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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

The cold light shot forth and struck Jeff's hand.


Jeff gasped in pain and withdrew his hand.

He looked down to see a cold and precise silver needle embedded in the back of his hand. Blood seeped slowly

around the needle tip.

Simultaneously, footsteps echoed at the stairway entrance.

“Who's there?”

Jeff looked up sharply toward the sound. Cameron appeared stern as he stepped into view on the second floor.


Peggy's heart skipped a beat when she saw Cameron.

She wondered why this cowardly man would be here.

“You finally showed up...”

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Lena turned toward Cameron. Her vision blurred, but she could make out his figure.

“Be careful. He's dangerous...


Her warning cout weak and breathy.

Cameron noticed Lena's condition and realized she'd been drugged.

“Did you do this?”

His gaze shifted to Jeff, who was indifferent and cold.

“Who are you?” Jeff asked as he glared at Cameron.

He was irritated that a mere needle had injured him.

“Now I'm the one asking questions,” Cameron said.

His expression was unwavering, as though Jeff was already dead to him..

“I don't like the look in your eyes!”

Jeff's tone was filled with burgeoning rage.

“Is that so?”

Cameron remained detached, aware that Lena couldn't hold on much longer. He stepped forward.

“If you take one more step, I'll kill her!” Jeff threatened, pointing a scalped at Len’s head.

“rhen kill her. She means nothing to me,” Catueron sald as he continued forward without hesitation.

His tone was steady.

Jeff faltered, realizing his threat was ineffective.


do you have any shred of humanity left?” Peggy shouted at Cameron's cold indifference.

Any budding respect Peggy had for him dissipated.

Cameron raised an eyebrow.

Did these women not realize he was trying to save them?

Showing any concern would only give Jeff leverage. Cameron was waiting for the right moment to strike.

Cameron advanced as Jeff retreated in fear. Accustomed to living dangerously, Jeff sensed the threat emanating

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from Cameron. He knew he was dealing with an expert. Survival meant avoiding confrontation.

He quickly turned his attention to Peggy.

His expression turned vicious as he exclaimed, “What if | kill her? You're here to save her, right?”

“Sorry, that’s not the case either,” Cameron replied with a slight smile.

Jeff's pupils contracted, but soon realized Cameron was toying with him.

“You think you can deceive me? If you're not here to save her, why cat all?”

Jeff was smug, thinking he had Cameron figured out.

“I cto learn who's pulling your strings. Their fate is none of my concern,” Cameron said coldly.


“Besides, as you've seen, she doesn’t seem to likemuch. Wouldn't her death ridof a nuisance?


Jeff was shaken. Could someone who spoke so casually about such matters be anything but cold- blooded?

Peggy was stunned. Then, overcwith fear and emotion, she cursed at Cameron.

“Because of you, | ended up in this mess in Yrando, kidnapped to this place! You asshole, I'll never forgive you!”

Amidst her tirade, Peggy broke down into tears.