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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 497: Because you can
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Chapter 497: Because you can

" We have eaten," Fang Chi was the first to respond as he took a look at his brothers who were eyeing Yu Dong like predators eyeing their prey. Somewhere in the corner of his heart he hurriedly lit up a candle for Yu Dong, he knew that in these coming days his wife has to spend days and nights in bed satisfying her husbands who have been starving for so long.         


Compared to them …ahem, he was far well moisturised by Yu Dong's love so there was nothing that he needed to worry about.      

Chen Mi looked at Yu Dong with a sly glint in his eyes and without bothering to hold himself back said, " Wife you seem to have missed brother Li a lot, you have been locked in that room for a long time."      

" Mi!" Ye Liu could not believe it, it was one thing that this brat dared to tease them but he was also teasing Yu Dong now. Hasn't his guts hardened a bit too much?      

Chen Mi ignored him on the other hand he looked at Yu Dong waiting for her to blush but contrary to his expectations, she smiled and then walked behind him before placing her hands on his shoulders as she leaned down and whispered, " I have missed little Mi too, mind telling me when I can I hold him?"      

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As for little Mi, both Yu Dong and Chen Mi knew whom she was talking about. Chen Mi who wasn't prepared for such a crude tease covered his face and shook his head in a frenzy. " That was a low blow, wife! You can't play so unfairly as that!"      

Neither Ye Liu nor Fang Chi knew what Yu Dong said to Chen Mi but seeing that Chen Mi was reduced to blushing like a young teen, neither of them asked anything either. What were they going to say anyway?      

Yu Dong walked to the kitchen after she was done handling Chen Mi, it was true that the boy had no filter while teasing someone but she was his boss. He might know a hundred and ten ways to tease others but she was his wife, she knew a hundred and ten ways to tease him! So, she was still his boss!     

She poured some water from the vat into the pot and then placed it on the stove before turning to look at the three husbands of hers. " Before I forget, you three make sure that you don't listen to anyone from now on."      

Now that they were rescuing the villagers, surely one or two villagers will say something nasty to her or her husbands, since she wouldn't be allowing them to freeload on herself.  Once they realise they cannot take advantage of her, they will try to make things difficult for her husbands.      

" No matter what the villagers say or no matter how they scold me, you four just turn a deaf ear to them, it's going to be hard times from now on and they will definitely not like it if we don't help them."      

Fang Chi frowned as he placed the chopsticks in his hands after taking the last bite of his meal and then turned to look at Yu Dong. " But you already told them about the dangers, it was them who didn't listen to you. So with what rights are they going to scold you?"      

Even the thought of someone scolding Yu Dong made him unhappy, his wife was so good already. She knew that she will be scolded but she still went to warn the villagers about the flood, it was them who didn't listen to her warning and wanted to curry favour with He Cheung.      

If they have the guts then they can keep curry favouring He Cheung, let's see if he turns into some mystical creature and saves their lives or not!     

" I know but you also know what kind of people the villagers are." Yu Dong too didn't want trouble but there was no way she would be able to avoid the trouble. What was more the villagers might have donned a new way of thinking —— that we are pitiful, we lost our houses, rations and everything else with the flood, and we deserve the support and sympathy who have money and sources.      

She knew this mentality too well.      

When the apocalypse fell instead of saving their lives, the people hid behind the strong. At first, they waited for the army and when they saw that no help was coming they turned toward the ability users, their reasoning was simple.     

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We have lost everything, we don't have a thing left with us and since you have awakened your ability and you are stronger than us then you should save us.      

Many of the ability users have asked those people why should they save them and the answer was —— ' Because you can.'      

Because they were strong they have to bring a bunch of baggage that complained and whined throughout the journey, if they refused they were the bad people, if they agreed then they were taken advantage of by those people to the point that many ability users died.      

In the face of danger, those pitiful humans threw them in face of the danger. When those users died and their teammates asked those people why did they that, they guiltlessly said that they didn't think that the user was this weak and couldn't even take down a zombie.      

Back then Yu Dong was so furious that she threw one of those people in front of a zombie and then watched them scream and almost wet themselves. When asked why she did that, she retaliated with—- 'I didn't know that your scheming brain wouldn't work in the face of a zombie, I thought you were so smart that you will be able to deal with the zombie as well.'      

Only then did those people shut themselves but even then she heard them badmouth her a lot. Saying that she was heartless and had no emotions, not caring about pitiful people like them.      

In short, as long as someone thought that they were pitiful they wanted others to help them no matter what the price, knowing the villagers, she was sure that they wouldn't let go of her so easily.      


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