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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 323: Dragon Burn
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  Chapter 323 Dragon Flame


  Krazny's eyes widened like a dead fish.

  Samwell nodded and said:

   "Yes, we want to buy all the Unsullied that are on sale in Astapor, how many do you have?"

   "There are 8,000 trained, and another 600 are in training..."

   "Then eight thousand six, we want it."

   Krazny stared at Samwell for a while, and confirmed that the other party was not joking, before saying:

   "As long as you have enough money, of course you can buy them all, but—do you have any?"

   "Of course." Samwell pointed to Daenerys beside him, "This is the mother of dragons."

   Krazny misunderstood what he meant, muffled:

"Of course I have heard of the reputation of the Mother of Dragons, and I know that Westeros is a rich place, but I also know that the girl is not a queen yet, and may never become a queen. Although the Unsullied Legion is powerful, it may not be certain. Can win the barbaric steel knights of the Seven Kingdoms. Therefore, we will not exchange slaves for empty promises, you must pay enough money or goods."

   "This time you admit that the Unsullied may not be able to win the Iron Knight." Samwell joked with a smile, and then said, "But don't worry, we have a way to pay."

  He pointed to the three dragons fighting behind Daenerys: "We pay with dragons."

  Krazny's eyes widened again, with unconcealable greed and desire shining in his eyes:

   "Exchanging dragons for slaves? How many?"

   "One." Daenerys said, "in exchange for 8,600 Unsullied."

   "Three points!" Krazny said.

   "One!" Daenerys was firm.

   "Okay! Then we want the biggest one!" Krazny pointed to the black dragon Drogon.

   "Yes." Daenerys nodded.

   "Okay! Wait a moment, I'll go find other benevolent masters!" Krazny said impatiently.

   He is not the only slave owner in Astapor, and he is not the owner of all the more than 8,000 Unsullied.

  But Samwell believes that the rest of the slave owners will also agree.

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  Because the people of Astapor are eager for dragons.

  How could they not desire? The ancient Ghis Empire, which was once powerful at the time, fought five wars with the Valyrian Empire, all of which ended in disastrous defeats.

   Just because Valyrians have dragons and Ghis don't.

  The Unsullied can be supplemented, but the giant dragon is hard to come by.

   Now that Daenerys is going to sell the dragon, the slave owners of Astapor will probably be ecstatic.

   Sure enough, when Krazny went to communicate with other slave owners, he did not forget to order the servants to entertain the two distinguished guests.

  The slaves pulled up silk tents on the high platform, set up tables and chairs, and presented delicious food and wine for them to enjoy.

  Samwell pulled Daenerys to sit down at the table, poured two glasses of red wine, but saw that her hands were still shaking slightly.

"What's wrong?"

   "This place makes me sick." Daenerys looked gloomy.

   "The slave trade is full of crimes." Samwell sipped red wine, his eyes swept over the Unsullied in the square.

  Even if the good lord is not there, these slave soldiers still stand upright like javelins, including the soldier whose head was cut off just now, the **** wound on his chest even attracted flies, and he ignored it.

  Under cruel training, they are no longer human.

"I used to be very lonely," Daenerys murmured. "I was alone except my brother Viserys. I was a scared little thing when I was a child, and Viserys, who was supposed to protect me, kept hurting me." , intimidated me, and even sold me for the army.

   He shouldn't have done that. Because he is not only my brother, but also my king. A king is supposed to protect his people, protect the weak, as they swore to the gods when they were crowned.

  Sam, you are right, Slave Bay is a vicious cancer on the continent of Essos, we must eradicate it!

  This is an act of justice, and this is what a king should do! "

  Samwell smiled slightly, reached out and held her hand.

  Daenerys didn't resist, she held his hand with her backhand, and the trembling gradually subsided.

   Not long after, Krazny reappeared, bringing the remaining seven good lords with him.

   Meanwhile more Unsullied strode into the square, and apparently Astapor agreed to the deal.

"They are all here." Krazny came up to the two, holding a gorgeous long whip in one hand, "Eight thousand and six hundred Unsullied, just give me the dragon, and they will all be yours Already!"

   "Okay." Daenerys stood up, still holding Samwell's hand, as if she could find strength through it.

"The dragon girl and her lover." Krazny was in a good mood, and he did not forget to give advice, "These Unsullied are still young, if you are going west to return to Westeros, there will be quite a few little ones along the way." The city is suitable for looting. No matter what booty you get, you can take it all for yourself, because the Unsullied have no interest in money.

   Captured captives can be sent back to Astapor with a small team, and we will buy them. Perhaps ten years from now, many of the boys you send will be the new Unsullied.

