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Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 712: Abundant Deliciousness
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Chapter 712: Abundant Deliciousness

While Black was renowned as one of the top ten chefs in the world and the master of the Louvert Guild, he had spent his childhood in poverty. Back then, even though he was poor, Black felt happy with just three meals a day and often dreamt of becoming a chef. He had dreamt of cooking a delicious dish that everyone can enjoy regardless if they were poor or rich.

However, as Black grew older, he realized that being a chef did not mean that he could cook as many delicious dishes as he wanted. And yet, Minhyuk was different from him.

‘He’s cooking purely for the sake of the people.’

Black looked back on his past as he watched Minhyuk do his best until he ‘collapsed’.

‘I wanted to become a chef for the people but I ended up going after power.’

Because of this, Black remembered once again why he became a chef. At that point, he decided to be loyal to both Minhyuk and the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. The same was true for the members of the Louvert Guild. They also received great inspiration as they watched Minhyuk cook for his people.

“What should we do?” Black had a grave expression as he asked. They all understood that there was a severe shortage of workers right now.

Ten minutes later.

Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch—

Black, a chef among the top ten in the world, was seen crouching down and peeling the radish for dongchimi.

“Ah… Mr. Black, you did not peel this part here.”

“Ah. Oh… Yeah…”


Five days was not a short amount of time. During that time, Minhyuk had only slept minimally to continue cooking. Although he deliberately collapsed and pretended to be tired, it was not a walk in the park either.

‘The Divine Will is an overpowered skill but…’

It would be a lie if Minhyuk said that he did not experience mental exhaustion. In fact, there was this constant urge to rest and sleep that was running through Minhyuk’s head. On top of that, there was also this desire that was incessantly nagging at the corner of his head.

‘I really want to eat something good.’

However, the thing that bothered Minhyuk the most was the pressure.

One week. Minhyuk was the one that made the firm declaration to feed all of his people in such a short amount of time. However, after looking at the amount that he had finished cooking, he thought that perhaps it was impossible to achieve. Right now, Minhyuk had only reached around 44% of his target amount.

These notifications had also rang in his ears:

[The Class-specific Quest: Even More Tasty Dishes is ongoing.]

[You have already achieved quite great results in your ongoing quest.]

[You will be able to obtain quite good rewards.]

Any person doing a quest would want to get the best rewards that they could obtain in this situation. That was also the reason why Minhyuk found it quite regrettable.

‘If I can’t finish everything in a week, then I’ll just add a few more days to compensate.’

However, even if he did that, the rewards that he would obtain would not get better. At the rate that he was going, it would be impossible for him to feed all of his people. In fact, even the players in the community site were also expressing their regrets.

[I guess there are just things that people can’t achieve even if they work hard.]

[He truly did his best, even foregoing sleep for a few days. This is making me feel sad.]

[In the first place, it was ridiculous to declare that he would feed all of his people in just one week.]

[Nevertheless, I still support you!!! Our Lord, the Food God!!!]

Even the people were looking at Minhyuk sadly. They thought that their king would blame himself if he failed to do what he promised.

‘Your Majesty, you have already done great.’

‘Your Majesty, thank you for thinking of the people.’

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The people cared about him more than anyone else. That was why they had to wonder if he would be disappointed with himself. However, Minhyuk just looked at them with a soft smile on his face.


For five straight days, the Eternal Flames had continued to spew out blazing flames through the vents of the trailer. It never died down, as if it was representing Minhyuk’s passion and will for the people.


Minhyuk’s hands turned stiff as he flipped the chicken inside the pan.


Perhaps it was because of the accumulated pressure and tension, as well as the mental exhaustion and fatigue that he endured under the watchful gazes of his people, because a ringing appeared in his ears and everything turned dizzy for a moment. When his vision cleared, Minhyuk only saw the ground getting closer and closer until he made contact with it.


“Your Majesty!!!” Spear God Ben hurriedly rushed forward. He knew right away that this was not a performance on Minhyuk’s part.

