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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 The Mysterious Man

Mike happened to overhear the conversation and frowned. Then he turned to look at Isabelle, wondering if she

was playing any tricks to get his attention. However, no matter what tricks she played, they would all be in vain.

Throughout the class, Ethan was somewhat distracted. His mind was filled with the scene of Isabelle grabbing

the boy's collar and forcing him to apologize. Ethan was secretly excited. After class, a few boys gathered


“Ethan, is that fat girl from Senior 3 Class 3 your sister? Really? How cwe've never heard you mention that

you have such a fat sister?” “If your sister eats so much, your family must be well off, right? Why don’t they have

money to treat your foot? Are your parents biassed?” “I think his sister ate all of the money for his treatment.

Just look at their clothes and shoes. She probably ate their family into poverty. Haha!” Ethan sat in his seat and

clenched his fists tightly. “Hey, are you guys really siblings? How cyou're so good at studying and your

sister is so bad? | heard she only gets five or ten points on her tests. | could score more than that with my eyes

closed.” Ethan almost broke the skin of his palm. “Hey, how can you say that? You should say that if you put the

answer sheet on the ground and step on it, you could get four or five right. How did your sister get such a low

score? Haha!” “My sister is not stupid!” Ethan could not stand it anymore and raised his head. “Well, she’s not

stupid. She’s idiotic! Haha!” The boys laughed and walked away. Ethan's face turned red. It was unknown

whether it was from anger or embarrassment. Isabelle sat in her seat, lost in thought. She did not even have a

cell phone, so she needed to get smoney first. She could not do a lot of things without money. After thinking

about it, she realised that all the ways she could get money were somewhat on the edge of legality. The teacher

was lecturing passionately, and when he saw Isabelle staring out the window in a daze, he was immediately

displeased. “Isabelle?” “Isabelle!” The teacher was furious that Isabelle was not responding to him.

“Speople, even with their poor family and personal conditions, refuse to strive to improve themselves and

will only waste tand life. Not only do they affect the whole class, but they also drag down the overall

performance. They are simply pests of the class.” “Are you talking about me?” Isabelle turned her head. All eyes

in the class were on Isabelle. Who else could he be talking about? “It’s good that you're self-aware. Cup and

solve this.” The teacher tapped the blackboard, and without waiting for Isabelle’s response, he sneered, “Forget

it, just sit down. Your brain can’t comprehend this anyway.” Isabelle stood up. “What are you doing? Do you

really think you can do it? Hurry back to your seat and don’t waste everyone's time.” “Teacher, just let her. If

she’s not afraid of embarrassing herself, why should we?” The students all wanted to watch Isabelle make a fool

of herself. Isabelle ignored them. Then she walked to the podium, picked up a piece of chalk, and started writing.

Unlike Isabelle’s beautiful handwriting, Blood Shadow’s writing was crisp and decisive. It had vigorous and

graceful strokes, and her penmanship was ten times nicer than the teacher's. Under the astonished gaze of

everyone, Isabelle filled the blackboard with solutions, which were even simpler and easier to understand than

what the teacher had taught in class. The steps to solve the problem were clear and concise. At this moment,

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the crowd waiting to see her make a fool of herself slowly fell silent and they were all looking at Isabelle in

disbelief. The teacher stared at the blackboard and adjusted his glasses. As the last stroke fell, Isabelle threw the

chalk down and said to the teacher, “Since you're a teacher, you should have better inner quality.”

Then, she returned to her seat. The teacher was left speechless, his face flushed. After a while, he said, “It's just

blind luck!” _ After the self-study session in the evening, Ethan thought Isabelle would wait for him, but she did

not. When she was almost home, she saw Ethan walking in front of her, limping. Considering how he was called a

cripple at school today, it was clear that Ethan was bullied at school no less than she was as a fat girl.

Unfortunately, she does not have any money or silver needles now. Otherwise, she would not mind treating her

brother's foot. Isabelle quickened her pace to catch up with Ethan. When Ethan saw her, he glanced at her and

then turned his head away. Isabelle did not mind. The two of them did not talk a lot anyway. “Are you going to

take the college entrance examination seriously?” Ethan suddenly asked. “Of course.” How could she, Blood

Shadow, be at the bottom? When they got home, Isabelle changed her clothes and was about to go out for a

night run when Eleanor asked her to wash the dishes. Eleanor would leave the dishes in the evening and she

would usually wait for Isabelle to wash them after she cback from self-study. Isabelle turned to glance at her

and then ignored her. “You ungrateful girl!” Eleanor cursed in anger. Ethan put down his school bag and silently

went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. As she stepped out of the front door, Isabelle could still hear Eleanor

yelling at her son to go back to his room to do his homework and grumbling while she washed the dishes.

Isabelle had been controlling her diet and persisting in running every morning and evening. The results were

astonishing after just a few days. She had slimmed down noticeably and even her chin had becsharper. Her

meal card was out of money, so Isabelle decided to skip dinner altogether. She did not plan to ask Eleanor for

money because she was unsure if she could control her temper amidst Eleanor’s constant grumbling. * After her

evening run and a shower, she went back to her room to sleep. At the stime, she would wonder about

where she could quickly get smoney. Suddenly, Isabelle’s ears twitched. Immediately, she rolled out of bed

in response. A group of outsiders had intruded into the urban village shrouded in darkness. A man, clutching his

gunshot wound, was darting around the old residential area, fleeing for his life. Then she stumbled and fell to the

ground. The people behind him had not caught up yet, so the man took a brief rest. Under the moonlight,

Isabelle crossed the front hall and appeared in the courtyard. It was late April, so the sweet osmanthus in the

courtyard was in full bloom, filling the air with its fragrance. The man, disregarding his image, slumped against

the wall.

His abdomen was stained with blood

and his breathing was erratic.

Suddenly, the man sensed something

and abruptly looked up as the door of

the house swung open. Upon

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catching sight of the man’s face,

Isabelle raised an eyebrow. He

seemed familiar. She quickly

searched her memory and

successfully identified the man from

a wealth of information. Isabelle then

stepped out of the courtyard and

crouched down. Clutching his

abdomen, the man gagpedC GoBack

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inside if\loD dbf't want to die.” To his

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surprise, the fat girl asked calmly, “Do


you need help?” The man looked at

her in astonishment but at the same

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time, he remained cautious. “You're

ang P

not critically wounded, so you won't

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die. Although | can't guarantee that if

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the bleeding doesn't stop within half

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an hour,” Isabelle said, glancing

nonchalantly at his injury. A series of

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orderly footsteps approached, clearly

belonging to well-trained individuals.

Isabelle had exceptional hearing, and

the man heard it too. Therefore, he

immediately bechighly alert.

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However, to the man’s surprise,

Isabelle remained remarkably calm.

f q

She took a pen from the man’s suit

pocket and, under his puzzled and

wary gaze, used it to roll up his sleeve

to reveal a small section of his wrist.

She was acting as if she found the

blood on his hand repulsive. After

that, Isabelle wrote a series of

, 0

numbers on the man’s arm with the

pen. Then she capped the pen and

returned it to its original place.


Isabelle said, “Enter through here and

exit through the back door. If you

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survive, don't forget to transfer


money to my account.” The man

stared at Isabelle. However, before he

could ponder further, the footsteps of

the pursuers grew closer. So, he

struggled to his feet and entered


Isabelle’s courtyard. Just as he

departed, several men dressed in

black arrived. The content is on

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