behind her. She spun around and blocked it with her hammer, her arms getting burnt in the process, letting out a scream of pain as her skin got scorched. The two of them quickly regrouped as I landed back down, considering my options. Should I use Diablo Mode?

No, not yet, I don't want to waste any of my time limit in that form if I don't need to...no point using my dagger to counter their weapons, it'll just end up like my short-sword did. I'm a little pissed off, my first ever birthday present was just shattered...and you know what, on a totally unrelated note, the black haired twin's blades aren't half bad...

"Well? Is that all you've got?" I inquired, putting on a look of disappointment, "Looks like I overestimated you two, you're pretty weak, huh?"

"We're not gonna fall for your cheap provocations!" Snapped the black haired twin, as the two of them shot towards me.

The white haired twin flew up and swooped down at me, swinging her hammer at my head as she closed in. I swiftly ducked and rolled forward to evade it, right as the black haired twin neared my and drove her blade towards my face, which I evaded by tilting my head out of the way and forming a bone blade, driving it up towards her.

She blocked it with her other blade, shattering my bone blade as they clashed, before slashing at my head again. I swiftly used Teleport to slip behind her, as she spun around and swung a couple of swift slashes at me, which I narrowly evaded and then countered with a swift, rising triple kick to her torso, chest and chin, knocking her back with a dazed expression, before closing in with a swift leap and coating my fist in flames, lightning and wind.

As I drove my fist towards her fist, she flung both her blades at me with wristy flicks of her hands from near point-blank range...before the blades could pierce me, I opened my fist and shifted my gaze up, as I simultaneously activated both Repulsion and Teleport, sending her flying back and narrowly evading getting pierced by the blades.

Suddenly, a vicious crackle and flash burst up above me, I quickly turned my gaze up to see...the white-haired twin swooping down towards me with her hammer glowly brightly with violently intense, crackling lightning, massive streaks bursting out from the weapon as she closed in on me from above.

I can't use Teleport a second time immediately, it has a cooldown of half a second...they must have figured that out through Shiro and timed their attack...not bad, not bad at all...

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But it's not good enough.

"Take this, Clap of the Thunder God!" She exclaimed, as she closed in and swung it towards me.

Right before the hammer could strike me, I split into two using Quintuple, the hammer missing and striking the ground, a massive electric streak bursting up violently as the sky darkened a bit, the ground getting torn apart and kicking up a large dust cloud upon impact, followed by a powerful shockwave, the windows of the surrounding buildings shattering as the walls cracked and debris flew out all over the place.

As the dust cleared, I saw that the white haired twin was down on one knee, sweating profusely and looking drained...it hadn't been that long since we started fighting, but these two look way more tired that they should be, especially the white-haired one. Oh, I get it...wherever they were summoned from, it looks like their attacks consume stamina instead of Mana or some form of magic energy.

"Damn it...," She growled, struggling to stand up, but her legs failing her.

I noticed the other twin, a ways behind where the white haired one was...I don't care if these two are being manipulated by Belia or whatever, that's their own damn fault for being gullible enough to trust someone who literally has a black halo floating above her head...for breaking my sword, I'll show one of them pure despair and the other one absolute fear and terror, and then I'll kill them both.

My clone and I stood up, both of us locking our sights onto the white haired twin...and right as we did, I saw the other one in my peripheral, desperately starting to race forward towards her sister. Gotcha.

In the next instant, I rejoined with my clone, reappearing right in front of the black haired twin, her eyes starting to widen in alarm as I met her gaze. With Quintuple, I can rejoin with my clones at any spot that's within my sight, just like Teleport. She halted with a panicked expression as I appeared right in front of her, quickly reacting by flinging one of blades at my face and swinging the other one at my waist.

Instead of striking me though, her blades sliced through thin air, as I used Teleport to reappear right behind her. She may know that I can't use Teleport in quick succession, but just as I planned, I threw her off by appearing in front of her so abruptly using the rejoining function of Quintuple that she panicked for an instant, and that brief, barely existent opening is all I needed...

"Die," I remarked coldly, as I grabbed the back of her head and crushed her skull with my fist in an instant, killing her before she could even process what just happened.

"No...Skylar, no!!!" Wailed the white haired twin in despair, tears running down her face.

She flinched in terror as I turned my gaze over to her, and began to fly away in fear...before halting as I fired out a sticky spiderweb net at her, restraining her and pinning her to the ground, before she let out an agonizing scream as I blasted her heels with my acid venom.

As her cries rang out, I ignored them and tossed away the corpse of the one I just killed. Earlier, when I tried to grab one of her blades, my hand got repelled...hm, maybe now that she's dead...

"Alright, it worked-...woah!" I began as I picked up the two blades just fine without a problem this time, before exclaiming in surprise as I suddenly felt power surging through my body and a shockwave burst out from me...

Something then floated into my mind...Fangs of the Basilisk...huh? Is that what these swords are called?

Wait, never mind that, I feel a lot stronger, and even more than that, I feel...faster. And I mean, like, a lot faster. Diablo, Lazarus, analysis!

