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Her Graceful War Song by Summer's Blaze

Chapter 195
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Chapter 194 orter Quraithe, more hen pay with the googlle inweer alty it was just a show for te the orgulation kar kandir In addition to the public feast, she had prepared vegmamani specifically for great foown for her devotion to religion, Elaenor donated substantial suma to temples and monasterias every year After all, hour who have committed many wrongsi affum sanit Sinsangs om intens Eleanor was hosting a large number of questa today and she had also invited The Warren family në Aurora 217 not attent. Ever since Burrant learned about nother and diller Stoffers quarte Huurttwatch Ealane, Seen ausding SMeanwhile dafigures and Bugraced, Aupare deure si faca aduue However, Rebecca attended with Ayala, Bryan, and Serena with Eleanor having extended the tation, He attending would be more suitable gift.

quiet which allowed them to preser Naturely febeste had personal retives to attending. She heged distingusted guests if any of the of the other familles 015 BONUS took a liking to them, their marriage prospects would be secured.

Guests at Eleanor's birthday banquet were either wealthy or noble. Despite the scandal surrounding the Warren family due to Aurora, Rebecca still attended with her daughter-in-law and children. In the presence of so many influential figures, Rebecca felt remarkably insignificant.

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As she looked at the well-dressed guests, she recalled the former glory of her family. When she had first married, that period of splendor had been as fleeting as a firework. The prominence she once held was etched in her heart, and she longed to return to her former heights.

Unfortunately, her husband was weak, and her eldest son mediocre. Only her second son, Barrett, had married the then-Marquis of Northwatch's daughter.

Who could have anticipated that shortly after Carissa's marriage, the Sinclair family would be annihilated? The Sinclair family lacked strong male heirs, and with Melanie gone, all Carissa could offer them now was wealth.

So, when Barrett returned with his military achievements and sought. to marry Aurora, they saw the future filled with the glory Rebeccal had always desired, while Carissa was discarded. Yet, fate rarely aligned with one's wishes.

Hector was posthumously honored with the title of duke, and Carissa becthe legitimate daughter of a duke. She also achieved military merit and earned widespread acclaim.

In contrast, Aurora, whom Rebecca had high hopes for, not only failed to achieve any merit but was also punished, which in turn affected Barrett's reputation.

Rebecca's heart was a reservoir of grievances, capable of filling a 2/3 +15 BONUS

vast river. At the birthday banquet, she led her daughter-in-law and children to pay their respects respects tom Eleanor She had assumed that [ Eleanor had invited them out of respect for Barrett and planned to present a birthday gift to her, then socialize with the other ladies in the garden.

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As she observed the ladies' gazes, Rebecca noted the lack of warmth. Despite their outward politeness, there was no enthusiasm in their e eyes, only a palpable indifference.

She could sense their disdain. Just as she was about to retreat awkwardly, Eleanor gently asked, Rebecca, I've heard that your health has not been well. How are you faring now?" Rébecca was taken aback. How did Eleanor know about her health issues? However, it was not entirely surprising, as Amelia had once gone to the physician's office to plead for Snowdrop Pills.

Feeling surprised and flattered, Rebecca responded, "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I am much better now."

Lounging comfortably in her chair, Eleanor smiled at Rebecca. "You're about my age. How could your health носата! be sa poor? I've heard that your former daughter-in-law cared for you day and night. She must be quite a devoted person." RULE #1 X choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.