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Her Graceful War Song by Summer's Blaze

Chapter 295
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Chapter 294 Carissa naturally had no desire to attend Helen's tea party. Relieved that Ryan was finally able to speak again, she now turned her attention to organizing the defensive strategy maps and tactical diagrams left by her father and brothers.

Whether it was Victory Pass or the Southern Frontier, her family had guarded these strategic points. They were well-acquainted with the fortifications and had drawn numerous defensive strategy maps. Even during times of peace, they had sent scouts to explore the surrounding forts, meticulously marking every detail on their maps. However, sof the sketches were a bit haphazard and disorganized, so Carissa decided to create new, more refined versions.

This was, of course, a time-consuming task. Looking at the stack of rough drafts, Carissa estimated that if she were to do it herself, it would take at least two or three months to complete.

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She sighed, thinking how much easier it would be if Kyle were around. His keen eye and sharp mind meant that he could glance at something and have it firmly imprinted in his memory. With a quill in hand, it was as if he were possessed by the spirit of a calligrapher, producing work at lightning speed: After working for two or three days, Carissa had made little progress, and her eyes ached from the effort. Rafael had visited only once since Ryan had regained his ability to speak. It seemed that the position of Minister of Justice was indeed quite burdensome, or perhaps it was outside his expertise, requiring him to learn gradually. The last the cover, he had been muttering legal codes under his breath-things like "thirty lashes for this crime," "exile for that," and "imprisonment for three to five years", listing the punishments for various offenses.

Seeing Rafael so overwhelmed, Carissa felt a bit sorry for him. It was one thing to command troops and train soldiers, but memorizing the laws of the kingdom was evidently a struggle for him. She had advised him, "You don't need to memorize everything. There are books to refer to, and the clerks at the Ministry of Justice are knowledgeable. You can always ask them for help." He had responded earnestly, "As the Minister of Justice, not understanding the laws would be a dereliction of duty. Either I don't take the position, or I do it to the best of my ability." Carissa had laughed and said, "Does the king have it out for you? Why else would he assign you to the Ministry of Justice? In this position, you not only have to review cases but also handle matters involving high-ranking officials. It's a job that can easily earn you enemies" What had started as a joke seemed to weigh heavily on Rafael.

His expression darkened momentarily, but he quickly recovered, forcing a smile. "Don't you understand? When it comes to authority, who besides the king can rival me? My years of battle have seensubdue all manner of treacherous and dangerous people." He lifted his head with a haughty air. "Moreover, the government ministries are of critical importance. The king trusts me, which is why he has appointedas Minister of Justice." Despite his proud words, Rafael had left with his head bowed. He looked as though he were about to cry as he continued muttering the legal codes under his breath.

Chapter 204 +25 BONUS Sitting at her desk, Carissa recalled the scene with a chuckle. She made a sweeping motion with her quill, striking through a document with such force that it almost plerced through the paper. Well, that piece of paper was now useless.

She knew she shouldn't be thinking about men-it had a significant impact on her daily life and work.

As Carissa was struggling with her tasks, Frederick crunning in with excitement. His legs were practically moving in circles as he burst into the study, panting.

"My lady, a guest has arrived. He says he's your guild senior, Kyle Spencer." Frederick's excitement was so palpable that his eyes were trembling and he fidgeted with his clothes. Carissa had never seen him so nervous before.

Her face lit up. "Really? I'm coming right out!" It seemed like her wish had been granted-her eldest guild senior had arrived, so she didn't have to do this work anymore.

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As she dashed out like a whirlwind, Frederick called after her, "My lady, put on a cloak. It's outside." Seeing that he couldn't stop her, Frederick grabbed a cloak and hurried after her.

very cold

In the main hall, a man dressed in a black cloak sat in a chair. His long black hair was partially tied back with a blue ribbon, with the rest cascading down his back. A faint smile graced his handsface, as if the snow, rain, and hardships of the journey had not marred his appearance in the slightest.

Wildly free-spirited, yet elegant and refined-these qualities made this legendary figure even more captivating. Carissa burst into the room like a gust of wind.

Before she could even get a good look, she called out excitedly, "Kyle!"

Kyle stood up, his eyes soft and affectionate as he looked at his guild junior, whom he considered as a younger sister. "It seems you've grown a bit taller and more beautiful," he said.