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Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 491  Provocations
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Chapter 491  Provocations

Steadily, the vehiclerode off, away from the turbulent atmosphere surrounding the region.

"Raulin, have Elders Hou, Ghu and Gia send people as planned."

Of course, he can do everything on his own, but because he is mostly focused on exorcism, Dorian knew he needed trusted hands and feet in various positions within the many companies stretched out.

And that's where the help from the Ghus, Gias, and Hous comes to play.

Don't think he is requesting 10 or 20 people?

No. He is asking for over 300 people which is nothing to these big families who have many companies scattered abroad and in the country too.

The Ghus had even more company branches in the country, and pulling out 1 or 2 top-notch people from each of their branches alone should be able to make up the 300 he requested and more.

But he didn't want to, allowing the Gias, Ghus and Hous to send a collective group of 300.

He wanted to send them in groups of 10 to each Tian branch company in the country and send 20 to the headquarters.

In addition, he will also need the Gias to specifically select top-notch Assassin grade guards they trained to protect these people in both Headquarters and branch companies and make their presence known to many.

To stand up to the masses they must have a well-protected guard team with them always so they can do their work more effectively.

Raulin's eyes flashed with a bold light, thinking it was about bloody time they straighten things out once and for all.

Understand that once this is finished, there will be no more rigorous association attempts, no more nuisance and more importantly, no more looking down on the Grandmaster!

Just who does everyone think they are to look down on the Grandmaster?

Whether they were heading to an auction home, or even visiting popular places known and used by high society, everyone treated the Grandmaster like dirt.

But after this, everyone will give the Grandmaster the respect he truly deserves.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Trust him, it won't be long before what they did here circulates to the upper class, making everyone's attitude subtly change to neutral, at least until the war against these shareholders is won.



Raulin couldn't stop smiling no matter how hard he tried.

Soon, it will be their turn to show the world just how misguided they were in ever believing their Grandmaster could be put down!


In the meantime, many countries around the world began preparing the world began preparing for the grand annual military competitions, to prove with country coups produce the strongest military powers in today's world.

Don't think this was just some everyday competition as many could best.

die during this time.

The competitions were fierce, brutal and were for the best of the best.

Every nation sent only their Herculian teams, those with given strengths, reputations and accomplishments to take the stand.

There was Marksmanship, hand combat and all sorts of deadly survival tasks, including team survival and eliminations deep in targeted jungle regions, to see how they fare.

It was like a true simulation of how actual deadly Triple-S class missions went.

Assume the worst and take it Goddamn seriously if you want to make your country proud.

Knowledge was also tested, as well as hacking skills, and other methods of survival.

They could also dump them in a city, asking everyone to survive for 3~5 days without getting caught by the police or military.

Their tests also involved reaching the main testing building before the deadline expired or they were out.


Understand that these competitions were mind-boggling, bringing out all sorts of technology many could only see in movies.

No joke, there were times when some participants used their best makeup and disguise techniques, changing from men to old women in a flash.

They did it so well, even their military supervisors couldn't recognize them when bypassing and even standing face-to-face with these people on the streets.

Some specialized in hacking, others specialized in tracking, and some used mind games to keep everyone running in a loop, sometimes thinking they were in particular places when they were in other opposite locations.


Once in the competition, everything is tested.

How will you fair when you enter enemy cities and have to live as a spy when the enemy knows what you look like?

Think fast! You have to rescue your target and they know you are in the city.

How do you evade the many street cameras, and many officers looking for you?

The moment these participants get dropped into the city, their names enter the database as criminals, asking every police officer on duty to be on the lookout for them.

Many police officers don't even know these people are participants in a competition.

Some truly believe they are criminals, but since what they did isn't made known, the officers can't take the risk of targeting these 'criminals.'

That's why police officers are told never to engage or stop these people but to act as eyes and ears for the military.

If they see these people, contact your station and the military personnel waiting there will do the rest like Skynet, sending their For all you know, they could be hackers, who didn't do anything to physically hurt a person.

forces wherever the need emerges from.

The term criminals don't necessarily mean these people on the list murdered someone.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

For all you know, they could be hackers, who didn't do anything to physically hurt a person.

In other words, they might be geeks who have never worked out in their lives only doing things online as they pleased.

In that case, should they be treated the same as murderers?

It was precisely because no police officer was told what these so-called criminals did, that they never dared to engage with these people when spotted.

Maybe the military was attracted to the talents of these people, and that's why they labeled them as criminals.

So why risk disrupting the military because of their stupid actions of getting involved when they were told to strictly stay away and act like birds, seeing everything and reporting back?


All in all, all nations began preparing for the grand military competitions.

But why... Why did the people from Vardos country, their hosts, strangely provoke them by requesting they bring in more people as though saying they can't win with their puny numbers? Dammit!

So what if Vardos is one of the world's leading nations?

How dare they look down on them this much?


Many slammed their fists with fury, gritting their teeth so hard one could hear their gnashing from a mile away.

"Alright! If it's a fight they want, a fight they shall get!"

"Evertlne, you better train hard till you DIE during these few weeks of grace before we live. None of you will disgrace our Trigumn 


"Son of a B**ch!... They dare look down on our Jailang Country? Hehehehehe~... Good..Very Good! We will show them the ferociousness of Jailang!"

"Why the hell are up sissies still sleeping? Get up and give me 200 pushups and 300 frog leaps now! Boy, why is your mouth opened in shock? Or do you think I will allow you all to embarrass our Gillian Country out there? Impossible! I'll kill you all before that day comes."

"Hmph! Vardos... Vardos... just you wait and see who will be on top!"
