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Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 68 Seed
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Abyss - Unknown Layer

In the pitch darkness of the Abyss, in a place where light doesn't reach and hope was just wishful thinking, an old man was sitting on the ground cross-legged. While it was clear that he was old, with the sight of his white hair and well-groomed and trimmed white beard, his face lacked any wrinkles or any other sights of old age.

Not only that, his entire being radiated power and might. Even though he was wearing simple clothes and a cloak, the majesty and power of his entire being cannot be denied by anything.


Muttered the old man as he opened his eyes slowly while looking somewhere in the dark emptiness.

"So, the Great Cataclysm is coming one more... how fast the times go, and several Epochs have already passed."

He stated to the emptiness of the darkness before he took his stave, before he gently tapped on the ground, and waited several seconds while he closed his eyes once again.

Suddenly, not even five seconds later, several creatures appeared from the pitch blackness around him, and they all prostrated themselves between the old man.

They had smooth whale-like skin, long slender humanoid bodies, curving horns, leather bat-like wings, and a blank expanse of flesh where one would expect a face to be. They were the Night Gaunts, a race of creatures created by him as his messengers, servants, slaves, and basically everything one could think of.

"Send a message to 72 Daemon Pillars about this... tell him that the Lord of the Great Abyss wants to have the Holy Son of Chaos Sultan dead; let the mortal servants deal with him."

Stated the old man indifferently, not even bothering to look at the Night Gaunts, before he waved his hand and returned to his meditation.

"The chessboard is set; all players are ready. And the first player made the first move."

As he said those words, the entire world returned to its previous eternal darkness.


After the will of the Crawling Chaos, the Black Pharaon Nyarlathotep left the body of Samiel Zentuar, and Samie's consciousness returned back.

"What a weird feeling of getting possessed."

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Samiel noted while he sat on the ground and looked at the unmoving body of the Forest Troll Chief. He was not aware of what happened during the time when Crawling Chaos possessed his body, but the results were unmistakable.

Now the Forest Troll Chief was unconscious on the ground, together with the souls of the Transcendental sealed by the Nyarlathotep.

Samiel didn't waste time, as he killed the Forest Troll Chief

[Mission: Kill a Ruling Type Magical Beast or Monster

Description: Kill one of the Leaders.

Reward: Location of Inheritance on the 3rd Floor

Status: Completed]

[Inheritance Site of ??? is located at the Legendary Level Wizard that perished on the 3rd Floor 1,521 Years ago after being severely injured by one of the hibernating Legendary Level Magical Beasts. Before his death, he created the Inheritance Site in a hidden location, where he is buried together with all of the possession he had with him.]

After he killed Forest Troll Chief, he completed the Unique Mission; he got the location of the Unknown Legendary Level Wizard, so that was a good one. If the Akashic Records were giving him this as a form of reward, then for sure, the Inheritance would have something he needed or would greatly enhance his strength.

At the same time, Samiel used [Soul Devour] ability to absorb the remnant souls of the deceased Transcendental who was still alive. Still, after whatever Crawling Chaos did with him, he was good as dissipated.

[Absorbed Soul of Transcendental Daemon Xangroth.]

[Enormous Amount of Soul Force is being absorbed by the User Samiel Zentaur.]

[Ability Seed has been created out of the Soul Force of Transcendental Level Daemon Xangroth.]

[Germination time of the Level 4 Transcendental Ability unknown.]

[Profficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has been increased by 1%.]

[Profficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has been increased by 2%.]

[Profficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has been increased by 1%.]

[Profficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has been increased by 3%.]

[Profficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has been increased by 2%.]

[Profficiency with the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has been increased by 4%.]

Exactly just as the Akashic Records stated, now that he got the Ability Seed for the Level 4 Transcendental Ability, the only thing Samiel could do was to wait until the germination time for the ability was finished.

Afterward, Samiel would get the Level 4 Transcendental Ability, which was solely used by the Transcendental Level Beings. Having such abilities as Mortal was probably even rarer than being a Dual Class Bearer.

Because this was power solely belonging to the Higher Forms of Life, not a mortal, so Samiel was very excited at the thought.

Not only that, but also his Proficiency with the Ultimate Ability Soul Devour has skyrocketed from the easily 8% to 21% in one ago, which was an astonishing growth rate for just one single usage, but somewhat respectable because he devoured Transcendentla Level Soul, which only by some miracle didn't kill him.

Though Samiel knew it was not a miracle, the intervention of Nyarlathotep and Azathoth, which allowed him to pass through it safely, probably they were taken into calculation even before he did the deed and during the time when he just put the question for the Akashic Records.

