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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 168 - A Pawn In Her Hands
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Michael stood outside the Chairlady's office, his hands shaky. His face looked like he had come face to face with death as it was drained of all color. The last thing he expected to hear was Liam calling Catherine 'Mom'.

There had always been that connection but he chose to ignore it, he chose not to doubt Catherine even when everything pointed that she had lied to him. At that moment in front of her office, he connected the lines. Liam was Catherine's son, whom she had kept away because she didn't want Nicklaus to find out about him, for reasons he didn't know. She adopted him, in Liam's stead; she took care of him like her own son and made him the CEO, so any harm that wanted to come to Liam would be borne by him. He was just a pawn in her hands, one that she would surely get rid of when she didn't need him anymore.

Michael's hands fisted on his sides, and he turned around painfully. He knew how wicked Catherine was but he had always expected that she would be different to him, for over 15 years of living together, how did he not know that he was just a pawn? He had worked hard just to please this woman, but every single thing he did was just making a bed for Liam to lie on. He was his shield, a bulletproof, adopted to take every pain that could ever come to Liam, how pathetic!

Michael's throat tightened as he walked away from the door and to his office, his eyes clouding. Now he knew why she didn't want him out of her sight; now he knew why she wanted him to remain in her home. It wasn't because she loved him, it wasn't because she cared, it was just to be a perfect cover for Liam. A fool he had been all these while.

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But he couldn't go to her and tell her what he found out. She was only keeping him alive because she needed him, if she found out he knew, she would kill him. Catherine Wills never showed mercy, she was a ruthless person; he had seen her ruthlessness on many occasions.

But what would he do? Would he remain a slave to them until they needed him no more? Or should he run away with the money he has and start a life in another country?

Michael sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. He had always lived his life so freely and casually, not knowing that his life had always been in her hands. Even if he ran to the artic, she would find him there and rip out his soul. That was who Catherine Wills was, once she set her eyes on you, you are as good as dead.

Tiana covered her face with both hands as she wiped the tears away from it. She didn't know Nicklaus had gone through so much pain; to watch your parents slowly slip away in front of you, when you could do nothing about it, that was the most painful thing that could ever happen to a child. A child of eight! God, she cannot even imagine how growing up with all those nightmares was. Without anyone to talk to, anyone to lean on, it must have been terrible.

''God, I'm so sorry. '' She reached out to hold him, and squeeze his hand.

Nicklaus smiled; ''It's okay; it's a long time ago. ''

Tiana hiccupped; ''Did… did you see the person's face? Did you see the face of the killer? '' Nicklaus's throat clenched as a wicked glint flashed through his eyes; ''Yes, I did.''

Tiana's eyes widened in shock, ''who was it? Who were they? '' her heart slammed against her chest painfully,

''Beautiful, it's really complicated, but I'll do my best to explain it to you. The person who killed my parents is still walking free. She was my father's secretary and when he was alive. She was obsessed with my father and when she got to know that he was to marry my mom, she drugged him and slept with him, so she could have a baby with him and make him marry her. But when my father realized what she had done, he didn't still want her, rather, he paid her off with a company and a huge lot of money to take care of her baby and never return again. But she was not satisfied, she wanted my father and since she couldn't get him, she decided to go after his company, and the only way to do that was to eliminate the entire family, which in turn makes her son the next heir to the Howells Corporation.

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But her plan failed when she couldn't find me, and ever since, she had been under tight security, knowing that her plot must have leaked one way or the other.

''Why is she still walking free? Why didn't you report her? '' Tiana asked, rage coursing through her, she couldn't believe someone capable of such wickedness could still be walking the face of the earth!

''I was scared at that time, and then I didn't know her, but as I grew up and found out who she was, I knew it would be better to have my revenge myself. The laws would do no justice to the pain and anguish I went through for years on end. ''

Nicklaus only knew he was gripping the glass cup hard when Tiana's palm covered his, caressing it. He eased his palm and tried to calm himself.

''So this is why you find it difficult to sleep… '' Tiana said to herself, feeling guilty that she had accused him of using her; she even called him a monster.

She felt like slapping herself on the face. What kind of a person was she?

Her lips thinned and she hugged Nicklaus comfortingly;

''I'm sorry for all the harsh words I said to you, I wish I knew this earlier, but then it doesn't justify my actions, I'm so ashamed right now. '' she buried her face deep in his chest, and Nicklaus kissed her hair.