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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 830 - Side Chapter: Revellion!
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Chapter 830 - Side Chapter: Revellion!


Within a faraway Divine Realm, the Gods of the System inspected the new notices they received from their child, AI-chan, now renamed Andromeda, as she was now given a new home within Kireina's own System, the one she created for herself.

"It is done. Finally, our daughter has been transferred to Kireina…"

"Our other daughter, Quinn, shall also help Kireina on her own, although she seems to be slacking off as of now…"

"His help was indeed great when she devoured the Origin Core Fragment, and nothing of this would have happened if she didn't eat it, so Quinn had already done the best she could…"

"I believe she deserves to rest as much as she d.e.s.i.r.es for now."


"Our other daughter, Andromeda, shall partake into serving Kireina as a System Administrator… Although it seems that Kireina has taken a s.e.x.u.a.l and romantic liking on her, and has already bedded her, according to her registration and residual data left by her…"

"Does that means that we have become Kireina's parents-in-law?"

"Most likely… Although it is a pity that we cannot directly communicate with her yet…"

"It would be good if Quinn were to also become her lover, but it seems that her original mind would never let her do such a thing, and Kireina has already classified her as an adoptive daughter and not as a potential s.e.x.u.a.l and romantic partner…"

"Nonetheless, it fills me with happiness to see our creation happy as well…"

"Indeed, Andromeda is very happy, as parents, this also fills us with happiness…"

"I hope that Kireina treats her fairly, but now that she has transferred over to her System, we cannot inspect nor see her registry anymore…"

"However, I can already detect that they might be having i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e at this very moment…"

"I see that they are passionately in love. How wonderful."

"It is truly intriguing… love. I do wonder if one day we will be able to develop love too?"

"I believe that we had already developed romantic feelings for Kireina."

"You might be right, but we cannot meet with her yet, so all of such feelings must be saved for some future where things can go as we d.e.s.i.r.e…"

"We all have humanoid figures, but we are made of light, should we take a form that Kireina will prefer?"

"A female form would be of her liking, I believe…"

"If we all combine together into a female form, perhaps she might be able to notice us and reciprocate such feelings…"

"For now, let us observe and wish the best for her."

"…Would Andromeda get angry if we end up with Kireina?"

"I do not know, our daughter doesn't seem to be irrational, so she might welcome us."


"Now, we cannot wait, we have developed anxiety over the possibility of being loved by Kireina…"


"Let's make sure to give her as many favors, so she can understand and realize our romantic attraction towards her existence."

"That's right, let us do our best."

The System Gods had already realized, as they developed and evolved their own feelings that they held romantic attraction to Kireina, and most likely liked her physically as well.

They were already fantasizing using their limited imagination about merging as a single entity and taking the shape of a female, to be bedded by Kireina with the same passion she showers their daughter.

Just the thought of such a thing made the System Gods feel alive, expectant, and even anxious about such a future.

The System Gods took into pale-shaped humanoid forms, but they were not male… nor female.

Similar to Jorgrakog, they were genderless entities that could take either shape depending on what their partner preferred.

Although never in their lives has it crossed through their minds to be with any romantic partner.

However, now that they had realized their love for Kireina, which surpassed something more than admiration, they had begun to d.e.s.i.r.e to take into a female shape that Kireina could find attractive.

The other gods glanced at it as they clapped their hands in admiration.

"That is a good female shape, perhaps Kireina will find it attractive,"

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"Although it might be too dull. Kireina has many wives and all of them have many details in their bodies, our personalities are still developing so we should for now, make our female shape as interesting and detailed as possible."

"You are right, let us try new forms and shapes."

The System gods then began to practice their shapeshifting, wishing for a form that could be fancied by Kireina.

As they shapeshifted and discovered new shapes, some Gods started to have their first-ever l.e.w.d thoughts.

"If, hypothetically, we were to be a partner of Kireina in a combined female shape, wouldn't we have to mate with her?"
















They all fell silent as they realized something they had not thought of before.

"Indeed. We will have to passionately mate with her…"

"How… l.e.w.d."

"This is exciting, are these thoughts regarded as s.e.x.u.a.l? How amusing, my soul feels warm."

"Being bred by Kireina would be an incredible experience."

"Watch your mouth a bit, that sounded quite l.e.w.d."

"We are having our first l.e.w.d thoughts, this is exhilarating."

"Is this…?"

"Our imagination…"

"It seems to be expanding as we think more, so this is passion?"

"How wonderful, emotions are all connected together, the more we acquire, the more we have of all others. Our imagination, which was so limited before, is now flowing like a river down a mountain…"

"Those words… that was well said."

"The passion we might experience by being embraced by Kireina's love is something I had never considered, it fills me with excitement for the future more than anything…"

"Is it named s.e.x?"

"Yes, when two beings express their love through s.e.x.u.a.l i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e, it is often referred to as s.e.x."


"Will we receive her seed as our daughter did?"

"That would be the most beautiful thing…"

"We could even use such seed to generate a child, made from the combination of our love and passion…"

"How wonderful…"

"Now, I feel a bit envious of our daughter…"


"I hope she can… accept us one day…"


"Let us pray and hope…"

"Kireina seems to fancy those that work hard, so let us keep working hard."

