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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 324: riot
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  Chapter 324 Riot

  In the hotel, Jorah Mormont walked back and forth in the room a little anxiously.

   "Why hasn't Her Majesty come back for so long?"

  Barristan Selmy was sitting at the other end of the room, not answering his companion's questions, but concentrating on wiping his sword with an oilcloth.

   "Are you really not worried at all?" Ser Jorah asked again.

"worry about what?"

   "His Majesty's safety."

   "Your Majesty is just going to buy the Unsullied, so what's the danger?" Barristan glanced at Jorah, "But you, are you really worried about His Majesty's safety?"

  Jorah came to Barristan and said in a deep voice:

   "Well, I'm really worried about Caesar, don't you really worry about Her Majesty being bewitched by this person?"

   "At least Caesar has the blood of the Dragon family in his body. Although he is a collateral Blackfire bloodline, he and Her Majesty have the same goal and common enemy. I don't think there is anything to worry about at least before seizing the Iron Throne."

   "And after that? Who sits on the Iron Throne?"

   "This is not what we should care about." Barristan said indifferently, "We are the Queen's bodyguards, guarding her sharp sword, and the sword should obey the hand holding the sword, instead of trying to direct the master what to do."

   "When Aerys II made all kinds of crazy moves, you gang of the Kingsguard watched on. That's why the Targaryen dynasty was destroyed by the snatchers!"

  Barristan finally had anger on his face, and said coldly:

   "Jorah Mormont, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Hasn't Lyness Hightower taught you enough? Don't think about things that don't belong to you!"

  Jorah's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

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   Linnis was his last wife, who was born in the noble Hightower family. She shouldn't have married a small lord from a backcountry in the northern border like him.

  But at the tournament in Lannisport, Jorah asked for her token, and won several almost miraculous victories, and finally became the champion of that session.

  He gave Linice the wreath and laurel crown symbolizing "Queen of Love and Beauty", and won her heart.

  However, life after marriage was not satisfactory. How could the pampered Linnes endure the barren Bear Island? In order to please his wife, Jorah even secretly started the slave trade after spending all her savings.

   But the slave trade is banned in Westeros, and Lord Eddard Stark sentenced him to death after hearing the news.

  Jorah had no choice but to take his wife and fled to the Essos continent on the other side of the narrow sea, where he became a hedge knight.

   Not long after, Linice also abandoned him and fell into the arms of a prince in Reese.

   Heartbroken, Jorah begins to wander in the Free Cities until he meets the Daenerys siblings...

  Barristan stared at Jorah, and said earnestly:

   "Only a true dragon can marry a true dragon. Jorah Mormont, don't forget who you are, and don't forget what you did before."

   "What do you mean? What have I done?" Jorah questioned, but the sharp eyes of the old knight made him feel a little guilty for no reason.

   "What did you do for Varys in order to obtain the king's amnesty? I haven't said it all the time, do you think I don't know?"

  Jorah seemed to be struck by lightning, and after a long pause, he hesitated to explain:

   "I... At that time, I was also forced to help... But I never... Now I have pledged allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, with all my heart... I can die for her!"

   "Loyalty needs to be proved by actions." Barristan said, "As long as you abide by your duty, I will not expose you to His Majesty. Also, stop showing hostility to Caesar.

  Trust me, this man is much scarier than you think. Petyr Baelish, Olenna Redwyne, and Doran Martell were all in his hands. Three years ago, he was just a pioneer knight who was kicked out of the house, and now he has become the Storm King.

   If you don't restrain yourself, the end will only be worse. "

  Jorah said: "Since Caesar is so dangerous, then we should persuade Her Majesty the Queen to stay away from this person!"

   "No. Her Majesty needs Caesar's help to defeat the Reavers."

   "What about after the defeat? Will Caesar obediently surrender the Iron Throne to Her Majesty the Queen?"

  Barristan stood upright the long sword in front of him, the blade of the sword that had just been wiped reflected a chilling light in the sun:

   "At that time, it is the time for us to be loyal."

  Jorah felt a firm and calm force from the old knight, and suddenly calmed down.

   After a moment of silence, he spoke again:

   "What if Her Majesty is willing to give up the Iron Throne to Caesar?"

  Barristan retracted the long sword into its scabbard and said:

   "You have been with His Majesty for so long, why haven't you seen it clearly? Your Majesty is a dragon, not a docile sheep."

  Jorah was relieved: "You are right, Your Majesty is a real dragon, how could a real dragon submit..."

  Boom boom boom—

  A hasty knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

  Jorah stepped forward to open the door, and saw Katu Huya standing outside.

   "Riot in Astapor..."

   "What?" Jorah's face changed drastically just after listening halfway, "What's going on? Where's Your Majesty?"

   "It should be a slave riot." Katu looked very calm, "His Majesty Caesar had foreseen this riot and told me not to panic..."

   "Caesar foresaw the riot? Was he the one who provoked the riot?" Jorah pushed Katu away and ran out in a big stride.

   Barristan followed after seeing this.

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   Katu curled his lips at the back of the two of them, with a look of disdain.

  When Jorah and Barristan rushed out of the hotel, they saw that the street was already in chaos.

  People ran wildly and screamed:

   "Dragon! The dragon is coming!"

  Jorah saw an Astapor nobleman with devilish horns and braids among the fleeing crowd, but was stabbed with a spear by a team of Unsullied who were chasing him, and then hacked to death on the ground.

   However, the Unsullied did not harm the civilians.

  But when they killed the nobles, Astapor fell into a state of disorder, and panic and chaos spread rapidly.

   This also gave some restless people a chance. They took up arms and vented their anger and desire.

   Robbery, arson, killing... The whole city soon fell into chaos.

  Countless people fell and died, and the screams and howls mixed together became the main theme of this riot.

  Jorah and Barristan broke through the chaotic crowd and ran towards the Pride Square. They knew that the transaction was going on there, but now it seems that there may be something wrong with the transaction.

  Reminiscent of Katu Huya's calm attitude, this riot is likely to be planned by that Caesar.

  A crazy Astapor brandished a scimitar and rushed over. Ser Jorah dodged to avoid the slash, and then stepped forward, stabbing the long sword into the opponent's abdomen.

   "This Caesar is the source of chaos!" Jorah pulled out his long sword and growled.

  Ser Barristan didn't respond, just slumped forward.

  Astapor is known as the city of red bricks, and all the buildings are made of red bricks. Today, with the water of blood, the city of red bricks has become more worthy of the name.

  The two walked forward with difficulty, but when they got closer to the Pride Square, they found that the chaos and killings had decreased.

  Teams of Unsullied wearing spiked helmets were running around the streets. They focused on killing the nobles and guards of Astapor, and would not embarrass civilians and slaves.

  Jorah became more and more puzzled, until a loud dragon roar caught his attention.

  He raised his head, and saw Caesar's white dragon hovering in the sky not far ahead.

  On the dragon, a man and a woman are embracing and shouting.