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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 642 Bloodthirsty Ares
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Chapter 642 Bloodthirsty Ares

Jugram challenged Tamak in his own style as soon as he heard the effects of his new armor and giantsword from Kahn's system.

[Following are the effects of the legendary rank Balrog Armor set :

Bloodline Transformation :

Allows the host Jugram to infuse his Chaos Demon Bloodline into the armor, thus unlocking all of his abilities that could be previously used only in his true form.

Hell Domain, King of Fire and Chaos Emperor can now be used without transforming into the Diablos form.

All the physical stats and attack damage output has been doubled while using the Balrog Armor set.


Limit Breaker :

The suppression of 20 levels in the host's stats has been halved. Now, general Jugram can use a total of 80% original strength in his legendary rank form.] reported the system.

This also explained the transformation of Jugram suddenly growing those two fiery horns and white hair as part of the true demon bloodline effect.

As for his new dark red giantsword Ares…

This legendary rank giantsword was a 2.5 meter long weapon made for butchering and chopping off dozens of enemies with a single swing. Forget defending… just the impact from this weapon could send the enemies flying.

The weapon itself gave an eerie and dreadful feeling just from the design that had a demonic skull on the guard while two bat-like wings coming out of it. With the dark red blade itself, it looked like the weapon of a demon king that was thirsty for blood.

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[Following are the effects of Ares giantsword :

Blood Sacrifice :

Allows the host to absorb the blood of the enemies to reinforce the weapon and increase its attack power with time.

The more blood absorbed from the target, the higher chances of applying a Laceration effect on Ares which will increase the bleeding effect on the enemies.

Apostle of War :

The more time spent by the host using this weapon during a battle and more critical hits landed on the opponents, the higher critical damage and total damage will be delivered against an enemy.] declared the system.

For someone like Jugram who thrived on battle, both Balrog Armor and Ares were the best tailor-made sets for him. By no means did it fail in front of Kahn's Drakos Armor and Lucifer in any way.


Tamak was thoroughly infuriated at Jugram after being treated like a weak opponent by the enemy despite him being obviously stronger. However, he hadn't made a move yet because not only Jugram's armor and giantsword gave him an instinctual fear as soon as they were revealed… but his transformation where he grew horns and appeared like a war god also made him become cautious.

While he was contemplating how to approach Jugram in a battle, the latter had no intention to give him time to think.

Jugram had already watched Tamak fight through Kahn's shadow and he knew about all the skills of the enemy.


Two massive weapons of both the saints clashed and the impact of a frozen battleaxe against a fiery red giantsword.

Blades of massive icicles formed around Tamak and he quickly slashed the battleaxe to cut Jugram in half.


Jugram was pushed a few hundred meters back. This was a battle of saints. Even a small swing of the weapon associated with world energy and their respective elements was enough to kill thousands of people with a single strike. Thus, just the aftershocks were enough to push your enemies few hundred meters away.

"No time playing around. I'll finish it quickly." spoke Jugram and decided to go all out because soon, there was going to be another battle.

He quickly activated Hell Domain from the get-go and a massive 2 and half kilometer wide infernal domain instantly appeared around them as the whole surrounding was filled with scorching red hellfire.

This was his special saint rank ability that helped him create a 5 kilometers wide battlefield filled with Hellfire. All the enemies in this field would have their strength and defense reduced by 75%.

But because he wasn't in his true form, the current limit was two and a half kilometers while the Tamak only lost 37.5% of his defense.

Jugram activated his Hellblazer legendary class effect.

The temperature of the surrounding 2.5 kilometers was instantly raised to 250 degrees celsius.

Tamak in return summoned an Ice blizzard using his skills in one kilometer radius and tried to protect himself from this intense heat that was chipping down his strength.

But little did he know that once both Hell Domain skill and Hellblazer class effect were activated together… the defensive properties of all the armors, weapons and artifacts from the enemy side would be decreased by 50%.

Under the influence of the Hell Domain, unless the weapons and armors had ice attributes and elemental properties… they would start melting after a few minutes.

But this didn't mean Tamak was impervious to these attacks. Just that he would last longer than those without Ice elemental gear and affinity.

While Tamak was using the world energy and various skills to protect himself from the hellfire, Jugram quickly activated Frenzy Berserker skill.

This was a SSS Rank skill where Jugram could enter a frenzied state for 40 minutes during which, the strength and defense stats would also be raised by 300% while the attack damage would increase by 600%.

Means Jugram who already had double the physical stats because of Balrog Armor, now received 6 times more strength while attacking.

But as if this wasn't enough… Jugram decided to use Marauder King, which bypassed 80% of an enemy's physical defenses. This skill was only usable by those who used a greatsword, giantsword or a battleaxe.

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So only Kahn, Jugram and Blackwall could use it in their group.

And as a result, Jugram launched a barrage of slashing attacks filled with hellfire on already struggling Tamak whose entire body was steadily losing world energy because he was trying to protect himself from the hellfire.

And because Jugram was using his peak level Berserker skills that were far superior than his own, Tamak started losing grip of his battleaxe and also received lots of injuries in the meantime.

But soon, he noticed that the blood that fell from his wounds wasn't dropping on the ground but flew towards Ares as the giantsword was absorbing it. As time passed, the weapon of his enemy was landing even fiercer and more powerful hits.

And finally after 30 minutes of battle… Tamak ran out of world energy. His expression was completely haggard and he was sweating profusely while the bleeding on his body increased because of Ares' Blood Sacrifice and Apostle of War effect.

Jugram was already a better and more experienced fighter than him.

Unlike Tamak who learned his skills in an academy, Jugram learned and perfected his skills on a real battlefield.


Tamak was left speechless as Jugram made a powerful horizontal slash with Ares and shattered his epic rank battleaxe covered in frost like breaking some thin glass.

But before the disbelief in his eyes subsided, Jugram suddenly leaped higher and quickly plunged Ares into Tamak's neck.

"Urrgrgghhhh!!" groaned Tamak as his own blood started choking him.

However, in the following moments, Ares started absorbing all the blood from Tamak's body as it was thirsty from ages.

Jugram then forced down Ares fully and cut Tamak in half without speaking a word or showing mercy.

Even in death, Tamak's mind was utterly shocked because he still couldn't accept that he was killed by Jugram who was one rank below him and supposedly 5 times weaker than him.

With a horrified countenance, his body fell from the sky on the ground while Jugram was looking at other battles with Ares on his shoulder, completely unbothered by the fact that he just killed a 2nd stage saint as he spoke in an exasperated voice…

"What a fucking boring battle."