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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 - Endless Embarrassment

At thismoment, time seemed to freeze as their eyes met.

At thismoment, there seemed to be an awkward atmosphere in the air, and a cold sweatslid down Yang Yi’s forehead.

At thismoment, Yang Yi wanted to drill a hole in the ground and dared not lookdirectly at Mo Fei.

But he suddenlyhad an idea, forced out a smile and said, “Well, you said it hurts, right?Let me take a look.”

Xixi had noidea what was happening under the table. She found that she couldn't understandher parents’ conversation. With a puzzled look, she looked at her father for awhile, then she looked at her mother for a while.

Mo Fei’sface was very hot, especially when she was watched by her daughter. She bit herlower lip and said angrily, “I’m fine! Why don’t you let go!”

Yang Yisuddenly realized what he was doing and hurriedly let go of her feet, but thesoft and smooth feeling on his fingertips seemed to linger.

They thenlowered their heads and kept silent with tacit understanding.

They didn'tsay anything, but Xixi had something to say. She pestered her father and said,“Papa, help me get the celery out. Xixi doesn’t like celery.”

Yang Yi wasashamed in his heart. This time, he stood on Mo Fei’s side. He coughed twiceand said, “No, Xixi, your mother is right. You have to eat everything! Eatsome celery, it’s good for your stomach.”

Celery isrich in vitamins, carotene and many kinds of mineral elements needed by thehuman body. it has the effect of invigorating the stomach and promoting bloodcirculation, clearing the bowel. Xixi usually eats a lot of meat and likessweets. Sometimes, she has upset stomachs, which is caused by unbalancednutrition!

“Papa,can you get some out, and I’ll just eat a little bit?” The little guybegan to bargain.

Mo Feiactually did give Xixi a little too much celery. Xixi wrinkled her nose like bittermelon.

Yang Yi hadno choice but to take some away for Xixi, and the little girl reluctantly ate severalsticks of celery.

Finishedeating, Xixi pushed the bowl, jumped down from the chair and said, “I’mdone!”

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Then she scrambledto her feet and ran away for fear that her father would let her eat celeryagain.

Yang Yi andMo Fei both watched helplessly as their daughter ran away to play with her toys,but when they turned around, they made eye contact and the embarrassmentreturned.

The two seemedreally not used to this feeling of being just the two of them. They were more awkwardthan strangers. And not only awkward, but there was also a kind of inexplicableambiguity that made them feel uncomfortable from time to time.

“Cough,cough, you should eat more celery, too.” Yang Yi tragically found that hecouldn't leave the topic of celery tonight. In an attempt to ease the silence,he tried to make conversation, “You have an upset stomach. I will try tomake stomach-nourishing Chinese food for you these two days.”

Mo Feicouldn’t help asking, “How do you know I have an upset stomach?”

Mo Xiaojuanknows her situation better, but Mo Xiaojuan and Yang Yi don’t deal with eachother, so they basically don't interact with each other, so it’s impossible forMo Xiaojuan to tell Yang Yi!

Is it Xixi?

“I sawit on TV.” Yang Yi scratched his head, thought about it carefully, andsaid, “Probably on Guanzhou TV's 'Have Something to Say to You'.”

This is atalk show. Before Mo Fei released her album, she accepted the company's arrangementto attend it once. At that time, Yang Yi was watching TV at home with Xixi. Heaccidentally pressed to their channel and watched it for a while.

Mo Fei wassilent. She didn’t know how to express it, or she didn’t dare to express it.She felt warm in her heart and was moved.


In the evening,Yang Yi moved to the guest room to sleep, while Mo Fei and Xixi slept in themaster bedroom. Although they will be sleeping in Yang Yi’s bed, Yang Yichanged the sheets and quilts.

Moreover,Yang Yi's room was clean, almost spotless. It was the first time Mo Fei stayedin it, but it was more comfortable than a hotel's bedroom and her own bedroom.

As she layin bed, the scent of soap from the pillow emanated out, and before she knew it,she gradually fell asleep.

A nightwithout words…

The nextday, just after dawn, Mo Fei was awakened by the chirping birds outside thewindow.

Although shegot up early, she also went to bed early. Mo Fei stretched out and got out ofbed. She opened the curtains and looked at the banyan tree outside the balconyand the Grand Canal in the distance. Mo Fei only felt refreshed and comfortable!

Not tomention Mo Fei’s state after getting the two songs of “Mu Li'ang”some time ago, Mo Fei hasn’t slept well since she decided to make a comebackfor more than half a year.

She has beenunder a lot of pressure!

Only today,in Yang Yi’s bed… cough, cough, it should be said that it was in Yang Yi’s bedthat Mo Fei found the feeling of sleeping comfortably for the first time inhalf a year.

There wasalmost nothing to worry about, and she slept until dawn.

It was stillearly. Mo Fei looked at the time, closed the curtains, and then sorted out her nightdress,which has been a little loose from sleep. She hesitated, didn’t put on hercoat, pushed open the bedroom door and went out.

However,there was no sign of Yang Yi at home!

“Wheredid you go?” Mo Fei saw that the room where Yang Yi slept was also emptyand the beds were neatly arranged. The only difference from the military campwas that Yang Yi no longer folded the quilt into tofu blocks, with edges andcorners.

In thebathroom, Mo Fei saw that her hair was messy and her eyes were still a littlepuffy after she woke up - she was still very beautiful. She was so startledthat she didn’t bother to go find Yang Yi. She hurriedly went back to get a facialcleanser and skincare products and went to the bathroom to wash and take careof it.

After anunknown period of time, Mo Fei finally finished taking care of her image, andjust as she was cleaning up the mess, there was movement outside.

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Mo Fei, worriedabout Xixi, hurriedly opened the door. After coming out, she ran into Yang Yiby chance, who came back from exercising and shopping.

When Yang Yigoes to exercise, he usually wears relatively simple clothes. Today, he was wearinga sports vest, which was wet with sweat. His strong muscles looked like theyhave been rubbed with oil, which stretches the sport vest tight.

The strongvisual impact almost suffocated Mo Fei.

“You,you…” Mo Fei stammered, her heart beating wildly, a hot feeling spreadfrom her chest to her neck, and then her two delicate ears were dyed red.

“Yourawake?” Yang Yi was also a bit flustered. He quickly skimmed over Mo Fei’sbody and face, then lifted the bag in his hand and said, “I went to buyvegetables, and that, that, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.”

Mo Fei didn’t even knew how sexy she was right now!

She was talland beautiful. She managed her image well in the morning, looking as beautifulas she usually does. What Mo Fei didn’t notice was that the nightdress she waswearing had a wide opening in the neckline.

Yang Yi’sglance over her swan-like neck, her V-shaped exquisite collarbone, her delicateand clear skin, and her looming mountains.

AlthoughYang Yi wasn't green and inexperienced anymore, he has been suppressed for toolong. Moreover, he didn't know why but he has a special attraction to Mo Fei.At this moment, Yang Yi felt that his little brother was swelling rapidly…

Are youkidding me?

Afraid ofmaking a fool of himself, he couldn't even speak properly and hurriedly raninto the kitchen.

Mo Fei wastoo preoccupied with her own thing that she didn’t notice Yang Yi’s strangeperformance. She went back to the master bedroom and sat down for a long timebefore she calmed down.

“Howcan you be so lacking in self-control?” Almost at the same time, both MoFei and Yang Yi were secretly blaming themselves.


P.S. Shout out to Edward B. Thanks for the support. I appreciate it very much.

TN: If you like my translations support me in ko-fi: .