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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150

Ryder was quite the eye candy at Lakeside College. He was a top student in the medical department

and, well, many girls‘ dreamn guy

He was also allegedly her boyfriend at Lakeside College

But that was all a big misunderstanding thanks to Cecile Higgins‘ clinginess, Ryder just used her as a


However, Ryder had no clue about his relationship with Jared.

So, it might be awkward when they meet now

Agnes followed Tim and Jared downstairs.

They just happened to bump into Preston and Laura, who had just entered.

Seeing Tim, Preston quickly approached to shake hands.

“Thank you for the invitation. It’s my honor”

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Tim responded with a smile, “No need to be so formal, Mr. Pritchard. Our children are married, we’re

family now.”

“My daughter marrying Jared is her good luck.”

“I’d say Jared’s the lucky one. Agnes is kind and cute, all thanks to Mr. Pritchard’s good parenting”

After a bit of chit–chat, everyone moved to the dining room

The Whitfield family had already prepared a lavish dinner.

After everyone took their seats, Alyssa and Ryder walked in.

Alyssa introduced Ryder to everyone.

Despite his politeness, he seemed a bit cold and distant.

Rumour has it that Ryder comes from a complicated family background. He’s lived overseas for many

years and just returned. He’s reserved and not really sociable.

It seems like the rumors were true.

At last, Alyssa introduced Agnes, “This is Jared’s wife, Agnes.”

Ryder’s gaze fell on Agnes.

The news about them had already spread like wildfire earlier in the afternoon.

Ryder didn’t expect Agnes to be married to Jared.

Ryder stayed silent, which made Agnes feel a bit awkward sitting there.

Agnes stood up and initiated a greeting. “We meet again?”

Ryder responded with a simple “Hello,” and then sat down.

Tim said, “Wasn’t Agnes the classmate you brought home for my birthday? I thought you two knew

each other well.”

Ryder replied calmly. “We’re not that close. You misunderstood

Everyone was surprised by Ryder’s stern response.

Laura tried to lighten the mood, “Agnes is even younger than Ryder. Since they were classmates, it’s

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natural for them to interact as such.”

Tim laughed. “He’s just an introvert. He’ll get used to it once they live under the same roof”

Agnes felt uneasy throughout the meal.

Pretending to be innocent, Beatrice asked, “How did you meet my sister? You guys got your marriage

certificate four months ago, but I remember her boyfriend at that time was Elton, wasn’t it?”

Her words instantly quieted the whole table.

Laura glared at Beatrice, “What are you talking about?”

Beatrice feigned ignorance, “I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”

Tim and Alyssa looked puzzled

If Beatrice was right, and Agnes had a boyfriend when she married Jared, wasn’t that like daling two

guys simultaneously?

At this point, Jared said coldly. “You mean Elton? Four months ago, I took Agnes away from that

pleasure–seeking young man. He didn’t deserve my wife.”

Jared’s voice was as calm as still water

But his words cleared everyone’s confusion. It wasn’t Agnes dating two guys simultaneously, Jared

took her away from Elton.