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Guild Wars

Chapter 1003: A Message From Afar
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After upgrading the Fire of War, Draco felt much better overall. The items they had received from the vault so far had not disappointed him yet, and their value rose with each compartment opened.

Since there were only 2 more left, he couldn't help but wonder what surprises lay in store for them.

Well, there was no point in keeping the suspense up, so Draco moved to open compartment 2. He rummaged his hands around inside and grabbed something before pulling it out.

「Arcane Floater – Special

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – Floating Territory: Place this item at the center of control of any territory, be it settlement-tier, town-tier, city-tier, kingdom-tier or empire-tier to make the entire territory break away from the earth and float in the heavens.

Passive 2 – Endless Power: This item can absorb ambient Worldly Energy to power the floating aspect, but in situations were there is not enough ambient energy, the user would have to provide it.

Active 1 – Traverse: Activate this skill to make the floating territory begin to move through the skies at the speed of your choice. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: None.

Note: The higher the speed, the more energy drained.

Active 2 – Anti-Detection: Activate this skill to make the entire floating territory completely invisible to the senses and detection of all beings or items. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: None.

Note: The longer the invisibility is kept up for, the more energy drained. The stronger the detection method or the detector him/herself, the more energy drained.

Description: This is a rare Arcane item produced by the best and strongest Arcanists in the old empire. In that era, they had more than one floating city, but they were all shot down excluding one which persisted to this era. Poseidon had destroyed one back then and harvested the core, keeping it it here.」

Draco's eyes narrowed. This was an extremely precious item, but it made the most sense for it to be here because even though it was super useful for a territory controller, Poseidon was receding to the heavens with the Gods to fight the Grey rot and deal with the aftermath of their retarded war.

This thing would have zero use to him since he probably would not never return to the Kingdom of the Undersea, so he left it here. Very sensible.

However, Draco shook his head and tossed the item into the inventory. The simple fact was that Vita Kingdom did not need this, and only very few kingdoms or empires would dare to use it.

For one, how would logistics and resource collection be handled? You're floating in the sky, where are you gonna grow your damn food, get your water or harvest minerals?

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Secondly, its just an energy drain. You'll be losing Aether Crystals if you ever encounter situations were Worldly Energy is lacking, so what's the point?

Well, to be honest, the two above points did not affect Vita King much if at all. They could easily produce endless food, water and minerals with the help of players and with their crazy Rank 7 warehouse that could sustain the Kingdom for a hundred years.

Not to mention, Draco had removed all the Epic to Divine resource zones from Norma's treasury and put them in the core area of Vita Kingdom for the Goddess Descendants to manage.

The real reason why Vita wouldn't do it was because it would mean that they could no longer conquer other lands on Cario Continent to expand their landmass, and they would have to give up the sea route they developed as well as the new one Draco and Eva recently cleared.

Going airborne wouldn't make it impossible, just complicated and worth more effort for virtually no real gain.

So that idea was shelved indefinitely.

Draco took a deep breath and glanced at compartment 1. He then walked over to it with slow, dramatic steps before standing before it.

Everyone around couldn't help but hold their breath as they watched Draco reach his hand into the compartment and slowly pull something out. The item he took out glowed with a light that made Draco, Eva and Shaungtian's expectant faces change greatly.


Draco was blown back hundred of meters, being sent flying into the distance while spitting endless blood. The glowing item left his grip and blasted towards Eva, aiming for her face.

Shuangtian saw this and quickly rushed in front of Eva to protect her, but despite her great physical strength, she was also blasted away while spitting blood like Draco, crashing through the earth and create a huge gully.

Eva paled and tried to create a barrier, but the item broke through the barrier and smashed into her face, causing Eva to scream in agony as she grabbed her head and thrashed about.

Draco slowly lifted himself out of the crater he had been blasted in. He then saw that Eva was in pain and his expression darkened, but he only took one step and clutched his chest before falling to the ground.

There was no doubt about it. Something that could cause him this level of damage… was easily an Eternal item or something with Eternal power, and not a small amount.

With the knowledge and methods they had from their visits to the Eternal World, there was only one thing that came to mind as the cause of this, and Draco couldn't help but feel bitter about it.

The core members were shocked by the happenings and could not react fast enough. When they say Eva in pain, Hera, Keira and Lucia rushed over to help their best friend, but were blown onto pieces immediately.

Sublime, who was also about to rush over, was grabbed by Kiran and held down. The other core members retreated and looked on with worried and anxious expressions, not understanding what was happening.

Eva stopped screaming and let go of her face, a huge beam of white light escaping from both her eyes and striking the void, causing a huge spatial portal to appear.

From it, a light of golden orange energy appeared and shot into her eyes, causing the beam to recede and Eva to slump the the ground tiredly. Draco stood up and teleported over with a dark face, while Shuangtian blasted over with a furious expression.