   Forming a virtuous circle in this way is good for everyone. "

  Daenerys pursed her lips and did not speak.

   Samwell said:

   "Mother of Dragons is in a bad mood to sell her child."

"Understandable." Krazny put on an exaggerated expression, "I would feel bad if I sold those Unsullied. However, life must go on, right? With this army, I believe you will be able to take back the Unsullied." That iron chair."

   As he spoke, he asked the slave to bring an iron chain:

   "Please tie up your dragon."

  Daenerys took the chain in silence and came to the black dragon.

  Drogon was basking in the sun with his brothers, and when he saw Daenerys approaching, he raised his head and neighed.

   She was on the verge of tears, but she put the chain around Drogon's neck anyway.

  The black dragon didn't like being restrained very much, and flew up with flapping wings, but was held back by Daenerys.

  The sun cast its shadow on the good lords of Astapor, and they grinned greedily.

  Daenerys handed the chain to the slave owner, and Krazny handed her a magnificent whip.

  The whip handle is a finely carved black keel, inlaid with gold, with nine slender leather strips, each with a gold-plated sharp claw at the top. The golden sphere behind the handle is the head of a woman with sharp ivory teeth.

   "This is the Finger of the Harpy." Krazny tugged on the iron chain, "With it, you can command the Unsullied."

  Samwell asked: "So, our deal is done?"

   "Yes, it's a deal!" Krazny said, and at the same time yanked the iron chain, trying to drag the black dragon down from the sky.

   Samwell took Daenerys' hand and led her forward.

   "Unsullied ones." He stood shoulder to shoulder with her on the edge of the high platform, and said loudly, "You are now the people of the true dragon!"

  Daenerys' heart was beating fast, and she knew that the moment of fate had come.

  Samwell felt that her palms were already full of sweat, turned his head sideways, and gave her an encouraging smile.

  Daenerys took a deep breath, raised the Harpy Finger above her head, and said loudly:

   "Unsullied, take up your spears!"

  The 8,600 Unsullied in the square immediately picked up their spears, and their movements were uniform without any hesitation.

   "Hey! Dragon girl!" Krazny's voice came from behind, "Your dragon doesn't listen!"

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   "Of course. The dragon is not a slave." Daenerys turned her head and swung the whip at the slave trader's face with all her might.

   Krazny staggered back screaming, blood running down his cheeks.

   "dracarys!" she called out.

  The black dragon Drogon spread his wings and roared.

  A black flame swirled straight towards Krazny's face, melting the eyes, and igniting the hair and beard. In an instant, the slave master seemed to be wearing a flaming crown.

  He let out a shrill howl.

Chaos immediately fell on the high platform, and the Good Lords screamed, trying to get their guards to catch the two defaulters, but at this moment, a huge black shadow enveloped the pride square, and the sunlight was completely blocked , It seemed that the sky was overcast all of a sudden.

  The good lords looked up in astonishment, and saw a huge white dragon descending from the sky.

  It opened its **** mouth wide, and the orange-red flames rushed in like a sea tide, swallowing them all in an instant.

  Daenerys looked back, and saw that most of the guards of the Astapor nobles had turned into Pyromen, and the remaining half began to flee in all directions.

   "Unsullied ones! Protect us! Protect your master!" Several good lords who managed to escape shouted loudly.

   But the Unsullied stood motionless in the square, as if they hadn't heard his order at all.

   Daenerys was greatly encouraged by seeing this, held up the finger of the harpies, and said:

   "The Unsullied! Kill the Good Lord! Kill the guards! Kill every slave master with a whip!"

   The Unsullied finally moved, raised their spears, and stabbed at the former masters.

  Samwell drew his greatsword and cut off the chains that bound Drogon.

  The white dragon landed on the high platform, stirring up a burst of smoke and dust, and the flames in its mouth sprayed continuously, causing the sea of ​​flames to spread outward.

  Samwell put his arms around Daenerys' waist and led her to jump onto Cleopatra's back.

  The white dragon vibrated its wings and soared into the sky again.

   Drogon, Viserion, Rhaego followed closely behind.

   "Freedom!" Daenerys shouted in the air, "The Unsullied, in the name of the true dragon, give you freedom! Go, break every chain in this city!"

  She dropped the Finger of the Harpy, smashed it to pieces on the red brick floor, and smashed it into pieces.

   "Free! Free! Free!"

  The slave owners fled, howled, begged, and died under the shadow of the dragon.

  The dusty air of Astapor was filled with spears and flames.

  Daenerys sat on the back of the white dragon, witnessed all this, suddenly couldn't help but turned her head, and kissed the man behind her fiercely.

  The scorching wind passed by the ear, at this moment, everything around seemed to become extremely far away.