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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140

The press conference was held in the meeting room, and Agnes purposely arrived a bit late

By now, many reporters had already gathered there.

The Interview hadn’t even started and everyone was already chit chatting

“Where’s Mamie? I thought she’d be here”

*This time, Mamie really lost face. She just got engaged not long ago, and her fiancé is now invalveil in

a scandal with a newbie in the entertainment industry”

“You guys are just too naive. Which man in the entertainment circle doesn’t love a few lovers? Maybe

Mamie just chose to look the other way. As long as she can hold onto the title of Mrs Whitfield, what

harm can these rumors do?”

“But Mamie is indeed awesome. She managed to get the Tim Group CEO to clear up the rumors. It

seems he really cares about her”

Jared sat in the chairman’s seat, his gaze fixed on the door as if waiting for something.

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The moment Agnes appeared, Jared’s expression shifted slightly

He couldn’t be waiting for her, could he? Agnes thought gloomily

Yes, how was she supposed to sign the divorce agreement if she didn’t show up?

All the cameras were ready.

Mr. Whitfield might not be a figure in the entertainment industry, but because of his background, he has

always been the focus of attention

Especially it’s rumored that he is Mamie’s fiancé

This incident has stirred up unprecedented attention in the entertainment circle

At this moment, Jared’s secretary, Leo, stood up and said, “Everyone quiet down. The clarification

press conference will now begin. Mr. Whitfield has something to say”

The meeting room instantly fell silent

Reporters swarmed around

Jared slowly removed his glasses, stood up, and began, “Recently, there have been a lot of rumors

about me and Agnes…”

The meeting room was eerily quiet, with only the sound of camera shutters.

At this time, a lot of people were already pouring in through the door.

Some young female secretaries led by Yolanda, and even Mamie’s fans who had caused trouble

earlier, managed to sneak in through some means, holding signs that read “Agnes, leave the

entertainment industry“.

Everyone saw this scene.

Jared’s voice was clear, with each word entering everyone’s ears, “Now I will make things clear. Those

are not rumors.

This statement plunged the entire meeting room into silence.

Everyone wore a surprised expression.

What did Mr. Whitfield mean?

Are the rumors false? Could they be true?

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Agnes was also stunned

Because at this moment, Jared’s gaze was fixed on her face. Agnes felt her heart stop beating for a


A reporter suddenly asked, “Mr. Whitfield, what is your relationship with Agnes? Is she truly your

mistress, as the rumors suggest?”

Seeing one reporter ask a question, the others couldn’t help but follow sult, throwing out one prickly

question after another.

“Mr. Whitfield, does Mamie know about your relationship?”

“We heard that Agnes knocked on your door in the middle of the night. Is that true?”

“As the lead actress in the new drama The Magical Romance of Cinderella, there have been rumors

that Agnes got the role through unfair means. Are you involved?”

One question after another was hurled out.

Jared coldly said, “Enough“”

The venue once again fell into silence

Jared spoke icily, “Zoe chose Agnes at the audition. She didn’t get the role through any unfair means. I

don’t think anyone in this circle would dare to act unfairly towards r wife, would they?”