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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

Stumbling back with a forceful shove from Graham, Natalia clutched her belly protectively. shooting him

a glare that could shatter glass.

“Graham, don’t you ever fear karma will come knocking?”

“The biggest karma of my life was crossing paths with your mom and you!” he spat back venomously.

Trembling with fury, Natalia took a deep breath, trying to quell the throbbing in her belly.

She quickly dialed Scarlett’s number to ask for her help.

“It’s probably the stress causing the pain. Find a place to sit down and try to relax. If it doesn’t get

better soon, head straight to the hospital.”

After hanging up, Natalia inhaled deeply, working to steady her swirling emotions.

Sitting on a nearby bench, the pain gradually subsided. When her stomach finally settled, she allowed

herself a small sigh of relief. She checked on her mother before leaving, and reminded the caregiver

once more.

“If Graham shows up again, please call me right away.”

The caregiver nodded earnestly, “Of course.”

Leaving the hospital behind, Natalia headed straight back to the office. The resignation letter sat

untouched on her desk, but she didn’t have the heart to deal with it.

Tucking the letter into a drawer, she hesitated before picking up the phone and making another call.

Alden was clearly surprised to hear from her. “Ms. Jenkins, what a surprise! To what do I owe the


There was a moment of silence before Natalia spoke, “Alden, I’m in a bit of a bind. Could I possibly

borrow some money from you?”

Sitting in his brother Hamilton’s office, Alden glanced over at the man who ‘seemed to anticipate every

move in this chess game called life.

“Ms. Jenkins, I’m really sorry. But you might not know this – my big brother cut off my credit cards

because of last night’s incident. I’ve been living off leftovers since then.”

A heavy weight seemed to settle in Natalia’s chest. After a brief pause, she simply said, “I’m sorry to

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have bothered you.”

Feeling guilty, Alden suggested, “Maybe you could wait a few days? I reckon my brother will cool off


“There’s no need, thank you,” Natalia replied before ending the call.

Alden looked at Hamilton, who was meticulously reviewing contracts, and ventured, “Bro, are you really

going to let Graham mess with her like this?”

Hamilton’s eyes lifted, cold as winter Ice. “What, you feel sorry for her?”

Alden shook his head quickly he wouldn’t dare.

“I just don’t want Ms. Jenkins to suffer because of Graham. After all, she is your woman.”

Without even lifting his gaze, Hamilton replied Indifferently, “She had a shortcut but she didn’t take it. If

she suffers, she has only herself to blame.”

That silenced Alden. His brother’s heart was indeed stony.

Even though Hamilton wanted her to stay, he was going about it in such a roundabout, ruthless


After hanging up with Alden, Natalia rubbed her temples. There was no one else who could help her

financially. Hamilton’s crowd of fair–weather friends was no good. Alden was the only on she was

somewhat close to. If she couldn’t borrow from Alden, she didn’t know who else to turn.

The only other person was Victor, but she wasn’t desperate enough to ask a man with ulterior motives

for money.

Taking a deep breath to calm her frazzled nerves, Natalia returned to her tasks.

Tess walked in with a document. “Boss, the final version of the new product’s marketing plan is ready.

You’ll need Mr. Fowler’s signature. The secretary mentioned you haven’t processed your resignation

yet, so it’s still your responsibility.”

Natalia nodded. “Just leave it to me.”

After Tess left, Natalia reviewed the marketing plan and made her way to the CEO’s office.

Hamilton’s door was ajar. She knocked twice and a deep voice beckoned her inside.

Hamilton looked up with a flicker of interest. “Ms. Jenkins hasn’t resigned yet?”

Natalia bit her lip. “Something came up today. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

Hamilton’s gaze darkened. “Please do it soon. Don’t hold up the new manager’s appointment.”

Natalia nodded silently before placing the marketing plan before him. “Here’s the new product plan.

Please review it, Mr. Fowler.

Hamilton took his time examining the document thoroughly, his approach always meticulous.

He didn’t dismiss her, so Natalia stood waiting as he scrutinized each page with precision.

Finally satisfied, Hamilton signed his name and handed the document back to Natalia.

She hesitated, wanting to say something more but then giving up the thought.

“Is there anything else, Ms. Jenkins?” Hamilton’s expression was unreadable.


Chapter 6

“No, that’s all.‘

“Good. Close the door on your way out, please.”

With that, Hamilton dove back into his work.

Natalia was feeling a sudden urge to ask Hamilton for help moments ago but quickly dismissing it. The

thought of seeking aid from such a man was madness.

Back at her desk, Natalia tried to refocus. After work, she called Lionel, the attorney who had helped

her mother years ago.

After explaining her situation, she asked, “Lionel, could this be considered extortion?”

Lionel was quiet for a moment before replying, “It’s difficult to prosecute under extortion. He’s your legal

father, and you have a duty to provide for him. If he claims it’s just for support, you wouldn’t have much

of a case, at best a reprimand. I fear he might retaliate.”

Natalia’s heart sank further. “Is there really no way out?”

“You could potentially file for divorce on behalf of your mother, but it’s a lengthy process.”

Exhaling softly, Natalia realized the bitter truth. She was trapped in Graham’s malicious game.

“Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

Natalia chuckled, “Are you kidding? You’ve been a huge help already. I owe you a dinner.”

Lionel had indeed been a lifesaver multiple times.

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Apart from handling her mother’s legal issues, he’d reviewed numerous contracts for her.

Despite his busy schedule, he always made time for her. Natalia knew she had a favor to repay. “It’s on

me this time,” Lionel’s voice came through the phone, tinged with amusement. “Actually, I want to ask

for your help with something.

“Sure thing.”

After setting a time with Lionel, Natalia hung up. She hardly slept that night.

The next day.

As soon as Natalia arrived at the office, she got a call from the caregiver.

“Natalia, your dad showed up at the hospital again. I just saw him talking to a doctor about some

consent form.”

Natalia felt a buzzing in her head, and her complexion turned a shade paler.

Graham was serious.

She didn’t doubt for a second that if the money didn’t come through by midnight, he would go through

with his threat to her mother’s life.


Chapter 6

But what other choice did she have?

After much hesitation, she opened her drawer and clutched the resignation letter tightly. Finally, she fed

the freshly printed resignation letter into the shredder. No matter what, she couldn’t gamble with her

mother’s life.

With a bitter taste in her mouth, Natalla hesitated for a long while before finally dialing. Hamilton’s

number. As expected, Hamilton didn’t pick up.

A man like him would never allow her to cross him repeatedly. Even if she wanted to make amends,

she’d have to do it in person.

Taking a deep breath, Natalia stood up and headed toward the CEO’s office.

The door to the executive suite was ajar.

Natalia knocked gently, and the man’s voice from inside beckoned, “Come in.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!