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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 255
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Special Chapter: Naughty Horse

The twins were amazed to see the horses running on the snow. Their eyes didn’t blink at

all, fixed at the scenery passing by the window.

“Daddy, is that Grandma Diana’s horse farm?” Emily pressed the tip of her finger to the


“Yes, Princess.”

The twins’ mouths spontaneously opened wide. The twinkle in their eyes grew brighter.

“Cool! I thought we’re going to the orphanage first. Turns out we’re not!” Louis was getting

more and more excited.

“Remember, Louis. We have to meet Grandma Diana first. Only after that we can play with

the horses,” Emily said with pursed lips.

Louis pouted, pretending to be sad. The others laughed at his behavior.

Upon arrival at the farm, the twins disembarked with excitement. They looked cute with

their yellow coats. Moreover, the hoods covered their heads, making their faces even


“Uuuh, it’s so cold.” Emily shuddered leaning closer to Louis. Giggling, she imitated their

mother, rubbing her gloved hands together.

“Oh, this place is great! I love this cool air.” Louis jumped up and

down. He could not wait to run through the snow.

“But where is Grandma Diana?” Emily looked around, peering through the top corner of

her sunglasses.

Suddenly, a girl with two braids ran towards them. Her footsteps were as light as her



Without warning, she jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. Everyone was

stunned to see her. Philip even forgot to breathe.

“After so many years, you finally come back. What a surprise! I really missed you, Phil.”

Seeing the girl cup her boyfriend’s cheeks, Barbara frowned. She linked her arm with

Philip’s arm then leaned closer.

“We come to see Diana Johnson. Is she here?”

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The girl finally let go of Philip. “Grandma Diana is at the orphanage.”

Her smile was still warm. However, as soon as she saw the distance between Philip and

Barbara, as well as the ring on her finger, a small frown appeared at the base of her


“Who is this woman, Phil?”


Philip cleared his throat. Patting the back of Barbara’s hand, he answered, “Abigail, this is

my future wife. Barbara Harris.”

Then, he introduced everyone.

“Wow, that’s an even bigger surprise I never imagined Philip proposing to a woman

before. He was the school star who always broke the girls’ hearts.”

Emily’s eyes widened. “Does it mean that Auntie Barbara was great? She can conquer

Philip’s heart!”

“I think it was Philip who was great at winning Auntie’s heart. He was even willing to climb

out of her bedroom window every night.” Louis


Abigail laughed dryly. There was sadness that she didn’t want to show to anyone in her




“I’m happy for you, Phil. You make a great couple.”

Then, before Philip could answer, she turned to the others. “Welcome to DJ’s farm. Let’s

wait inside. Grandma Diana will be here any minute.”

Abigail waved, gesturing for the guests to follow her. Frank and the others nodded, but not

the twins.

“Daddy, can we see the horses?”

“Yes, Emily and I can’t wait to see them up close.”

Their eyes flashed with hope. Frank didn’t have the heart to put it out.” Is it safe here?”

Abigail nodded. “Yes. There aren’t many visitors today. It snowed

quite a lot last night, but we have cleared the paths this morning. So just go! You can see

lots of horses in that field.”

Emily gave a small jump. “Thank you, Abi.”

“Mommy, Daddy, we can go now, right?”

Kara nodded. “Yes, but you have to be careful. Don’t go into the snowdrifts and don’t go

over the fence. If anything happens, ca

The twins showed their sophisticated watches. “Don’t worry, Mor We have these and we

won’t be naughty.”

A second later, the toddlers laughed, running along the ground t was not covered by snow.

Everyone’s hearts warmed watching the


“Do we need to keep an eye on them?” Kara whispered softly.

“No. Let them enjoy their freedom. They rarely come to a place as

safe as this.”

The twins never ran that freely. Their cheeks flushed with excitement.


When they saw the first horse, their excitement peaked.

“Look, Louis! That horse is so cute. He must feel comfortable in his blanket. He’s also

prettier than the one we saw at the zoo!” Emily’s voice was shrill.

“Yes! And he is healthier. Oh, look! There are more of them!”

Without warning, the two ran along the fence.

“Wow, how brave these horses are! I can’t wait to ride them!” Louis

exclaimed in enthusiasm.

However, Emily shrank with furrowed brows. She grabbed her

brother’s coat and tugged at it.

“Louis, what’s wrong with that horse? Is he sick?”

Louis followed Emily’s gaze. A white horse was lying on the snow.

“Should we check it out?” He walked closer.

Emily followed with worry. As they approached the horse, her

shoulders rose to pinch her neck. The horse’s eyes were closed and its mouth was slightly

agape. Only the tail moved. It occasionally


“What should we do, Louis? I think he’s sick.”

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“This is an emergency, Emily. We have to tell Abi immediately.”

Louis tapped his watch. He tried to call Kara, but the signal was cu


“Try yours!”

Emily checked her watch. “There’s no signal either.”

“Then wait here. I will find Abi!”

“I’m coming with you,” Emily held Louis’ arm.



Puffing out his cheeks, Louis patted Emily’s shoulder. “You run too slowly. If you fall, we will

have even more trouble. Just wait here, Emily. Watch the horse. If he gets up, see where

he goes.”

Emily pursed her lips. She glanced at the horse then furrowed her brows deeper. “Okay, I

will watch him, but you have to come back here as soon as possible.”

“If anything happens, just scream, okay?”

After Emily nodded, Louis started moving his little legs along the path.

Suddenly, the white horse got up. Emily flinched. She wanted to call Louis, but her brother

was already quite far away. When the horse started to walk, she couldn’t help but follow it

from the edge of the


“White Horse, are you okay? You’re not sick?”

Suddenly, the horse sank back into the snow. It rolled around, splashing snow at Emily.

The little girl giggled while blocking the flying snow with her hands.

“Oh, you naughty horse!”

At that moment, a flash of light came from behind. Emily turned around. Seeing someone

else’s presence, she gasped. Her feet stepped back, but stumbled. A second later, she

was already sitting in a pile of snow.



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