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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 757
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Chapter 757

"How could you suddenly start such a business?" Yunqing is a little confused. Although she doesn’t have much contact with her cousin, she has the impression that he doesn’t do this kind of business.

"Sister Qing, I’m actually doing this business for the first time." "You know, I used to be a loafer, but I got married last year. Now my child is only three months old. I want to earn money to support my family. I don’t want to work outside, but I can’t find any good job at home. A friend asked me to sell dogs together, saying that I can earn money, so I followed him."

Yun Zhiguang turned to look at the truck: "that’s my friend Du Qiang in the truck. He usually drives the truck. We work together. I’m responsible for collecting the dog and handling the formalities to contact the buyer. He pays half of the profits we make. This time we’ve invested more than 100000 yuan. Everyone could have made a fortune, but now it’s such a mess. We have nothing to lose. Today I When I went out, I swore to my wife that I would make a sum of milk powder money for my son. Now how can I deal with her when I go back! "

"Do you have all the formalities for selling dogs?" Yunqing asked.

"It’s all there. It’s absolutely legal." Yunzhiguang nodded quickly.

"How do you get all these dogs?" Yunqing asked again.

"It’s simple. You don’t know, sister Qing. Many people have dogs there. There are several dogs in their lives. It’s impossible to keep them all. By this time, they will be sold. I’m cooked there. I know who has dogs. Otherwise, Du Qiang won’t ask me to sell them with him." Said yunzhiguang quickly.

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Yunqing nodded. She also knew that since there was no problem with the dog that yunzhiguang received, she had enough confidence. It might not be so difficult to solve the problem.

"Xiaoguang!" A voice came at this time, it was Du Qiang. Now he came out of the cab, but he was asked to come down by the police.

"Come on, you both come here and settle the matter through consultation." A policeman greeted the crowd.

"If there’s anything to negotiate, just catch these inhuman guys!"

"That is, those who hate these dogs most are beasts!"

"Police officer, catch them. They must have stolen all these dogs. They are thieves!"


The volunteers were indignant one by one. If the police were not present, they even wanted to come up and beat people. In fact, they wanted to beat people before, so Yun Zhiguang and Du Qiang hid in the cab and dared not come out.

"Be quiet!" A middle-aged policeman raised his voice, "let me explain first. I’ve checked the relevant documents and found no illegal places. This car of dogs is transported by legal means, and our country doesn’t prohibit the sale of dogs. However, considering that some people can’t accept this, I suggest you negotiate to solve it and don’t make a big deal."

"OK, just negotiate!" A woman in her thirties said, "I’m He Yun, vice president of Jianghai Animal Protection Association. Our requirements are very simple. Give us all these dogs and we’ll let them go!"

"I can give you the dog, but you have to pay." He added.

"You want more money?" He Yun sneers, "do you dream? If we give you money, it will help you to continue killing animals. Do you think I will be so stupid? "

"What about our loss?" Du Qiang was a little angry. "We have invested more than 100000 yuan to buy these dogs!"

"Who let you sell dogs? If you want to sell dogs, you have to be prepared for loss. I tell you, this is your retribution, and you deserve to lose! " He Yun looks aggressive. She is backed by hundreds of people. It can be said that he Yun is full of courage.

"Are you reasonable?" Yunzhiguang is a little angry.

"There’s nothing to reason with people like you!" He Yun said angrily, "I’ll give you two choices. The first is to voluntarily give the dog to us. The second is to get the dog by ourselves. But in this case, I’m not sure if I will accidentally break your car!"

"Miss He, I also give you two choices. First, you pay to buy these dogs. We can think of nothing as happening. Second, I will accuse you of robbery and let the police take you away." Yunqing finally can’t bear to take up the conversation. He Yun is really arrogant. It’s not wrong to love animals, but it’s wrong to be unreasonable.

Hearing this, he Yun seems to be stunned. She turns to look at Yun Qing and says, "who are you?"

"My name is Yun Qing. By the way, I’m a lawyer." Cloud clear light said: "your present behavior, is a robbery!"

"What robbery? We are saving lives. You are still a lawyer. Do you know what life equality is? You are just helping the tyranny! " He Yun looks angry.

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"He Yun, don’t tell her. She is also inhuman. That guy just said that dog meat is delicious!" Another voice sounded, but it was the woman who had a conflict with summer before. Her name was Luo Jiao. She obviously recognized summer at the moment, and was pointing at him.

"Dog meat is delicious!" Summer said lazily.



"Feed him to the dog!"


As soon as the voice falls in summer, there is a sound of abuse.

"Hey, shut up, or I’ll put you all in the dog cage!" Summer some discontented cried a sentence.

"Stop stop stop!" The middle-aged policeman then hurriedly put in a sentence, "well discuss, don’t mess around, can’t you say something?"

"Police officer, someone is robbing. What you should do is to catch people, rather than let us negotiate with the robbers?" Yunqing is a little discontented and says that these policemen simply do nothing.

"How do you speak? We don’t need you to teach us how to do things! " The middle-aged policeman was very dissatisfied. "I’m helping you now. We’re just traffic police. We can’t manage the robbery until it’s in our hands. If you have to say it’s robbery, then we don’t care!"

"Even if you are a traffic policeman, you should take care of the robbery. It’s your duty!" Yunqing said angrily.

"You’re a lawyer, aren’t you? You mean robbery is robbery? Do you understand the law? Whether the robbery should be judged by the court or not, just talk about it! " The middle-aged policeman was obviously dissatisfied with the accusation, and said coldly, "don’t you want to negotiate? If you don’t want to negotiate, let’s go! "

"Go away!" An impatient voice cried.