Now that everything was basically done, only he needed to check out the Inheritance Site that he got as a reward from the Akashic Records, and he could start cleaning up the Troll Colony. Of course, the first thing he is going to do is to search for treasures and money.

No matter what sub-species, trolls were big money grubbers and were known for being greedy. They often ambushed merchants and people crossing their territories, and a relatively good way to avoid being killed and eaten was to bribe them.

Not like that would work every time, but it had at least some percentage of success.

He then stood up, and started collecting the souls, before they would dissipate into nothingness; soon enough, Samiel had collected altogether over 600 Souls, which was good loot. Even though the majority of them were only Steel-Tier, they could still be used for something, probably for morning snacks, but even that is something.

Of course, the biggest gain were the souls of the Bronze-Tier Forest Trolls, which were basically valuable "cultivation resource", because they could be used by him to increase his Level or to strengthen his Undead in some way.

Now on the bad side of things, he started with 270 Bronze-Tier Undead. Now only something around half remained because some were destroyed during the siege. However, the majority of his losses were done during the duel with the Forest Troll Chief.

That moment, when the Suppression Magic Circle was destroyed, it took more than 50 Undeads, and some of them were destroyed in the clash and aftershocks. Now he was left with around 197 Undeads.

Fortunately, all around him was a suitable material.

He eagerly went to the place where the six deceased Forest Troll Shamans were, and he immediately started using the [Create Lesser Undead] Spell, six times at that, as he created his first Mage-type Undeads of the Bronze-Tier.

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He looked at the six Bronze-Tier Mage Undeads; their Soul Fire burned brightly as their entire beings were pulsating with Mana. Unfortunately for Samiel, he needed to manually impart their knowledge of the Magic because they knew only a "limited" number of spells, which sucked.

To his luck, it took him several seconds to have this thing out of him. One thing he noticed was that these Undeads were more intelligent and smarter compared to your average Undead. Probably the fact they were Mage-type somehow increased their intelligence.

They could move more independently and carry out even more complex orders compared to that of the Undead Warriors.

After Samiel resurrected these Shamans as Undead, he started replenishing his Undead reserves, and soon enough, he had lost during this siege and his fight against the "boss".

After twenty minutes or so, he managed to return, back to the 270 Undeads.

Among the killed Forest Trolls, to his surprise and delight, were ten more Shamans. However, they ranged from the Iron-Tier to Steel-Tier, so Samiel would need to invest quite a few Souls and Mana Crystals to raise their Tier to the Bronze-Tier.

Right now, he had 17 Mage-type Undeads, while the rest of the Undeads he had were of the Warrior-type. Naturally, all of them were normal Undfeads, though Samiel now planned to use the Soul Force Crystals to evolve one or two of the Mage-types to the Liches and maybe a few Warrior-types to Death Knights.

He needed to have some Heavy Hitters among his Undeads, and also some Commanders and more intelligent ones. For example, one Bronze-Tier Death Knight could also handle more than ten of his ordinary Bronze-Tier simultaneously and emerge victorious.

Meanwhile, Liches were intelligent forms of Undead, which could normally communicate, control other Undeads, cast advanced spells, and think independently.

Both Death Knights and Liches belonged to Commanders of the Undead Army. Average Lich could control around 10 Undead per Level, which was far more than average Necromancer could achieve.

This was because, in their nature, they were Undead, so it was understandable.

After he was finished with this, he ordered his Undeads to search through the village and bring out the valuables.

And as expected, this was disappointment and happiness at the same time. While Samiel was disappointed at the lack of things like Mana Crystals or some more precious things, he was delighted at the sheer amount of more than 1,5 million gold coins, some jewelry, jewels, some equipment, and other miscellaneous things.

He thought that Forest Trolls would be richer than some gold coins, even if the number of gold coins was enormous for an ordinary person. In regard to Mana Crystals, they probably used them for their own usage, and even if they found something useful like Grimoires or Magic Tomes, there was a pretty high possibility it was destroyed by them during their tender care of it, or they just threw it out.

Still... the loot was relatively good; he obtained even Ability Seed, which would sooner or later germinate into a geniue Transcendental Ability, though Samiel had a hunch that he would need to fulfill some more conditions aside from just leaving it alone.

"It is time to return back..."

Samiel muttered as he felt a bit tired. Fortunately, he wasn't injured like one would be because being possessed by Transcendental Level Entity was not something anyone could withstand.

Before he left, he used the Winter Ruler to freeze the entire village, as everything turned to an icicle, before he kicked the ground with full force, sending a slight tremor through the ground, as everything cracked down, until nothing than just frozen rubbles remained from the former Forest Troll Colony.