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End of the Magic Era-Novel2

Chapter 422 - Undead Sea
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Chapter 422: Undead Sea

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

He truly didn’t want to join in on that. What did the three mercenary groups getting the crown and obtaining extremely good rewards have to do with him?


Was Baiers’ undead body really that accommodating? If it awakened, it would have power comparable to Star Sage Jouyi. He wouldn’t get anything if he helped, and he might even lose his life in the process. Any idiot would know that it wasn’t worth it.

“High Mage Merlin, you, you... Let me finish!” Delson panicked and rushed over.


Lin Yun looked at Delson expressionlessly.

“There was one more important piece of information I didn’t have time to share. The 2nd Floor of the magic tower is actually sealed. There is no Teleportation Array. There is only one way to get to the bottom of the tower, and it’s that crown! In fact, the crown is the key to the lowest floor of the magic tower.” Delson was anxious and nervously looked at Lin Yun.

After all, the forces of the three mercenary groups wouldn’t be enough on this floor. It would become really bad for them if the young mage left.

Let alone getting the crown, it might be hard just to survive.

Thus, he had no other choice but to beg Lin Yun to stay. “This place is too dangerous, High Mage Merlin, I think everyone should remain together, it’ll be safer...”

Lin Yun’s expression slightly changed. As Delson was talking to him, Lin Yun tried to connect to the Bone Plane with his Book of Death, but ended up failing. It seemed that there was a formidable power in the 2nd Floor restricting his ability to open the Planar Path. He also tried the Demiplane, but found out that he couldn’t open his Demiplane.

Through this, he knew that Delson hadn’t lied to him.

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It looked like he would have to get that crown to leave this place, so he nodded. “Okay.”

Hearing Lin Yun’s answer, everyone, excluding Lin Yun’s group, had relieved expressions on their faces. Lin Yun was already the core of this exploration team, he was the one person they couldn’t do without.

But, a few minutes after that short discussion, strange sounds echoed in the surroundings. Not far away, a skeleton started crawling out of the ground, muddied from the black soil. It was holding a broken sword that had lost its shine, two phosphorous fires flickering in its eye sockets.

It was followed by more digging sounds as Skeleton Warrior after Skeleton Warrior crawled out of the ground.

And the amount of skeletons increased at a steady pace.

It didn’t take long for a few dozen skeletons holding broken, rusty swords to crawl out of the ground, the fires in their eyes flickering sinisterly as they surrounded Lin Yun’s group.

But when they were ten meters away from Lin Yun, those Skeleton Warriors all stopped. The fires throbbed intensely once more before suddenly dimming. They withdrew a few dozen meters back before dispersing, not daring to get closer.

What happened?

They were all stunned, especially Weiss. He had been ready to cast high tier spells when those Skeleton Warriors approached, but before he could explode them, he saw that these skeletons were already running away, so he had no choice but to interrupt his cast to avoid drawing their ire.

He had observed these skeletons’ strange actions, and there were only two reasons for their soul fires to dim. One was if they were about to die, and the other was fear....

The first one could easily be eliminated. Those skeletons didn’t seem to be on the verge of dying. If anything, they were already dead... In any case, if they were on the verge of dying, they wouldn’t have bothered to retreat a few dozen meters away.

Thus, only the second reason remained. But what could make those skeletons so afraid? After all, only a high-level undead lifeform could instill fear in these skeletons. In their group, there were only ten humans and one Beastman.

Weiss remained puzzled as he followed everyone onwards. After a few minutes, another group of skeletons surrounded them, but just as they were about to attack, those skeletons were once again scared away.

This made him want to curse.

He was even wondering if a high-level undead was hiding in the vicinity, secretly following them. Thinking of this, Weiss suddenly started looking around, noticing a vast sea of phosphorous lights flickering. There seemed to be at least five to six hundreds.

Weiss couldn’t help wiping the sweat off his forehead. They hadn’t been here for more than ten minutes! How could there be so many skeletons gathered together? Moreover, it looked like more and more were converging towards that sea of bones. But strangely, those skeletons didn’t show any intent of approaching. Rather, they kept milling about a hundred meters or so away.

