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Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 253 Bingo! Found You!
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Mingling within the crowd, a man in an ordinary attire pulled the long front of his cap downwards while watching Butler Sheng and Zhulyn place the crystals and stones on the vehicle's boot.

And in a whispery tone, he spoke into his earpiece.

"Darkness, they are about to leave. Keep a close yet distant space when leaving Burming Street." The man said in a cold tone.

And on the other side of the receiver, a playful voice echoed out.

[Ahh... Boss, with our men around, we can clearly take out this useless pauper. So why go through all this? I'm sure that if we kidnap and threaten it out of him, the weak link would definitely give us what we want while wetting himself like a baby.]

"Just do your job and follow orders."

[Yes. Yes. Yes, boss. Will do.]


The phone call ended with the man staring at Dorian's vehicle driving away.

And not long after, another ordinary vehicle followed behind it, after leaving Burming street.

Kidnap, hold hostage and threaten Dorian?

If he was sure of Dorian's situation, then this might've been the way to go.

However, his gut feeling told him that things might not go too well in that regard.

Though they haven't seen the Gias, Gias, and Hous sending secret guards to spy on Dorian, who knew if these prominent families had more skilled people sent in?

There was so much to consider here. And maybe from another distance, there might be another sniper somewhere.

This Dorian was holding some secret information that kept these 3 families humble.

So attacking him out in the open might yield no results.

Their only bet was to do so in his estate.

But for that, they would need an inside man.

The man pulled his hat down, vanishing within the crowd like an illusion.



The vehicle drove into the estate. And soon, Dorian stepped out of the vehicle, staring at the gate with a slight smile on his face.

He almost forgot that he had mortal enemies too.

If it were others who came into this world, they would immediately tale out that uncle of his and reclaim their many companies.

But where did he have the time to focus on business now?

He planned that after the academy ran for a while, then and only then would he deal with Wwi Kwo.

For now, he could let the fellow jump about like a clown.

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On the other hand, it might not be his uncle after him. After all, according to his memory, there were quite a lot of people that always jumped about his face like clowns too.

Dorian shrugged his shoulders, paying no attention to the matter.

From what he saw, they were only here to spy on him.

For now, they didn't seem to have the guts to infiltrate his estate.

Entering the state, Butler Sheng assisted him in taking off his coat.

"Tell Haru and Chan-ki that tomorrow, you'll take these materials into the academy."

Butler Sheng nodded vigorously. "Yes, Grandmaster."

And right on cue, they saw all 4 heading towards them.

Bewoh, Raulin, Chan-ki, and Haru.

Bewoh and Raulin had stayed in the waste, while Haru and Chan-ki had just returned not too long ago from the academy.


They saluted.

And very quickly, Raulin pushed his glasses in, stepping forward.

His expression was stern and urgent. But it wasn't just him, as Haru also had the same look.

Oh? What could have happened?

Dorian stared at them deeply.

"Speak. What did you notice on the Academy grounds?"

"Grandmaster, there seems to be development in the forbidden forest!"

Raulin's entire body shook the more he retold what he experienced.

The more he spoke, the more chilled his body felt.

The injury on his chest was proof of the horror he faced.

That beast was like something out of this world. And what was even sticking was that it wasn't evil. It didn't contain any evil aura around it. It was just a beast... But one he swore to have never seen in his life!


If not for the Grandmaster's escape talisman, he would've been long dead!

Next time, he would never try to go close to its nest again!

The corners of Dorian's mouth lifted.

"No need to worry yourselves. There's a reason why it's forbidden."

Everyone's body trembled, listening to Dorian's casual words.

Blink. Blink.

Raulin's relay of the events that took place was enough to make their blood freeze.

But the way the Grandmaster spoke allowed them to have a glimpse of just how dangerous the place was.

Curiosity had also gotten the better of them, wanting to see just what Haru and Raulin had seen too.

Good training ground!

This was their thought, even with all the dangers around.

But the beast wasn't the only shocking thing about the place.


From Raulin's words, a thick and choking fog appeared out of nowhere when he infiltrated the site.

And the next thing he knew, he was fighting several mutated plants with sharp teeth the size of fangs.

But that wasn't all.

Apparently, some creatures had also begun to change, and the trees were now growing taller and taller at an astonishing rate.

Raulin mentioned that in some regions, the ordinary grass that should be toe level had now shot out, reaching his forehead.

There, he felt like an ant moving within the terrain.

And in other places, though the grass was kept low, the stony ground itself was too weird and strange.

Across the Academy grounds, many beasts resided in various regions from ordinary to strongest, based on the rich and thick qi.

The forbidden forest was forbidden for a reason.

It should be noted that where there's a disaster, there's bound to be treasures and goods.

Thus, over time, the most available and rarest cultivation resources would spring up from these places.

However, only those with access and enough strength would be able to enter this region.

For now, Butler Sheng and the rest in the 1st Fan could do so.

But as time goes on, it would be impossible for someone at that level to enter.

It should be noted that just like Butler Sheng and the rest that are new to cultivation, it wasn't long before the academy grounds were created.

So as the years go by, the forbidden forest would also grow stronger.

He was afraid that the animals and creatures from the forbidden forest would venture out towards the other regions because the richness and vast terrain of the forbidden forest was like another world all on its own.

A majority of beasts wouldn't want to leave.

But of course there were always those that would.

And that's why there's a protective formation around the residential zones at night.

But more than anything, something else caught his attention.

A Glindorine in the academy?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

His eyes narrowed.

Change of plans.

"Tonight, everyone except Sheng will come with me to the academy grounds."


Raulin and Haru glanced at each other tactfully.

It looks like the Grandmaster was determined to catch that thing.


Like so, the gang disappeared, planning to head out by nighttime.

It was just a little over 6 PM, so they had ample time to round up their duties.

From the corners of her eyes, Alice watched Dorian step into his parent's bedroom chamber with a deep hatred burning in her eyes.

She had no reason to feel this way.

Maybe because of her many attempts to expose him, as well as the frustration of working here, she just hated him with a burning passion that couldn't be quenched any time soon.

To her, the world seemed so unfair putting a talent like her in here to wind her days with some half-dead people when she should be out on the field making an even bigger name for herself.

Alice bit her fingernails, giving Dorian a last look before stepping out of the house for some time alone to think.

She was now off work and could do as she pleased.

The only rule was that she should be back 1 hour before lights out.


With her back straightened, Alice walked out of the building, heading straight for the gates.

And the more she looked around, the more annoyed she was.

'What a pretentious group of Tians! They don't even have a gardener, yet they dared to make the Hous transfer those patients here? Did they think that the Hous have money to throw around to just about anyone?'


Alice kicked a pebble in anger while inwardly screaming in resentment.


If those plastic friends of hers know that she was working here after all the bragging she did, do you know how much they would laugh at her?

She, one of the geniuses and envy of her medical institute, was working here for a pauper?


How long is she supposed to put up with this?

Alice wanted to die!

And as though the heavens had finally heard her prayers, the money she stepped out of the estate in rage, a few men suddenly smiled within their vehicles.

One of them had a playful look on his face.

With the level of psychology he mastered, how could he not read her body and facial movements accurately?


"Call the boss. I think we found our inside man... Or should I say, woman?"