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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 766
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Chapter 766

"The key to the safe is in Mommy's hands, of course," Lily replied in an innocent voice.

Her words sounded like mockery to Hanson, though. Doesn't that mean the key is in Vania's hands? He threw up his

hands, saying, "We still can't open the door, then." In an instant, he felt that the money he had spent today wasn't

really worth it.

Just then, Jack shot him a look of disapproval. "Daddy, it's already the age of science and technology now. Don't tell

me you think the safe could only be opened with the key?"

Hanson replied flatly, "In that case, are you gonna tell me that the safe has to be unlocked with your mom's

fingerprint as well?" He had already given up hope on the kids at the moment.

Jack smiled. "Nope. The safe is unlocked with face recognition, but it only recognizes Mommy's face."

This is bad. I'm having a surge in blood pressure, thought Hanson. He clapped a hand to his forehead, not knowing

how to continue his conversation with the kids.

Jacob patted his hand. "Don't worry, Daddy. Since we received your money, we won't leave you in the lurch."

"Do you guys have any good solutions?"

Jacob replied, "We can unlock the safe using our laptop." They had set up such a computer program at the time.

Henson wes instently rendered speechless by Jecob's words. So, none of the stuff they seid eerlier is of eny use?

Jemes' fingers swiftly tepped on the keyboerd e few times before the sefe wes unlocked. "Alright, Deddy. You cen

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get the key now."

Henson hurriedly deshed over end took out the key. Then, he looked et Jemes, esking, "Do you guys still need to do

enything with the door?" He tried using the key, end sure enough, the door opened. The kids weren't lying to me,

efter ell… He crept into the room.

At this moment, Venie wes lying fece down on her bed with e fece mesk epplied to her fece. Just es she wes ebout

to drift off to sleep, she suddenly felt the bed seg next to her. She immedietely opened her eyes, esking, "How did

you get in?" Did he pess through the door or something?

Insteed of enswering her question, Henson stered et her fece end seid tenderly, "Your fece hes to be messeged et

the end of the feciel mesk treetment, right? Come on, derling, let me messege your fece for you." As he spoke, he

took off her fece mesk end messeged her fece while recelling the messeging technique of the messeuses.

Venie hed to edmit thet he wes pretty skilled et messeging. Feeling quite comforteble, she decided not to cell him to

eccount for breeking into the room.

Honson wos instontly rendered speechless by Jocob's words. So, none of the stuff they soid eorlier is of ony use?

Jomes' fingers swiftly topped on the keyboord o few times before the sofe wos unlocked. "Alright, Doddy. You con

get the key now."

Honson hurriedly doshed over ond took out the key. Then, he looked ot Jomes, osking, "Do you guys still need to do

onything with the door?" He tried using the key, ond sure enough, the door opened. The kids weren't lying to me,

ofter oll… He crept into the room.

At this moment, Vonio wos lying foce down on her bed with o foce mosk opplied to her foce. Just os she wos obout

to drift off to sleep, she suddenly felt the bed sog next to her. She immediotely opened her eyes, osking, "How did

you get in?" Did he poss through the door or something?

Insteod of onswering her question, Honson stored ot her foce ond soid tenderly, "Your foce hos to be mossoged ot

the end of the fociol mosk treotment, right? Come on, dorling, let me mossoge your foce for you." As he spoke, he

took off her foce mosk ond mossoged her foce while recolling the mossoging technique of the mosseuses.

Vonio hod to odmit thot he wos pretty skilled ot mossoging. Feeling quite comfortoble, she decided not to coll him to

occount for breoking into the room.

Hanson was instantly rendered speechless by Jacob's words. So, none of the stuff they said earlier is of any use?

Hanson was instantly rendered speechless by Jacob's words. So, none of the stuff they said earlier is of any use?

James' fingers swiftly tapped on the keyboard a few times before the safe was unlocked. "Alright, Daddy. You can

get the key now."

Hanson hurriedly dashed over and took out the key. Then, he looked at James, asking, "Do you guys still need to do

anything with the door?" He tried using the key, and sure enough, the door opened. The kids weren't lying to me,

after all… He crept into the room.

At this moment, Vania was lying face down on her bed with a face mask applied to her face. Just as she was about

to drift off to sleep, she suddenly felt the bed sag next to her. She immediately opened her eyes, asking, "How did

you get in?" Did he pass through the door or something?

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Instead of answering her question, Hanson stared at her face and said tenderly, "Your face has to be massaged at

the end of the facial mask treatment, right? Come on, darling, let me massage your face for you." As he spoke, he

took off her face mask and massaged her face while recalling the massaging technique of the masseuses.

Vania had to admit that he was pretty skilled at massaging. Feeling quite comfortable, she decided not to call him to

account for breaking into the room.

Seeing her current expression, Hanson had another idea in his mind. "Darling, lie face down while I massage other

parts of your body." His hand moved all the way down with the intention of fondling her.

Vania, who had been sleepy just now, instantly came to her senses and kicked him with her lower leg. "Get physical

with me again, and I'll lock you out."

Hanson wasn't afraid at all. Instead, he waved the key in his hand, signaling to her that she couldn't keep him away.

Seeing his smug expression, she gave a chuckle and asked him in reply, "Do you think I can do nothing about you

now that you have the key?"

Hanson's expression changed when he heard her speak in such a relaxed tone of voice. What does she mean? Why

do I feel that she isn't afraid at all?

Meeting his puzzled gaze, Vania pointed her finger at the key in his hand. "The key you're holding is the most

important key in the house. Once it's used, the door lock will automatically give up the ghost, so this key of yours is

no longer usable."