For Minhyuk, everything passed by in slow motion. Even the sound of one’s breath in his ears sounded like those in the movies.

‘Haa… Haa…’

The people that ran forward looked slow as they approached Minhyuk.

‘I can’t stop cooking.’

He had to do it for his people and for himself. If Minhyuk was someone that gave up at the sight of several hardships and trials, then he would not have been able to produce miraculous results in his fight against his eating addiction.

It would be easy for him to just give up, however, if he gave up here, then he would not be able to move forward and reach his goals.


Minhyuk grabbed the cooking shovel with a trembling hand as he tried his hardest to stand up. “…I’m okay.”

Spear God Ben caught a glimpse of Minhyuk’s strong and stubborn will. He immediately stepped back and raised his hand to stop all of the people that rushed to help Minhyuk from getting closer.

However, the problem was Minhyuk did not have the strength to even lift his finger. His exhaustion had been constantly nulled and voided by the Divine Will skill. However, the mental fatigue had already accumulated to the point that his body did not listen to him at all and it was making it very hard for Minhyuk to get up.

Then, at that moment, a petal slowly and gently fell on him.


Petals appeared and flew in with the wind, falling gently on Minhyuk, who had collapsed on the floor, and turning into light until they seeped into his body.

[The God that Likes to Cook is cheering for you.]

[Some of your accumulated fatigue has been relieved.]

[God’s Special Power will help you double the amount of food that you make.]

[You have received God’s support.]

[The proficiency of your skill: Thousand Swords has increased.]

That was not the end. The petals that the God of Cooking had sent were pink but there were still other petals of various colors that were gently falling down on Minhyuk’s body.

[The God that has the Courage to Never Back Down is…you.]

[The God that has the Courage to Never Back Down…]

[Some of your accumulated fatigue…]

[God’s Special Power has increased your cooking speed by 30%.]

[…God’s support.]

[…proficiency…Thousand Swords…]

[The God Standing at the Peak of Magic…]

[…accumulated fatigue…]

The falling petals soothed Minhyuk, washing away his exhaustion. They also carried plenty of special effects that opened up several possibilities for Minhyuk, who did not want to give up.

Then, a very surprising notification rang in his ears.

[The God that is Good at Commanding the Army is cheering for you.]


[God’s Special Power has temporarily increased all of your stats by 20%.]

[The proficiency of your skill: Thousand Swords has increased.]

This god was clearly one of the Absolute Gods, the Battle God, the very same God that gave Nerva Sephiroth his powers. Right now, he was watching Minhyuk with interest.


Minhyuk tightened his hold on his cooking shovel. He stood up once again and washed it clean.

‘I feel refreshed.’

In fact, he felt much more refreshed than when the Divine Will skill was triggered. He even thought that reaching his goal was possible now. With the power bestowed upon him by various gods, he could cook faster and serve several more dishes than before.


So, Minhyuk stood in front of the blazing Eternal Flames and began to cook once again.

There was a man watching everything unfold from afar. The left sleeve of his shirt was fluttering loosely with the wind, evident of his missing arm. After watching Minhyuk, the man turned around and returned to the training ground.

At the training ground, Nero, together with the chosen assassins of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom, were training diligently. The truth was, Nero actually has a lot of worries in his head.

‘How can we win over Mr. Luo’s heart?’

Luo looked like a machine and did not seem to have any interest in him nor in any of the assassins whatsoever. From what he knew, the man had signed a contract of obedience with Minhyuk. That was why Nero wondered if it was even possible for them to grow closer with him because of that. In fact, Nero just wanted to share the bond of a teacher and pupil with Luo.

“You’re still very clumsy,” Luo, who returned after going out for a while, scolded Nero for the first time and grabbed his arm to help him correct his posture.


So far, Luo had never taken interest in whatever stupid or clumsy posture they made when he taught them. Out of the blue, he was correcting Nero’s posture.

“Starting tonight, I will give each and every single one of you special training. After that, I will teach you the God of Assassination’s Assassination Arts.”