Draco calmed his bronze-skinned beauty down before kneeling near Eva.

"Show them to me." He commanded.

Eva raised her head and showed her eyes which were formerly golden in color, but had now became an eerier while with a black pulse pushing through them like a sonar.

Draco's expression became even more complicated as he recognized this phenomenon. He inspected Eva's eyes closely and was not surprised by what he saw.

「Eyes of Caela – Fusion item

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – True Sight: You are able to see everything and anything within your Rank.

Passive 2 – Paragon of Creation: Creation Energy no longer possess a non-offensive trait and no longer costs the user any energy to perform.

Active 1 – Alpha: Fire out a blast of the purest Creation Energy that can return anything and everything under heaven within your Rank to its inception state . No cooldown.

Active 2 – Endless Creation: Send out a super-condensed beam of Creation Energy that can generate any existence from the past and future within your Rank. No cooldown.

Note 1: Casting these skills will result in severe paralysis.

Note 2: These are beams of of the greatest Creation! Anything hit by them will be warped and fundamentally changed permanently!

Description: These are the Eyes of the Supreme Goddess, Caela, Goddess of Creation, and the Ultimate Goddess. She is the counterpart of Caelo and was formed when he split his power into half during the creation of the first universe.

The Eyes of Caela will become more powerful after every Rank Up.」

Draco had an expression of 'as I thought'. From the forceful and painful fusion, the eternal power and potency, as well as the aesthetic effects of the item, he knew it had something to do with Caelo, or in this case, Caela.

It might seem like there was a big commotion earlier, but that was only because the eyes were too powerful. However, now that they had settled down, they were graded at the Divine Rank, but Draco's wasn't fooled.

When he first fused with the Eyes of Caelo he was far too weak to understand what was Divine, Origin and Eternal, but now he could. Not to mention that there was always that message beneath the description that the eyes would become more powerful with each Rank Up.

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Draco's eyes narrowed. These items should be able to rise from Divine to Origin, and then to Eternal all things considered, given their owners. Just like Draco plucked out his eyes in the real world and gave it to someone, they too would have Eternal power through the eyes.

More importantly…

「System to Player Announcement

Detected that there is a synergy between the two items Eyes of Caelo and Eyes of Caela. A special connection is being formed…」

Immediately, Draco and Eva had bright beams of light shoot out from their eyes, one black and one white that converged in mid-air. It mixed together and warped to form the image of distorted item.

A majestic voice sounded out in the area.

"Hm? Is this thing on? Damn, reception when sending across different layers of spacetime and universes is so bad."

Draco easily recognized the voice as the one from Caelo, however it sounded far less godly and more human. If his voice when Draco met him was from his deity form, then this voice should be from his mortal form.

It contained humor, and endless arrogance and well as self-confidence. It was almost the same exact tone and nature as Draco himself or any of Kotario's cheap protagonists!

"Right, right, whatever. Anyway, this should be the budding Eternals of the fifth universe right? We might have met before, I dunno. I felt a divine spirit incarnate into some digital world a few months back, but I didn't receive any memory feedback from it."

"Whatever, basically I want to give you the rundown. When I was on my adventure, I encountered a lot of cryptic bullshit like 'you are too weak to know the full story' which made things harder for me until I peaked."

"Ever since then, I've made sure to keep my younger siblings informed."

"Here's the essence of things. Five universes, one source. The source is Origo, location unknown and none of us can ever hope to get there. All the energy that allows reality as we know it to exist and function comes from there. As far as I know, its basically a moon-sized planet-like thing made up of compressed Origin energy."

"Naturally, something so powerful eventually gave birth to a conscious, then an avatar. That is my nominal father, Deus. Deus existed for who knows how long before deciding to create the very first being, me."

"I then existed for who knows how long before creating the first universe using the special authority Deus gave me to use a part of Origo's energy, then I got bored and split myself to create Caela, my wife."

"I became a God of Destruction and she took my power of Creation. That wasn't a problem at first, but she also retained the authority Deus gave me, which should have expired the moment I created the universe."

"To cut the middle parts short and hit the nail on the head, Caela is now the only being in the entirety of reality that can create things with Origo's Authority. This is basically not a good thing as Origo and Deus do not want to see that, because it has huge implications."

"This is because any form of creation you know or think you know is mediocre and flawed. You could have the most power and the greatest array of creations, by if Deus descends, he can just harvest them."

"Meh, I don't like long technical explanations. I'll just use a simple analogy. Anything created without the authority Caela has is 'owned' by Deus in that he has 'admin rights'. Doesn't matter even if you worked hard to build it."

"And as you might rationalize, things created or influenced by Caela have her as their admin, which means Deus is vulnerable to them like anyone else."