"Wow, this is pretty amazing...," Replied Diablo in awe.

"Yeah, what a fascinating pair of weapons," Added Lazarus, sounding intrigued.

Guys...get to the point already.

"Oh, right, sorry!" Responded Diablo sheepishly, "Let's see...the boosts you've gained from these weapons applies to all your forms, including base form. And in fact, if you were a regular human, the boosts would have been a lot more drastic, but since you're already so powerful, these swords can't influence you as much as they normally could. That said...you've gained a double boost to your physical strength and durability, and as for speed, agility and flexibility, which are more your strengths...they've all gained a triple boost."

...fuck yes.

"Let me add that no one should be able to use these weapons unless and until you die. And you'll be able to pull them towards you even from a distance. That's about all the effects it has had on you...as for the blades themselves, we can partially analyse them using Mana, and...they're basically unbreakable, I don't think even Obliteration Magic can destroy them," Explained Diablo.

Woah, for realsies?

"Totally for realsies. Oh, and they produce their own poison indefinitely. It's not as strong as your Hydra venom, but stronger than all your other poisons."

Huh, I'm still a bit pissed off about losing my short-sword...but these aren't half-bad replacements. And besides, I can fix the broken blade later using Alchemic Magic. So, what if I add the other one's hammer to my arsenal too?

"That would be cool...if it were possible. But sadly, it feels like you can only have one of these weapons at a time...well, unless they're in a pair or something like these two blades, but you know what I mean. Also, there's something else on these blades, almost feels like a spell enchantment, but...broken? Maybe it's a type of enchantment that isn't compatible with this world?" Wondered Diablo uncertainly.

Huh, yeah, maybe that's-.

"N-no way, h-how-....you bastard! How do you have ownership without going through the test!?" Suddenly exclaimed the black haired twin, staring in horror and rage as I checked out the blades.

Test? Oh, maybe that's the broken spell or whatever you guys found?

"Possibly, but there's no way to know for sure. But, then, I don't think it really matters," Replied Lazarus, "Anyway, go kill the other one, one of your friends can take her hammer."

Hey, good idea, Lazarus. Yeah, I'm all for that.

As I began to step towards her, extending out my claws in order to drain her life force, something I haven't done in a while, a portal suddenly opened up below her and she fell through it. It then closed up before I could respond, and another portal opened up in front of me...and Belia appeared in it.

"I've had to do a lot of apologizing today, I hate to be such a spoilsport and rob so many people of their hard-earned kills, but I don't want to lose too many of my fun toys, you see...I kinda miscalculated how effective they'd be, totally my fault, I didn't think it'd go so badly," She stated with a sheepish smile, "Oh, and don't bother attacking me, I'm safe inside here, I'm not bringing my physical body anywhere near you as strong as you are right now."

"...what do you want?" I inquired with a sigh.

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"Well, I decided to play more of an observer role this time around, with the occasional direct interference here and there where necessary, of course. I'm truly in awe of how much stronger you are now...I just might have to break a taboo of this world and unleash the seal on my full powers...I mean, it's not like Samsara has enough power left to do anything about it, you know?" She remarked with a laugh.

...okay, she gave me a lot to unpack there...

"Samsara? Wait, is that not-God's name?"

"Heh, 'not-God', that really cracks me up...," She giggled, before adding, "But, yeah, that's who I mean."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Unleash your true power or whatever. Unless that was a bluff?" I remarked in a effort to provoke her...she can't have much Divine Magic left after summoning people here from another world, this might be a good chance to finish her off for good.

"Pfft, you wish! But no, not this time...I'll probably withdraw my troops in like, five to ten minutes, so it's almost over. Next time for sure though!" She replied with a thumbs up.

Well, it was worth a try, I guess.

"Great, so...if you're done here, then go away already," I frowned, making a shooing motion with my hand.

"Oof, so harsh...fine, let me make up for taking away one of your kills, m'kay?" She replied with a smile, "I'm going to open a portal that'll lead straight to one of the battles that's currently going on, one that I'm sure you'll be happy to jump into."

"Oh, yeah? And why the hell would I trust you?" I responded with a raised eyebrow.

"Fair point...but I can assure you that I'm telling the truth. I have no problem lying to my pawns, toys and tools...but when it comes to allies that I value, like my sidekicks, and enemies that I respect, I never lie. I've made my fair share of enemies over the centuries, but there's none that I've respected more than you...not Samsara, not Laus, no one. I just love the chaos that you seem to attract, it's made this world so much more entertaining! But it's upto you whether you believe me or not. I'll keep the portal open for twenty seconds after I leave, you can use that time to decide. Anyway, I'm off...till next time, Kuro," She smirked, as she gave me a small wave.

As she disappeared, the portal remained, but the sight changed...instead of her face, I could see a fight taking place...is that what's on the other side of the portal? Wait, that's-...damn it, this might be a trap or an illusion, but if it's not, I'll regret it for as long as I live...oh, wait, why am I overthinking this? I mean, I can do this without any risk.

I let out a slow exhale before steeling my resolve...and forming a clone using Quintuple, before making it go through the portal...


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