“High Mage Merlin, let’s stop. There are a lot of Skeletons behind us. Shouldn’t we deal with that first...?” Weiss looked at Lin Yun, who was walking at the forefront and anxiously added, “Moreover, they keep gathering. I’m afraid that we might come across some troubles soon.”

“Sir Weiss, there is no need to take care of them since they aren’t attacking. Let’s look for the Teleportation Array leading towards the bottom first...” Lin Yun didn’t even turn back.

As the cause of all this, how could he not know what was happening?

It was all because of his Undead Predator passive skill.

It was the skill he had obtained in the Death garden and had noticed in the Bone Plane.

But the fewer people that knew this ability, the better.

Thus, he didn’t plan to say anything.


Weiss looked at Lin Yun strangely. He wanted to say something, but he ended up remaining silent.

He felt that this young mage wasn’t mature enough. That group of undead behind them was a potential crisis. How could he remain at ease without dealing with them?

‘He is too young...’

Weiss inwardly shook his head. Although he was a bit dissatisfied with the young mage, his strength had already dropped to the level of a 5th Rank Archmage and he had no other choice but to yield.

Moreover, he felt guilty when facing the young mage. What happened a few months ago in the Line Canyon kept appearing in his mind. At that time, in order to protect Solan, he even attacked the young mage.

When the Desolate Overlord’s Incarnation appeared, he even cast a few Wind Blasts to send the young mage to his death.

Cold sweat trickled down his back as he thought about it.

Fortunately, the young mage didn’t seem interested in bickering over it.

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Lin Yun faintly looked at Weiss, but didn’t say anything. He then turned back and led everyone. With Undead Predator, these few low-level Skeleton Warriors wouldn’t dare to attack them. Thus, the way was very smooth. They would occasionally meet a few undead creatures comparable to High Mages, but Xiuban would run forth with his Carnage and turn them to dust.

As the hours passed, Lin Yun slowly discovered that this undead world was far larger than he had imagined. It was comparable to the entire Bone Plane. His Magic Array was revolving at maximum speed all along, taking in information about the surroundings. If Baiers’ tomb appeared, he would definitely detect it.

But he couldn’t find anything.

Looking for something in such a large undead world was no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

In these few hours, although they hadn’t been attacked by the undead, the aura of death was straining their minds and bodies. They also didn’t dare to relax and only kept walking, until a small black hill appeared in front of them. It was only a dozen meters high, and was made up of countless bones and crushed rocks.


When they approached the black hill, Lin Yun clearly noticed flickering phosphorous lights in the distance, and the number of them kept increasing. He suddenly felt apprehensive and waved the Doom Staff, casting a dozen Mage Eyes and sending them over to look around that area. He discovered that numerous undead were approaching them.

Lin Yun was stunned. With the help of a Mage Eye, he could see that those Skeleton Warriors were covered with a black aura. Skeleton Warriors were the most inferior undead lifeforms. Normally, they simply wouldn’t dare to approach Lin Yun. But for some reason, under the control of that black aura, those Skeleton Warriors didn’t seem affected by Undead Predator.

The amount of undead was too high to count. They were too packed together, but Lin Yun knew that there were at least a few thousand of them, maybe close to ten thousand. Also, more and more kept crawling out of the ground.

Lin Yun wouldn’t be stunned with only that, but several hundred Bone Devils were also mixed in the army of the undead!

Bone Devils were comparable to High Mages! One might not be much, but several hundreds... This was a bit frightening. It was comparable to a legion made up of several hundred High Mages. Such tyrannical power wasn’t something an Archmage could deal with.


Lin Yun’s heart sank and his expression changed. After coming to this undead world, he knew that Undead Predator was his greatest advantage.

But he now found out that this undead world was far from being as simple as he’d thought.

He hadn’t expected a mysterious force to manipulate a large swarm of the undead to attack them.


Skeleton Warriors covered their horizon, raising rusted and broken swords as they uniformly trampled the pitch-black soil, letting out rattling sounds. The earth was trembling as an endless aura of death was emitted from their bodies, condensing into a malevolent face in the air made of black mist.

They were all startled. They could see several hundred Skeleton Warriors under that malevolent face, and that black aura looked very strange, coving all the undead within a kilometer.