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Fit For Your Love (Olivia and Everett)

Chapter 678
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Chapter 678 When the sound of vomiting fell into his ears, the darkness in his eyes disappeared. And he was suddenly caught in a whirlpool of emotion.

All kinds of feelings welled up in his heart.

Pain, regret, hatred, resentment and anger.

All the undesirable emotions surged at this moment.

Everett looked at the open door of the bathroom. Suddenly, all the emotions in his eyes disappeared.

They were all gone without a trace.

What was left was calmness.

He got out of the bed and walked over.

Rachel lay on the toilet and kept throwing up.

All the food she ate at night was vomited.

To make matters worse, she retched and her stomach cramped.

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Everett cbehind Rachel and looked at her thin body, shivering with vomiting.

Her nightgown was a mess, and her collar turned into a slanted shoulder, revealing a large area of her skin.

She lay there, looking extremely fragile.

Everett suddenly cared about her health.

He stepped forward, squatted down, and put his hand on Rachel's shoulder.

But as soon as he touched her with his fingers, she dodged like a frightened bird.

And because she was in a hurry to hide after she vomited, she becweak and fell to the ground.

Everett's hand, who was frozen in the air, reached out and hugged Rachel.

Rachel did not fall as Everett held her in his arms.

However, such a hug made her feel disgusted.

She pushed Everett hard, "Letgo..." Her voice was hoarse and powerless, but the repulsion in it was clear to Everett.

She was pushing him down hard.

Everett didn't say anything, nor let Rachel go. Instead, he picked her up and walked out.

The bathroom was cold, and she would catch a cold if she kept staying there.

However, Rachel was already in a daze. She didn't even know who was holding her.

She pushed Everett hard, grabbed him, kicked him, and her voice kept falling into Everett's ear. "Letgo!" "Let go!" Everett put Rachel on the bed. However, when she got on the bed, she rolled to the side.

She wanted to leave him as if he was a devil.

However, she did not like the smell of the bed, so she rolled out of bed and rolled under the bed.

But Rachel didn't expect that she would roll down. When she wanted to get out of bed, her foot slipped and she fell to the ground. It was too late for Everett to catch her.

Sadly, Rachel hit her head against the bedside table and fell to the ground.

She was quiet.

Everett's face darkened.

He leaped out of bed and into the front of Rachel.

Rachel lay on the ground without moving.

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Everett looked at her, not daring to move for a moment.

But soon, he picked up Rachel and put her on the bed.

He picked up his phone and quickly dialed a number.

An hour later, a car stopped outside the villa.

The door opened and Tony got out of the car with the medicine box and ran in.

He knew where Everett and Rachel's bedroom was as for the past six months, he often cto this bedroom to check on Rachel.

Soon, Tony cto the bedroom.

The door was closed. Not knowing what was going on inside, Tony knocked on the door.


The door opened.

Tony went in immediately.

Everything in the room was as usual only that Rachel was in bed but Everett was not in bed.

He sat in front of the bed, holding Rachel's hand and looking at Rachel.

Tony didn't have tto think about it. He strode in, put the medicine box on the bedside table, opened it, and took out the contents.