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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 403
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Chapter 403

After a moment’s hesitation, he asked coldly and softly, "when we go out in the future, do you dare to introduce me openly as your wife?"

"Why do you ask such a strange question, sister Jinghua?" Summer a little confused, "you are my wife, of course, I want to tell others you are my wife!"

Coldly, I was a little bit stunned, and then I thought it seemed to be the same. In fact, this guy always said that she was his wife in front of others, without any disguise. In fact, this guy seemed to hate that people all over the world knew that she was his wife, because the family had kissed her in public more than once, he was just announcing His general ownership of her has always been so publicized, without any cover.

"Then, if, in the future, we have children, do you dare to admit that he is your child?" Leng Bingbing asks the third question. Although she seems to know the answer, she still wants to make sure that she needs to hear his answer in person.

"Sister Jinghua’s wife, are you stupid tonight?" Summer a little strange looking at the cold ice, "our children are my children of course, ah, why can’t I admit it?"

Blinked an eye, summer immediately continues to say: "police flower elder sister wife, why don’t we make summer cold now?"

Cold and silent for a while, then gently said: "you can help me take off my clothes."

Hearing this, summer immediately big joy, tonight finally can sleep with the undressed police flower elder sister.

With a little tug of force, the cold robe suddenly separated from the middle, and her proud figure would have entered the sight of summer without any cover, and the most attractive part of it was trembling in the air.

"Sister Jinghua’s wife, I want to eat grapes..." In summer, he said something to himself, then he fell down and opened his mouth to hold a priceless grape.

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The strange feeling suddenly filled with cold and icy body, she only felt that her body became hot in a moment, but this hot, but also turned into cold in a moment, because she suddenly heard a voice, which belongs to Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Honey, here comes the phone Honey, here comes the phone... " Of course, it’s not Qiao Xiaoqiao who actually appears here, but the mobile phone in summer rings at this time.

However, there is no plan to answer the phone in summer. How can I answer the phone at this time?

"Your cell phone rings." Leng Bingbing, however, began to remind him at this time.

Summer is still unresponsive, he is dedicated to taste the best grapes, you know, this is the best grapes, not only he can taste, but even he, also not want to eat, the opportunity is rare!

Mobile phone ring is still in the tireless thinking, that belongs to Qiao Xiaoqiao’s voice, also constantly drilling into the cold ear, let her mind up a wave of unspeakable feelings.

Suddenly, she didn’t know where the strength came from. Suddenly she pushed away the summer on her body, and then said to him, "answer the phone first."

Summer a little depressed, no way, then or first to answer a phone call, his heart is also in that curse, who can not go with him?

Took the mobile phone, looked at it in summer, found that it was actually the name of Zhao Qingqing, immediately angry, this damned Zhao Qingqing, what to do with him in the middle of the night?

If it’s a phone call from one of his wife, it will be answered in summer, but Zhao Qingqing is not his wife, so he is too lazy to answer in summer, and then hangs up the phone directly, then throws his mobile phone beside him, turns around and wants to continue to eat his grape meal, but this turns around, he is depressed.

In such a short time, Leng Bingbing put on the clothes again, and she sat up. When he was depressed, she turned on the light again.

"Sister Jinghua’s wife, how do you..." In summer, I really want to ask what happened. Sister Jinghua can’t do this. She’s so irresponsible. He’s addicted to it and won’t let him eat it. Is that human?

"Give me some time." Cold ice interrupted the words of summer, the tone was a little strange.

"Oh, yes, sister Jinghua, I’ll wait for you." Summer casually said.

Just wait for a while, then summer a little wonder: "police flower elder sister wife, take off clothes so difficult?"? I’ve been waiting so long! "

Cold can not help sighing, this guy obviously did not understand her meaning, it seems, she must say a little more clearly.

"Tonight, you’d better not sleep with me." Coldly whispered, "there are some things I thought I could accept, but now I find that, in fact, I still can’t accept for the moment, I need some time to let myself accept these things."

Summer this time is really depressed, dare to love sister Jinghua not want to sleep with him!

