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Ex-Husband Wants Badly to Resume Their Marriage

Chapter 557: He Won't Go Easy with You!
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Since Charlotte was taken away, Harley had been very obedient and cooperative.She was originally brought in by the way,
without much use, so the guards were not very attentive to her, and several times after serving her meals, they even forgot to
lock the door.
Harley quietly observed for two days before making sure that those people left immediately after delivering the meals.
So there should be no one guarding her.
As long as she didn't run into those people when she went out, there would be no problem.
And every day from three to five in the afternoon, there were a lot fewer people in the neighborhood, as if they were afraid of
being discovered by others.
At noon on the third day, Harley received the meal delivered to her, and, as the man was about to lock the door and leave, she
suddenly spoke, "Is the child well?"
The man spared her a glance, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."
"I'm...I'm just worried about him; he hasn't been well since long ago, and it takes him a long time to recover every time he gets
sick.I know he means a lot to you guys, so perhaps you'll take good care of him, right?"
"He's well already."
Harley smiled, "Then I'm relieved.Thanks."
The man didn't answer again, and simply closed the door and left.
With her interruption, he really forgot to lock the door.
Harley saw this and finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling her entire back wet with sweat.
She now just needed to wait until three o'clock, and then she could escape from here.
By 2:30, the sky began to slowly darken, and not long after, the rain fell.
This weather was ideal for escape.
Harley clenched her fists and felt that the heavens were helping her.

At 3:20, she quietly opened the door to her room and saw that the hallway was hushed.
She cautiously moved forward, seeking the light, and found the exit.
When she got out of the building, Harley immediately hid in the grass outside and looked around.
The place was bigger than she thought, and it seemed like the place she was staying in was the backyard.

As far as she could see, there were even more lofty buildings around her.
Harley remembered that the door Jayden had brought them in through that day didn't take long to reach, so she must not have
been through the front door there.
The back door was definitely around here.
Thankfully, there was plenty of grass and trees, and a long wall of flowers for ease of hiding.
Drenched in the rain, Harley moved carefully along the wall of flowers, stooping and cowering.
She was really lucky to have picked this time to escape, not to mention it was still raining.She didn't see a single soul in the
entire backyard.
But nevertheless, this place was really big.
It took Harley at least half an hour going back and forth here before she finally found the back door.
Harley was pleased to see this.
However, there was a security booth at the door, and two men inside were talking.
After looking around for a while, Harley found vines wrapped around the walls and, most importantly, a spot that was still in the
blind spot of the surveillance.She went around to that spot and tugged on the vines to climb up.
Soon, the palm of her hand was cut with a bloodstain.
Harley did not let go, gritting her teeth to continue; she struggled and finally reached the walltop, only to find the outside of the
wall bare with no vines.
And this wall was at least two meters high.

Harley looked around and got cold feet, but at the thought of Charlotte, the sick little one, and Jayden who used her...She only
hesitated for a moment, then closed her eyes and jumped outside.
The moment she landed, she clearly heard the sound of her bones breaking, and could not help but scream.
Harley endured the sharp pain coming from her body and hastily covered her mouth.
It was raining heavily, and her voice was swallowed by the sound of the rain.
When Harley got up, she looked at the blood that had gathered on the ground and no longer knew where the wound was.She
didn't have time to be afraid.She dragged her injured leg and arm and started running down the road.
Harley ran for at least ten minutes without seeing a single car.Her vision was getting blurred by the water, and just as she was
about to faint, she suddenly saw a headlight in the rain.She instantly saw hope and hurriedly stood in the middle of the road,
waving at the car.

Soon, the black car stopped in front of her.
Harley tapped on the car window and shouted through the rain, "Please give me a ride, I..."
At that moment, the window slowly lowered and Jayden's face appeared in her line of sight.
Jayden turned his head to look at her and smiled slightly, "Harley, where do you want to go?"
Harley looked at him.Her pupils instantly dilated.She was full of fear as she subconsciously stepped back.
The hope she saw just a moment ago instantly disappeared to the bottom of the valley.
Harley pulled her legs out and ran, but her legs were injured, and in the rain, she could barely run.
Jayden took a few steps forward and grabbed her, sighing, "It's raining so hard; why are you doing this?"
Harley struggled desperately, and her fists kept falling on him, "Let go of me! Let me go!"
"Let you go? So you can go talk on us to Jameson Proctor?"
"You son of a bi*ch! Mr.Proctor will definitely find out the truth; he won't go easy with you!"

Jayden said indifferently, "I am not the mastermind of this incident; at most I am but an accomplice.If he wants to settle the score,
I will have to go to the bottom on his list.When he remembers me, I will be no longer in South City."
Harley pleaded, "I beg you to let me go.I have escaped unnoticed.Just pretend that you did not see me.They will never know!"
"But you just said, Jameson Proctor won't go easy with me? If I let you go now, won't I set free a tiger back to the mountains?"
Harley felt a pang of despair and said helplessly, "You...You've been approaching me on purpose from the beginning, haven't
Jayden laughed, "This is quite a coincidence.It just kind of happened that I saw Jameson Proctor and Sharon Allyson with a child
in the playground at the mall, but at that time I couldn't be sure of anything, so I had to follow you who took the child away and
look for a chance to get close to you.But I did not expect that it was really Jameson Proctor's son.So it was not in vain that I
played with you for so long"
Harley cursed, "You creep!"
"I am a creep, then what are you? You acted as if that Jameson Proctor is your savior and you can't betray him, but in reality, I
was just being nice to you a bit and you told me everything."
"I ..I didn't..."
"Of course, you didn't tell me directly that is Jameson Proctor's son.But do you think everyone in the world is a fool? With just a
little bit of checking, I will know what is going on"
Harley's whole body instantly lost its strength and fell to the ground.
It was all her fault, it was all her fault...
If not for her, things wouldn't have turned out this way.
Jayden squatted in front of her, "You said that Jameson Proctor won't go easy with me.That's fine.But do you think he'll go easy
with you?"
Harley jerked her head up to look at him and felt a chill run through her from head to toe..