“Is, Is that true?” Nero rejoiced at those words but Luo maintained his silence. However, Nero could feel it. He could tell that Luo was now willing to open up to them.


A week had passed since Minhyuk started cooking. There were many players in the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom and all of them came to watch Minhyuk cook.

“Wow… how can a person…”

“But don’t you think he’s cool?”

“I never thought that watching someone cook would look so cool.”

“Kyaaaaaack!!! Oppa, please take me!!!”

“Honey, you will turn 45 the day after tomorrow…”

“Shut up.”

“H, honey… why are you grabbing my collar…”

People did not come to ogle at Minhyuk as if he were an animal on display in a zoo, but to show their respect for him.

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[A huge crowd has gathered in the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. People from all over the continent have come here to see Minhyuk.]

[Perhaps the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom will usher in more immigrants after this cooking event ends.]

[Just like the desperate wish of the people and the players, I am also desperately hoping that the reckless yet amazing Food God Minhyuk will be able to finish what he wants to do safely.]

[I am also looking forward to other things.]

[What other things?]

[If you make various achievements in Athenae, you will be able to obtain titles and stats. Since he cooked a lot of dishes in a short amount of time, I’m pretty sure that he will be able to obtain various titles or even artifacts. From what I can see, there’s a chance that Food God Minhyuk has already surpassed the limits of the requirements to receive a reward.]

[I also can’t wait. I wonder what kind of titles and rewards he will receive?]

Minhyuk, who was covered in perspiration while still cooking, was finally reaching the end of his goal.

‘Fortunately, we were able to prepare enough buckwheat noodles and dongchimi.’

With the majority of the members of Louvert Guild joining to help, they were able to finish preparing all of the buckwheat noodles and dongchimi that they needed.

The problem was that Minhyuk was only able to make around 500,000 servings of the main dish. Of course, that was already a ridiculous amount of dishes to be prepared in just a week. However, this feat was only possible because he received various buff effects and help from the gods. Still, the fact that he was about to fail to cook for all of his people was still undeniable.

This morning, these notifications rang in Minhyuk’s ears:

[You have succeeded in making numerous tasty dishes and attaining dazzling achievements more than the previous Food Gods!]

[You will obtain the most outstanding and amazing reward.]

The contents of the quest required Minhyuk to make more dishes than the other Food Gods and not to cook for all of his people. However, Minhyuk never stopped because he had promised his people.

‘I have to do it even if it would take a few more days.’

He had decided to continue to cook even after the quest had finished.

The end of the quest was just right around the corner. Minhyuk did not stop moving his shovel, his hands growing more urgent as the time ticked by. There were even veins popping out of his arms as he exerted more power into his stirring. Even his breath had turned ragged from exertion.


With one final flip, he had completed another spicy stir-fried chicken. With that, the quest was over. However, Minhyuk washed the pan once again and immediately tried to prepare another dish. At that moment, something happened.

[Ravier, the Food God and the God of Cooking in the past, has given you strength!]

[The 513,516 servings of spicy stir-fried chicken that you have made for your people will be multiplied until they correspond to all of the people, soldiers and players under your command!]

[You have completed the Class-specific Quest: Even More Tasty Dishes.]

[You have completed your Class-specific Quest with amazing achievements!]





Notifications constantly rang in Minhyuk’s ears. However, the accumulated fatigue had already gotten to Minhyuk. After he finished cooking for his people with the help of a very unexpected person, Minhyuk collapsed. He could not hear the notifications that kept on ringing in his ears as he fell into deep sleep.

At the same time, the reporter that came to film the scene pointed his camera to the skies. With the gods praising Minhyuk for his achievements, just like snowflakes, millions of petals fell down from the sky and covered the entire kingdom.


“That’s beautiful.”

“The petals look like snow…”

In the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s training grounds.

Luo smiled faintly when he caught sight of the millions of petals falling from the sky. At the same time, another set of notifications rang in the sleeping Minhyuk’s ears.

[God and Knight. Luo has started to develop a deep respect for you.]

[Perhaps you will be able to gain his eternal loyalty!]