"What are you talking about, sister Jinghua’s wife?" Summer is even more confused, he is a little confused, this just answered a phone, no, he has not answered the phone, a total of only a dozen seconds, how does sister Jinghua like a changed person?

Leng Bingbing didn’t answer the question of summer, because she knew that it was useless for her to say it. All the time, she didn’t like the playful man and hated the irresponsible man. These days, she thought she could accept the playful heart of summer, as long as she was a man in charge. However, when she just heard Qiao Xiaoqiao’s voice, she couldn’t help it Think of the summer there are so many women, and then she found that in the bottom of her heart, still can’t do nothing about it.

"Summer, one day, I will be your woman, but, not now, you have to give me some time." Cold ice slowly said, "if you really like me, then tonight you’d better go out."

If in the past, it might be just to be honest in the summer evening, but tonight, she is worried that she can control it in the summer, so she thinks it’s safer to let him out.

There is no doubt that he really likes cold weather in summer, so in the end, he had to go out. Although he was quite depressed and had a strange hot and dry feeling in his heart, he left the cold bedroom and couldn’t enjoy the top grapes any more.

"Zhao Qingqing, this time we have a big revenge!" In summer, he not only walked out of the cold bedroom, but also out of the cold villa, and then he said to himself on his cell phone. This damned Zhao Qingqing, who was her phone, made him not only unable to sleep with the undressed sister, but even the sister in clothes did not accompany him to sleep.

Summer now has only one idea, that is to beat Zhao Qingqing, but he does not know where Zhao Qingqing is now, so he decided to call Zhao Qingqing.

"Honey, here comes the phone Honey, here comes the phone... " The cell phone rings again.

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Summer took out a look at the mobile phone, and found that it was Zhao Qingqing who called again. Without hesitation, he answered the phone: "Zhao Qingqing, where are you? I’ll beat you! "

There was silence for a while, then a voice came: "Hello, are you Zhao Qingqing’s family?"

Hear this voice, summer cannot help but Leng one Leng, this who, is not Zhao Qingqing’s voice at all!

"Hello, who are you? Why do you call me with Zhao Qingqing’s cell phone? " Summer is very angry. Which son of a bitch is bad for him?

"Hello, I’m from the hospital. Zhao Qingqing has just had a car accident and is being rescued in our hospital. Because the injury is serious and needs to be operated on, so if you know her, please remit 20000 yuan to our hospital as soon as possible, and we will operate on her as soon as we receive the money..." The man over there said quickly, but before he finished, he hung up the phone in summer. He didn’t care about Zhao Qingqing.

But he just hung up here, and immediately called over there: "Zhao Qingqing’s injury is really serious. If she doesn’t operate again, her life may be in danger..."

"Hey, don’t bother me. Don’t think I don’t know. You’re not a hospital at all!" Summer a little dissatisfied, "you call me again, I will go to beat you!"

"Mister, you misunderstood. How could it not be a hospital here?" The man over there was stupefied, and then explained.

"You son of a bitch have to bother me, don’t you? I’ll go and hit you now! " Summer is very angry, it is this damn liar, hurt him and the police flower sister’s baby son can’t make it.

Summer hung up the phone, and then immediately called the goblin. He didn’t know where the other side was, but the goblin must be able to find out. Now he believes in the ability of the goblin.

And the goblin didn’t let him down. Within a minute, the address was sent. Then in the summer, he found that the address of the swindler was not far from here. It was in a nearby building.

In the summer when most places in Jianghai city were unknown, he happened to know this place. Then he ran for a while, quickly found his place, kicked the door open and rushed in.

Hundreds of square meters of office space are divided into dozens of small cubicles, each of which has people on the phone. These hot men and women are of different ages. There are those in their 40s and 50s, as well as those in their 20s.

Summer’s sudden break in shocked many people. Dozens of eyes looked at him. The people who were on the phone also put down their phones. Their faces were not very nice. Some people looked behind him as if they wanted to see if there were other people behind him. When they found that summer was a person, they were relieved.

"Who are you?" After a moment’s silence, a middle-aged man snapped, "who let you rush around?"