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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 323
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S31 66. Tighten the Security

“Mom?” Ava held the hand that looked stiff. After a moment of squeezing it, she felt it

twitch. Her mother’s fingers did a move!

Ava gasped. After heaving a sigh of relief, she shook her mother’s shoulder. “Do you hear

my voice? If you hear me, try moving your fingers again.”

Mrs. Connor’s index finger was now moving. Witnessing the miracle, the twins’ eyes lit up.

“Emily, how about we report this to Doctor Wela?”

The little girl nodded. “Let’s go to the gazebo!”

Wasting no time, the two toddlers ran. Jeremy, who was waiting

outside, widened his eyes when he saw their speeds. “Where are you going?”

“Calling Doctor Wela!” The twins didn’t look back. They kept running until they

disappeared around the corner.

Thinking there was trouble, Jeremy rushed in. Ava turned out crying while hugging her


“What happened?” he asked while observing the situation. The indicators on the monitor

appeared normal.

“Jeremy?” Ava wiped her face then straightened up. While holding back a sob, she smiled.

“Earlier the twins were singing to my mothe They introduced themselves and then gave

my mother a few words Suddenly, my mother’s fingers moved. My mother started to wake


Jeremy stared for a moment. He never knew that Ava’s face could be that bright. Her eyes

even sparkled. “Congratulations, Ava. Your waiting has finally paid off. Soon, your mother

will wake up.”

Ava nodded quickly. Her happiness was still at its peak. She was no longer aware that she

was holding Jeremy’s hand tightly.

Jeremy didn’t comment either. Actually, there was a strange feeling tingling in his chest.

But he thought, he was just happy about Mrs. Connor’s progress.


“Mommy, Daddy, aren’t we great? We managed to throw a lively party. Then we managed

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to get Ava’s mother to move.”

Louis’ voice was very weak. His eyelids occasionally closed. However, he still tried to stay


“Yes,” Kara rubbed his head, “you are really great. Mommy and Daddy are even more

proud of you.”

Louis raised the corners of his lips slightly. Her mother’s praise never failed to lighten his


“When do you think Ava’s mother will wake up, Mommy? Ava looked very happy earlier.

She will definitely be happier when her mother wakes up,” Emily continued in an unclear

voice. Her arms alm go of Yemon, having not enough strength. She was also at the a

beautiful dream.

From the other side, Frank ran his fingers through Emily’s hair. Doctor Wella said Mrs.

Connor’s progress is very fast. I’m sure will recover quickly.”

With the remaining strength, Emily forced a smile. “Thank goodnes hope she wakes up

before Auntie and Philip get married. That wa Ava can also have fun at the party.”

“If you want Mrs. Connor to get better quickly, you have to cheer he up more often. That

means you must have a lot of enthusiasm an energy. Do you know how to get those two

things?” Kara raised a

eyebrow, demanding an answer.

“Eat nutritious food and get enough rest,” the twins answered weakly.

The curve of Kara’s lips widened. “That’s right. Therefore, you guys have to sleep.”

“We took nap twice, Mommy. We’re not sleepy yet,” Louis shook his head slightly.

“Yeah, we want to do a lot today,” Emily tried to lift her eyelids higher, but failed.

“But we will go to the zoo in the morning. You should take enough


Emily’s lips pursed slightly. “I know, but can Daddy read a story? The book is in the bag.

Louis and I chose it especially for tonight.”

Frank glanced at Kara. The wife smiled resignedly.

“Okay, I will take it.” Frank got out of bed.

Meanwhile, Kara stroked the chests of her two toddlers. “While waiting, why don’t you

close your eyes? It can save energy.”

“Good idea, Mommy,” Louis adjusted the pillow so that his h straighter. He thought he

would not fall asleep that way.

However, when Frank returned, he and Emily were already aslee Their breathing was so

calm, and their mouths were slightly a

“Are they sleeping already?” Frank asked through his mouth.

Smiling, Kara nodded. After kissing the twins’ foreheads, she and Frank left the room.

Jeremy turned out to be waiting for them.

“Hi, Jeremy. Why haven’t you slept yet?”

Before Jeremy could speak, Frank interrupted, “You can’t sleep because you can’t stop

thinking about Ava?”

Jeremy frowned. “Why would I think about her?”

Frank shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows, you may still be haunted by the hold of her


Jeremy blinked. “What hand?” His voice was stiff.

Smiling mischievously, Frank took out his phone. “You forgot that the room is monitored by


A sigh escaped Jeremy’s mouth. “She’s too happy. The hand holding didn’t mean anything.

Don’t exaggerate it.”

Kara smiled faintly. In the past, Jeremy always teased Frank. She understood that her

husband was happy to turn things around.

“Frank,” Kara touched the arm at her side, “I’m going to the bedroom. If you still want to

discuss about Ava, please look for another place. Don’t let the twins get disturbed because

Jeremy is acting up.”

While Jeremy raised an eyebrow, Frank kissed Kara’s forehead. “Don’t wait for me. Just

sleep. Digging up information about Ava from Jeremy will definitely take time. She’s

embedded too deeply in


Jeremy took a quick breath. As Kara left, he grumbled, “Have enough of teasing me?”

Frank patted Jeremy’s back once, inviting him to walk. “I won’t b satisfied until you

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confess. You’re interested in that girl, right?”

“This is not the time to talk about love, Frank. There are more se things to discuss. The

security team has finished checking.”

In an instant, the curve of Frank’s lips disappeared. “So?”

“There are no traces or anything suspicious.”

Frank’s eyebrows moved down. His head tilted slightly. “Could it

that I saw wrong?” he muttered.

“I saw it too,” Jeremy nodded stiffly. “It disappeared towards the north. Someone had to be

controlling it from that direction.”

Frank squinted. “Have you received news about Sophia?”

Jeremy shook his head. “My informant just confirmed that the news is true. Sophia was

indeed demoted from her position. But now she has disappeared. I asked several people to

trace her whereabouts.”

Frank nodded. “What about her parents?”

“They were throwing a party in a neighboring town, with Moore’s extended family.”

Frank was pensive. He was sure he would definitely be discussed at that event. “We have

to remain alert. Moreover, the kids have a lot of agenda with Grandma over the next few


“You think they’ll go after the twins?” Jeremy lowered his volume.

Frank blinked firmly. “They have a habit of attacking the opponent’s weaknesses. Through

the drone earlier, they must have finished analyzing what is most valuable for me.”

Jeremy took a deep breath. Responsibilities piled up on his shoulders. “Okay, I will tighten

the security of the twins and Kara.

Frank’s index finger suddenly shot up. “And Mrs. Connor too.”

Jeremy’s brows immediately furrowed. “We’re having a serious conversation, Frank.”

“I’m serious. Sophia must hold a grudge against Ava. She has helpe us. We have to protect

her too.”

As silence hung in the air, regret grew in Jeremy’s chest. He knew h reacted too quickly.

“Okay, I’ll take care of her too. Is there anythin else?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!