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His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 340
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Chapter 340 The Kiss


“…Or do I need to prove myself?” Logan asked, his voice dropping to a husky tone.

I stifled a laugh. “Prove yourself? How?” I asked. Logan sighed, his blue eyes flashing with something

that I had only seen once or twice. “However you want,” he said. “I care about you, Ella. I don’t want to

see you get taken advantage of by a strange man.”

Logan’s insistence brushed against my senses like something abrasive. My rational mind sneered at

his domineering tone, casting him in the role of an entitled Alpha.

However, as I silently reminded myself, our dynamic wasn’t simple-and it never had been. Another part

of me, the deeper, primal part, welcomed the possessiveness that he was exhibiting now. My wolf

stirred, urging me to lean into him, to seek his protection and warmth.

But I would not let that part of me take the lead. Not now.

“Logan,” I said, attempting to instill some reason into the mounting tension, “You’re being utterly

ridiculous. You do realize we aren’t actually…” I lowered my voice. “… Together, right? And even if we

were, I’m allowed to have friendly conversations with others. If you’re going to drag me to events like

these, then I deserve at least that. And for the record, it’s not as if I accepted Devon’s invitation to his

jazz club.”

Logan’s jaw set stubbornly, and his gaze hardened. “I’m not jealous,” he stated flatly. “Just worried,

that’s all.”

But his eyes, those ever-expressive blue depths, betrayed him. I couldn’t resist a smirk. “Oh, really?

Because every line on your face right now screams otherwise.”

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His lips pursed, and I could see the twinge of annoyance in his face. With a teasing lilt, I prodded,

“Come on, Logan, just admit it. You’re a tad green with envy.”

His fingers drummed on my waist. Clearly, my teasing was hitting its mark. With a resigned sigh, Logan

ran a hand through his hair. “Alright, fine. Maybe I am a little jealous. You are my fated mate, Ella. Deny

it or not, it’s the truth. So, sue me if I get ticked off seeing some strange guy cozy up to you.”

I blushed, heat rushing to my cheeks. Looking away, I whispered, “I’ve told you before, Logan. I

rejected your matehood. Remember?”

His fingers caught my chin, gently forcing me to meet his gaze.

“I don’t care if you did,” he murmured, his voice rough and deep. “Rejection or not, you are still my

fated mate. It’s instinct, it’s primal, and it’s beyond my control. If someone so much as glances at you

the wrong way, I will react. I can’t help it.”

The sincerity in his words resonated deep within me. My wolf stirred, her voice whispering, a soft

undertone that only I could hear. “He truly cares, Ella. Look at him. He has shown time and time again

that he wants to change, that he’s worthy.”

Ema was right, to an extent. But even then, Logan’s past made me hesitant. We were from two

completely different worlds. I still wasn’t ready to fully lean into this bond, into whatever it was between

Logan and me.

Seeing the myriad of emotions flitting across my face, Logan’s expression softened. He reached out,

fingers brushing against my wrist. “Ella…”

I shook my head, needing a diversion from the whirlwind of feelings threatening to consume me.

“Logan, we have more pressing matters at hand. Your father, Leonard? What are we going to do about


For a moment, Logan looked as though he wanted to persist with our previous topic, but the mention of

his father brought a shadow across his features. He looked away, evasive.

Seeing him dodge the topic only intensified my need for answers. I reached out, cupping his face with

both hands, forcing him to look at me “Logan, you can’t avoid this. What’s your plan?”

His cerulean eyes met mine, but he still said nothing. I squared my shoulders, pushing aside the

conflicting urges. “Logan,” I whispered so as not to be overheard, my voice firm. “We need to discuss

your father. Right here, right now. Don’t think you can just handle it behind closed doors and sweep it

under the rug.”

The music still played in the background, couples dancing and conversations buzzing around. It felt

both intimate and suffocating, as if the world had both shrunk and expanded in the same breath.

His face paled slightly. As his gaze darted around the room, a flicker of an idea lit up his eyes. With no

preamble, he leaned in close, his voice a demanding whisper. “Kiss me.”

I recoiled, confusion mingling with surprise. “What?”

He didn’t respond, merely repeating his command, this time with an edge of urgency. “Kiss me.”

There was something in his eyes, something that told me to trust him just this once. So, I bridged the

gap between us, pressing my lips to his. An electric shock coursed through my body at the sensation of

his cool lips on mine, and I instinctively found my fingers working their way through his hair, lingering on

the nape of his neck as his own arms encircled my waist.

Initially, it was reluctant, tentative, but as the seconds stretched, there was a warmth, a connection, and

his intention became clear. Through our Mindlink, a bond exclusive to our kind, Logan’s voice echoed,

soft and reassuring.

“You don’t have to go through with this engagement party if you don’t want to. Just say the word. I’ll

handle everything.”

His voice was a balm, but his words sent a ripple of concern through me. “But will you be okay with

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your father?”

He hesitated, just a fraction too long, but it was enough for me to catch the undertone. “He’s my father,

Ella. He can’t be too harsh on his own son.”

Yet, beneath his voice, I felt the lie in his words. My wolf sensed the unease, the strain that Logan tried

so hard to mask. As we broke apart, I pulled away from him, my eyes searching his, a storm of

emotions swirling within.

“I don’t trust your words,” I whispered, my voice tinged with sadness and resolve.

“Ella, I…” Logan glanced down at the floor, his cheeks tinged a slight shade of red and his dark hair

slightly tousled after our kiss.

“I mean it,” I murmured, looking away myself. “You’re trying to take one for the team here, but I won’t let


Somehow, in that instant, I made my decision. Before Logan could even respond, I pivoted on my heels

and made my way toward Leonard. My steps were sure, even if my heart was a cacophony of beats.

Stopping just behind him, I gently tapped his shoulder.

Leonard turned, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. Taking a deep breath, I graced him with

a radiant smile.

“You’re right, Leonard. It’s high time my parents met the man their daughter is engaged to. I’ll speak to

them today. We’ll prepare for a formal engagement party.”

The shock registered clearly on Logan’s face, his jaw slackening, his eyes widening. Harry, too,

couldn’t even hide his surprise. His smirk, that omnipresent smirk, faded momentarily, replaced by a

genuine astonishment at my poise.

The tables had turned. And for that fleeting moment, somehow, I finally felt as though I had the upper

hand over Leonard and Harry.