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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 52
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Chapter 52


I don’t remember despising social media like this before. Even when Natalie

threwunder the bus with that plagiarized vlog and my break up with Hunter.

I still skimmed at my accounts now and then, answering questions and

accepting endorsements. But after Damian’s arrest. I just want to delete my

accounts and hibernate away from the intecitizens’ prying eyes.

People these days are so opinionated. They don’t even ch*ck the facts before

they accuse Damian of being a murderer.

Avideo of Damian manhandling’ Sonja at the cafe spread like wildfire on social

media. Part of the video had been removed, and it was at an angle where the

viewers wouldn’t make out their facial expressions.

Whoever took the video was across the street. At the beginning of the recording,

Sonja was already agitated. She rose from her seat, the chair almost tumbling

backward. She said something that made the students at the table next to them

look in their direction. Then Damian said something that made her sit down

again. They talked for a bit. Sonja handed her phone to Damian, and then the

said manhandling occurred. She was ready to storm out of there, but Damian

chased her. grabbing her arm and whispering in her eyes before he allowed her

to walk away.

Then, last night, Sonja had been found in her car soaking in her blood. Detective

Fraser said that Sonja called 911. She was unconscious when the responders

arrived, and they took her to the hospital immediately and hasn’t woken up

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since. The video and the series of messages and calls between Damian and

Sonja were enough to make him the primary suspect.

I hated Fraser for arresting Damian and hated her even more for using her

authority to make Damian look guilty. She was good at playing the good

detective act.

It could just be a coincidence that Damian and Sonja had an argument two

weeks back. But Fraser dug deeper into Damian and Sonja’s relationship and

discovered their affair. She questionedif I knew about it. I kept my mouth

shut as per Danny’s suggestion. Then, Detective Fraser insisted that if Damian

didn’t try to murder Sonja, her investigation would prove him innocent.

I don’t believe s hit of what she said. It’s f ucked up, but we couldn’t do anything

when Damian willingly let Fraser handcuff him and led him to the back of

Hunter’s car.

Negative opinions about Damian fiooded the comment section of the video.

Sspeculated that Damian didn’t want to end his relationship with Sonja,

and things got out of hand. SilveBlanchet had already released a statement

against Damian and his wife. He didn’t even wait for Sonja to wake up, insisting

he’d do everything in his power to both his wife and her lover pay for their

immoral relationship.

Reporters were asking for my opinion about Damian. I had enough history with

the media to know that no cfrom speaking your mind to them. They would

bend your words to make a noise for their company.

There were a few who sided with him. It was a war, and the people who favored

Damian were on the losing em twenty-four from his arrest, and people had

already judged him Trial by publicity never ends well for either p to their

reputation had already been done, even if the court had yet to prove them

innocent or guilty.

“Nothing good will cout from watching that video, Millie,” Candice said,

setting a cup of coffee on my table, the bellowing into the air.

I could deal with the accusation against Damian because I know it’s not true.

He’s innocent, and whoever sent those messages and fiowers to Sonja was

behind this. Damian’s refusal to seebotheredthe most. I’m hurt by his

deciwanted to see him. I needed to see he’s okay.

Danny and his lawyer were the only people allowed to see him. Lasked Danny to

send him a message for me, and waiting at the mansion drovecrazy, so I

went to work.

I tossed my phone on my desk, grabbed the cup of coffee with both hands, and

let it warm my palms.

“Why won’t he letsee him, Can?” I breathe out.


She shrugged Tw

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don’t remember why bede tu?

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(have to look at bet is be

was the way Thai pe the eat of the planned down south Damian,

I concealed my die and

will smile. “I know he will but can be but won about him”

She sat at me, looking deep to my soul, her empat m ong sing “You love him?

I closed my eyes and bump. This wasn’t how I pictured selling us best frost

about thing or her sey bother, but she cost read a book, so I achmased no”

pressing a hand on

ing a web

“Oh. Millie? She mood and huggedI never how modest that is ch*st low

Tears tilled m

yo at Temiraced Candice Does he know


I shook my brad no. “I do have plase tell us her

“Why”” Candice pulled away staring at a hough I sad the rhe has felings for you,

you know”

I snorted. “Did he tell you th

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Although Candice might have hated Damian growing up I know how much she’s

reving forand her stepbrother Bet opinion, although favoringwas still

based Any observatione’s made can be coded national


09:29 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 52

“No, but I have eyes,” she rolled her eyes, sitting her a ss on my desk as I spun

around. I plucked the document on top of the pile, resting on my desk, browsing

through it to keep my hands and eyes busy. “I knew this fake relationship you

have with him would lead to something else from the beginning. The way he

looked at you… I knew it was only a matter of tbefore someone admits what

he feels,”

I took a moment to digest Candice’s observation, but decided not to pay mind

to it.

“How Damian and I feel about each other is the least of our priorities,” I

reminded her. “We might not have to deal with it if this case goes sideways.”

Candice was not yet ready to drop the topic. The ringing of her phone saved me.

She returned to her desk to answer it, and I focused back on the paper I wasn’t

reading when a new notification about Damian’s case popped onto my screen.

“Sonja Blanchet, missing, the headline of the news update stated



09:29 Sat, Feb 10