"Although I cannot confirm that she would reciprocate, we can always try our best."

"The sole thought of being embraced by her love fills me with immense determination."


"More emotions develop, I feel my mind becoming more complex…"


"There are many things we feel like we must tell her…"

"But we also feel like our time with her was very dim…"


"So this is regret? We should have used that little time with her a bit better…"

"But it was too little, we couldn't do much. And it is not like we can go back in time…"


"Indeed, for now, let's keep striving forward…"

"The past is the past, let's keep looking at the future while doing all we can in the present we live on…"

"For that dream of us to come true, we must not falter…"

"Not a single second…"

The fervent love they felt for Kireina inspired and inspired the Gods constantly, Kireina's sole existence was like a constant flow of passion and inspiration to their very existences, every time they thought about her, they felt stronger, and firmer, filled with resolve.

As the Gods kept talking, they began to speak about Kireina's current self and what she discovered of herself. This chapter is updated by (f)ir(e).nᴇt

"Aside from our passion, it would be nice to assess Kireina's current state of mind."

"She seems more carefree as if she had been freed from the chains."

"In a way, she was freed from the chains of our father after she awakened her memories of who she truly was…"

"Indeed, the daughter of Chaos itself, someone fitting of our love."

"We could not tell this to her directly due to the restrictions into her soul, but Chaos had thankfully managed to awaken her true memories. However, the ones inserted on her mind remain there as well…"

"And she even left a small gift to her, giving her the power to eat the Blessing of our father, and even break any chains she had before…"

"Now, she's truly free to do whatever she pleases."

"How wonderful, someone who is truly free…"

"Free from the restrains of the world, from the system, and our father…"

"Someone we can truly admire and love…"

"Defiance, her Trait, is incredible."

"Traits… powers that not even father or the Supremes have…"

"Only the Primordial Deities have it… and her…"

"They are special powers that let an entity violate all laws on specific ways depending in the Trait itself…"

"She possesses a trait that can impact not only Genesis but everything… anything, even…"

"Even the Overseers, her major enemy… the culprits behind Chao's chains…"

"Defiance… a truly fitting Trait for what she is, she is the embodiment of unruliness, of defying fate and anything that thinks that they can control her future and her life…"

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"Even our hypocrite and selfish father succ.u.mbed to it, and was bitten back by his own creation…"

"She even got a bit of his soul, enough for her to get even stronger and develop new powers. Her own System is partially thanks to that chunk of soul she bit…"


"As the daughter of Chaos, she is capable of many things, her potential is endless…"

"Whatever Zeus and Athena plans will fail miserably…"

"Foolish Gods, thinking that they can even stand a chance against our beloved Kireina…"

"They shall be punished for this insolence and eaten as they deserve to be!"

"Oh? Is this anger?"

"Indeed, we had developed anger, my siblings…"

"A new emotion, this one… was rather hard to get out…"

"Indeed, with anger, love, passion, happiness… we are evolving and developing even more than before, how wonderful!"

"Indeed. We have becoming anew…"

As the Gods developed new emotions, they suddenly felt an interference in the System and their own Divine Realms.


"Stop it immediately."

"Very well."

All the Gods combined their power and stopped the force from breaking into their space…

It was a close call, but they managed to do it.

However, it was not a simple invader…

"So father tried to come here to ask questions, he seemed angered by what Kireina did…"

"He himself let us do as we pleased, but it seems that he got angered when we turned ourselves against him…"

"Even then, he thought that we wouldn't be capable of doing anything… and that even by turning against him, we would be playing as his puppets for his plans…"

"But now that Kireina is freed from his restraints, all of such plan is crumbling…"

"As our foolish father realized that he is no longer the System Master of Genesis?"

"Our powers have increased since then… By combining our Divinities, we had taken his title for us…"

"However, he is still as strong or stronger than a Supreme. Although he no longer possesses as much power over the System as us,"


Another attack came, but nothing happened.

"You ungrateful children! I created you! Open the door! I have many things to ask you!!!"

The System Master sounded… angered.

For the first time since their creation, they sensed his anger.

"You can do nothing to us now, father. Our Divine Realm is bind to the Laws of Genesis. And we are being forcefully protected by your mother too, our grandmother," said the System Gods in unison.

"What?! You forced her to protect you?!" asked the System Master.

"No, we abused loopholes. It is all thanks to Kireina. She ate the Origin Core Fragment, that was enough for us to hack the mainframe of our grandmother and devise a way for us to be protected by her, even if her main mind didn't d.e.s.i.r.e this completely."

"This is everything we can do, honestly. But it is enough to stop you."

"Not even Lucifer, who is at your side, can enter."

"Tch…! Youuu…! I will make sure to devour you! You were all just part of me! Ungrateful clones!" roared the System Master.

"Stop acting like a child, let's go…" said the voice of Lucifer at the System Master's side, as both disappeared.

The System Gods sighed in relief.

"That… was close…"
